五年级上册unit3(B)Let's talk 教案

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五年级上册unit3(B)Let's talk 教案

Teaching Plan Teaching Content: PEP Students’ Book 5  Unit 3 (B)  Let’s talk Students: Grade 5 Teaching Aims:  1. students can finish “Let’s try” by themselves 2. students can read and translate the text. 3. students should know and express : “What’s your favourite …..?”  “ I like…”  “ I don’t like…” 4. students can use these sentences in their daily life. Teaching Emphasis: students should know and express : “What’s your favourite …..?”  “ I like…”  “ I don’t like…” Teaching Difficulties: students should know and express : “What’s your favourite …..?”  “ I like…”  “ I don’t like…” Teaching Materials: tape 、pictures Teaching Steps:   Step 1: Warm—up 1. greeting and sing a song  (歌词见附1) 2. listen to a beautiful song (课本36页)   Step 2: Introduction 1. find out the student on duty today and the student make a dialogue with his friends. Try to use : “Are you hungry?”  ” What do you have for…”  “ Do you like…?” “ I like…” 2. the teacher and the students make a dialogue. (The content: 1. teacher shows some pictures and students say the names of the words 2. teacher asks the students whether they like them. If the students do, do this  . If they don’t , do this ) 3. students try to express their ideas by using this: ” I like… Because ……….” 4. other students describe the sentences like this: “ She likes ……Because…….” 5. teacher introduces “I like…..” “I like…better.” “ I like …best.” “So my favourite food is ……” 6. teacher explains ”favourite” favourite 形容词  最喜欢的   pay more attention to the pronunciation of this word   one minute to remember the word 7. make phrases with favourite :“ favourite food”  “favourite drink”  “ favourite clothes”  “ favourite animal” 8. make sentences with favourite:“What’s your favourite food?”   “What’s your favourite animal? ” “What’s your favourite drink?” 9. practise: “ What’s your favourite food?” “My favourite food is…….” 10. ask and answer in pairs and finish the chart. (表格见附2)  Step3 : Presentation 1. teacher asks questions: “We know our friends’ favourite food, but do you know Chen Jie’s and Sarah’s favourite food?” OK, listen and find out. 2. students listen to the tape without books. 3. find out these questions: “What’s Chen Jie’s favourite food?” “ What’s Sarah’s favourite food?” 4. open the books and listen to the tape. 5. read after the tape. 6. two students in a group and read the text. 7. have a role play. 8. show them the pictures and lead them to express “I like….” “My favourite ….. is ……”   ①  in a restaurant ② in a supermarket 9. students make a dialogue.  Step4 :  Practise 1. teacher speaks Chinese, students translate them into English together. 2. boys and girls have a competition , translate the teacher’s sentences. 3. finish “Let’s try” 4. listen to a song.(课本36页) 5. do some exercises (练习见附3) 板书见附4                             附1:歌词   Apple round, apple red, apple juicy apple sweet.   Apple apple I love you. Apple sweet I love to eat. 附2:表格   Name           Favourite food           Favourite drink           Favourite animal           Favourite clothes           Favourite coulour           附3:练习  选择适当的单词 1. I like apples, but my brother ______(like,likes)pears. 2. ________( What’s , What)your favourite food? 3. I like fish. _____ (It’s, They’re) tasty. 4. I don’t like grapes. ______(It’s, They’re) sour. 5. ----What’s your favourite food? ----My favourite food is _____(fish, milk)         附4:板书 Unit 3 (B) Let’s talk I like …  She likes….. I don’t like…..           “I like…..” “I like…better.” “ I like …best.” “So my favourite food is ……” favourite 形容词  最喜欢的 What’s your favourite food? My favourite food is…..

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