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初二英语常见的语言语法错误教案   具体内容: > 符号的左边表示错误句子或短语,而符号右边表示正确的  (1)“a” vs. “an”冠词 a 和an的错用 an unified team > a unified team a ugly shirt > an ugly shirt a same book > the same book They ran restaurant. > They ran a restaurant. Do you have book? > Do you have a book? the nature > nature the France > France (2)open / closed spelling 单词的合与分 We lived there for awhile. > We lived there for a while Everyone of these cups is empty. > Every one of these cups is empty. I wish that some body would help me. > I wish that somebody would help me. (3)“some”or“any”是some还是any He didn’t talk to somebody. > He didn’t talk to anybody. Would you like anything to drink? > Would you like something to drink.? (4)adverb placement 副词的位置错误 I walk hardly ever in the winter. > I hardly ever walk in the winter. He will get now the flu. > He will get the flu now. (5)adverbs or adjectives是形容词还是副词 He is extreme happy. > He is extremely happy. I felt true sorry for you. > I felt truly sorry for you. It cleans clothes good. > It cleans clothes well. I felt badly about his problem. > I felt bad about his problem. (6)agreement with“here”/“there”倒装句的谓语错误 Here comes the two men. > Here come the two men. She thought there were enough time. > She thought there was enough time. (7)comparative/ superlative比较级和最高级的错误 This is the most pretty doll of all. > This is the prettiest doll of all. My cat is more fat than my dog. > My cat is fatter than my dog. She is the fluentest in Russian. > She is the most fluent in Russian. (8)continuous or simple tense进行时态与一般时态的错误 You are believing her stories sometimes. > You believe her stories sometimes. Now I am understanding you. > Now I understand you.  (9)double negatives双重否定的错误 I can’t hardly understand. > I can’t understand. or I can hardly understand. There is no doubt but that she will win. > There is no doubt that she will win. (10)idiomatic expressions短语的错误 In the other side or On the other side > On the other hand be interested with > be interested in compare against > compare to (11)infinitive or“ing”form? ‘to do’ 还是‘doing’ The student appreciated to get help. > The student appreciated getting help. Before to go to bed, he read. > Before going to bed, he read. The citizens refused paying higher taxes. > The citizens refused to pay higher taxes. (12)mass vs. count errors单复数的错误 I have so much deer! > I have so many deer! There are less mistakes in this document. > There are fewer mistakes in this document. Do you have any question? > Do you have any questions? or Do you have a question? His face lit with excitements. > His face lit with excitement (13)少介词 I don’t agree him. > I don’t agree with him. They arrived school on time. >They arrived at school on time. (14)pronoun errors代词的错误 between you and I > between you and me She visited me and my brother. > She visited my brother and me. a friend of me > a friend of mine (15)reflexive pronoun errors反身代词的错误 They have not known themselves for long. > They have not known each other for long. The dust accumulated itself in the corner. > The dust accumulated in the corner. I complained myself about the weather. > I complained about the weather. (16)sentences with “ if ” 条件状语从句中的错误 If we will go tomorrow, we will call. > If we go tomorrow, we will call. If we have bread, we could enjoy the meal. > If we had bread, we could enjoy the meal. (17)subject-verb agreement errors 主谓一致 The page of revisions are ready. > The page of revisions is ready. A number of important items remains. > A number of important items remain. Many belongs in this box. > Many belong in this box. Either the boy or the girl are giving the talk. > Either the boy or the girl is giving the talk. (18)verb tense时态的错误 The weather probably changes next month. >  The weather probably will change next month. He lived in Paris since 1984. > He has lived in Paris since 1984. He will call us when it will be ready. > He will call us when it is ready. (19)word order errors词序的错误 The both students wrote good papers. > Both the students wrote good papers. I lost my some money. > I lost some of my money. We found small various insects. > We found various small insects. The teacher was too much strict. > The teacher was much too strict. 【典型例题】 改错 1. Hold it in your right hand, how I told you. ___as____按照……去做 2. How did you like a film? ___the ____ 3. I think here’s the letter for you. _a___ 4. The tomatoes are my favorite vegetable.去掉the 5. I am agree with you. 去掉am 6. I’ll phone you if I shall arrive. 去掉shall 7. He is 35 years. 在years 后边加old 8. Come at four o’clock to my office. 把 at four o’clock 放在句尾 9. You look beautifully.  beautiful   【模拟试题】(答题时间:70分钟) 一. Find the word with a different sound in each group. 1. A. museum   B. minute   C. menu   D. music 2. A. play   B. plate C. make   D. plant 3. A. hope B. hobby C. sorry   D. holiday 4. A. knife   B. life C. nine D. live   二. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. 5. Help__________ to the fish, boys and girls.(yourself, yourselves) 6. These coins are___________(Tom and Mike, Tom’s and Mike’s). 7. Some of the ___________ are very young.(teachers, teaching)   三. Choose the word or expression which is closest in meaning to the underlined part. 8. Perhaps the watch is his. A. Maybe  B. May be  C. Can be  D. Must be 9. Pleased to meet you. A. Glad  B. Sad C. Love  D. Well 10. The weather there is quite cool. A. quiet  B. very C. quick D. fast   四. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms. 11. How well can you speak__________.(Japan) 12. My sister teaches__________  English.(she) 13. — What’s the weather like today?  — It’s__________.(cloud)   五. Choose the best answer. 14. It’s time _______ get up. A. for B. to C. of D. in 15. There are three hands on _______ face. A. it B. it’s C. these  D. its 16. My father _______ football matches every week. A. looks B. sees C. reads D. watches 17. _______ bats are these? Perhaps _______ hers. A. Whose, it’s B. Whose, they’re C. Who, these are D. Who, are 18. They are reading _______ now. A. Lesson Twelve B. the Lesson Twelve C. Lesson Twelfth   D. the Lesson Twelfth 19. — Who likes English?  — I _______. A. am B. do C. like D. likes 20. What do you usually do _______ the weekend? A. in B. at C. on D. for 21. Do you have any lessons _______ every day? A. in B. on C. at D. / 22. _______ the night of October 1, we often watch fireworks. A. In B. At C. For D. On 23. Spring and autumn _______ nice in Shanghai, _______ ? A. are, is it B. are, are they C. is, isn’t it D. are, aren’t they   五. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms. 24. Let Tom__________(clean)the fridge. 25. Mary__________(go)over the lessons every day. 26. Listen! Who___________(sing)an English song?   六. Rewrite the sentences as required. 27. It is hot today.(改为感叹句) ________ __________ it is today! 28. They often listen to tapes in their English class.(划线提问) ____________do they often ____________ in their English class? 29. The shirt is thirty Yuan.(划线提问) __________ ____________ is the shirt? 30. We needn’t write it down in o











考研英语总结 常见近义词辨析04-27