

时间:2021-10-02 15:14:08 备战中考 我要投稿


  glad ?


  [误] His parents were very glad for his success in business.?

  [正] His parents were very glad of his success in business.?

  [正] His parents were very glad to know his success in business.?

  [析] "为……感到高兴"应是be glad of something或be glad to do something.?

  glass ?

  [误] The old teacher has two pair of big glass.?

  [正] The old teacher has two pairs of big glasses.?

  [析] glass作为"眼镜"讲,应用复数形式,在英语中手套gloves 裤子pants,剪刀scissors均用复数形式。glass作"玻璃杯"讲时则可用单数形式或复数形式,如:I want two glasses of milk. 而作为物质名词"玻璃"讲则要用作不可数名词,如:The boy broke two panes of glass.?

  go ?

  [误] -Mary, could you come to my home now??-Yes, I'm going. ?

  [正] -Mary, could you come to my home now??

  -Yes, I'm coming. ?

  [析] go是指离开说话人所在地,而come指的是朝向说话人的方向:如:Come here!Can I come and help you?但在口语中也有一些例外,如表示要参加到某人或者某件活动时常用come, 如:We are going to have a party tonight. Would you like to come with us??

  gone been ?

  He has gone to Shanghai. 指此人已去上海不在此地了。?

  He has been to Shanghai. 指此人去过上海现已回来了。

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