三年级unit3 let's paint lesson 1教案

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三年级unit3 let's paint lesson 1教案及教学反思

教学目标:   1. 能听懂、会说How are you? Im fine./Fine, thank you. 等问候语。   2. 通过创设实际情景,让学生能在相应的情景中准确运用以上句型。  3. 培养学生正确、自然的模仿语音、语调的能力。 教学重点:How are you? Fine, thank you. 等问候语的学习。 教学难点:   1、 How are you? 的得体运用。   2、Fine, thank you.中 fine 一词字母 i 的发音不容易到位。 教学过程: 热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision) 师生同唱head shoulders knees and toes   呈现新课 (Presentation   1. Daily talk  T:hello、good morning/afternoon. what s your name?   S: my name is...   T: nice to meet you.   S: nice to meet you, too(学生常常忘记说too)也可开火车形式进行)   2. 教师举起miss white 头饰说“ this is miss white. 与学生打招呼”hello/good morning/afternoon. i m miss white. nice to meet you学生回答, too. 用同样的方法介绍mr black    3 .教师走入学生,问一名学生“good afternoon. nice to meet you. how are you?   S: fine, thank you.(问已经会说的学生或者提前准备)   询问学生听到了什么句子。学生会模仿出来,教师再教。   how are you? 提醒学生将嘴巴长大,fine,thank you。可以用拆分法,以问答形式讲整句话让学生说出来。    趣味操练 (Practice) 1. fine, thank you 是比较难发的句子,应加强操练。以开小火车的形式,要求学生一一准确说出。同时提醒学生fine和thank的发音   2. 游戏   ①教师快速叫学生的名字,how are you,***? 学生迅速以fine, thank you回答 ②同桌或全班学生互相击掌问好 T: good moring. how are you?(击掌) S: fine, thank you.  ③ 竞争性活动。第一个学生问how are you第二个回答fine thankyou 然后继续问下一个学生。培养学生一定的竞争意识,有利于活跃课堂气氛,刺激不专心的学生。   3.3.(简笔画)介绍miss green Miss white:good morning, Mr black :good morning. Miss white:this is miss green Miss green:nice to meet you Miss white:nice to meet you, too. 听录音,询问学生听到什么具体内容。    Add-activities  演唱歌曲 hello, hello, hello,hello, hello. how are you? hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, how are you? i m fine, im fine. thank you thank you very much. i m fine, im fine. thank you thank you very much.    Bb design  Unit3 Lets paint     Good morning. Good afternoon. How are you?   Fine, thank you. 教学反思 本课时继续教学最简单也最实用的问候语。学生掌握情况良好,发音比较准确 ① 在教学how are you时,应不断提醒学生张大嘴巴方可发对 ② 问答时,循序渐进 How are you?-fine ---------------------------------- How are you? -Fine, thank you. ③ 不断给有能力的学生发言机会,但要注意机会的均等。不可忽视沉默的学生,多鼓励。 不足: This is.. 是第二单元的重要句型,学生掌握情况不够理想。        

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