Book5 Unit3 What’s your favourite fo

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Book5 Unit3 What’s your favourite food? 教案

Book5 Unit3 What’s your favourite food? A let’s try教案 教学重点   询问和回答三餐所吃食物的句型:What do you have for lunch today?I have……   教学难点   What would you like for lunch?和What do you have for lunch today?的不同用法。   课前准备   1.教师准备教学过程中所需要的图片、声音、课件,以及所学食物的单词卡片。   2.教师准备相关媒体的播放设备,如录音机、投影仪、幻灯片等。   教学过程 一.Warm-up  (热身) 1.Free-talk 2.播放本单元歌曲《What Do You Have for Lunch?》,向学生呈现本课教学内容,让学生在欣赏歌曲的同时感知本节课的新语言。     3.教师播放上节课Let’s chant的儿歌,学生说唱,复习所学食物单词。 教师引导学生围绕What would you like for lunch?进行问答练习。   二.Presentation  (新课呈现) 1.听录音Let’s try 做完题目后,引出本课重点句型What do you have for lunch today?并让学生对这个句型和上一节课学过的句型What would you like for lunch?作对比。     观看动画素材比较这两个句型的区别。   学生观看动画或录像素材。   教师根据学生的理解情况可再随意说些句子让学生理解What would you like for lunch?和What do you have for lunch today?的不同用法。   启发学生比较What do you have for lunch today?和What would you like for lunch?的不同, 说出What do you have for lunch today?的功能。   情景对话   教师将所学食物卡片放在饭盒中,请一名学生上前来递给他饭盒,然后说:Here’s your lunch. What do you have for lunch today?启发这名学生根据单词卡片的内容用I have…来回答问题。 以上活动进行几轮以后,教师将What do you have for lunch today?I have…和What would you like for lunch?I’d like…的卡片贴在黑板上。 教师领读,学生以接龙的形式让学生依次操练What do you have for lunch today?I have…的语言结构。   2.Let’s talk (1)学生看动画,回答问题。   1.What are they talking about? A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner 2.Who is hungry?  A.Mike  B.Sarah   (2)教师播放录音,学生跟读句子。   (3)学生分角色表演对话。   三.Exercise  (练习) 学生两人一组,每人发一两张小实物图片,把他们的铅笔盒当做饭盒,用What do you have for lunch today?I have…谈论今天吃的午餐,   Ask and write   启发学生说说提问早餐和晚餐吃什么的问句:What do you have for breakfast/dinner?同时板书显示breakfast和dinner。   四.Consolidation and Extension   出示本部分Good to know食物,教学生读出这些中国传统食物的英文名称。 适当为学生介绍一些中国的饮食文化。   五.Homework Make a menu.It must be tasty and healthy.(制成表格形式,含一日三餐,给学生示范)  

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