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  Module 8   题目 Changes(变化) 题材 (主要) 内容 Amy到Lingling家做客时,对Lingling家的几张老照片产生了兴趣。Lingling告诉Amy那是爷爷、奶奶年轻时以及自己小时候的照片,并拿出现在的照片进行对比,谈论以前和现在的变化。 教学目标 语言 知识 目标 功能 谈论过去与现在的变化。 语法 (结构、 句子) 一般过去时: I was two. They were young. She wasn’t tall then. She was short.   词汇 听 能在听录音的过程中从语句中辨别单词:who, grandparent, then, me, hair, so 说 能在说句子时候正确使用单词:who, grandparent, then, me, hair, so 读 能在图片的提示下、在语句中正确朗读单词:who, grandparent, hair 写 能够正确拼写单词:who, me, so 语言 技能 目标 听 能听懂对过去事物进行描述的句子。 说 能够对过去事物的状态进行描述并与他人沟通。 读 能够在图片的帮助下指读课文。 写 能够看图抄写出对过去事情的状态进行描述的句子。 学习策略 对所学的内容能主动练习和实践。 文化意识   情感态度 让学生在新旧生活的对比中,更加珍惜现在的美好生活。 任务 课后回家拿出自己和父母的旧照片,用所学过的知识对父母和自己的变化进行评价。   Module 8 changes Unit 1 I was two 《英语》(新标准)三年级起点,第四册 作者:张丽  作者单位:  山东省邹平县韩店镇中心小学  邮编:256209  联系电话:13792281245  电子信箱:lilizhangdcba@126.com 一、 教学内容: 《英语》(新标准)三年级起点第四册 Module 8 changes unit 1 I was two  课时:一课时 授课年级:小学四年级 二、 教学目标 (一) 技能和知识目标 1、 基本能听懂会说,会读,会写grandparent, then, hair, was, were 2、 基本能听懂,会说,会读句型:I was….. They were….. 3、 初步掌握词汇so 4、 巩固复习词汇big, small,tall,short,long,fat,thin,old,young及句型I’m…..who is that little girl? It’s….. (二)能力目标   学生能够运用Was和were来描述过去,介绍自己或他人过去的事情。 (三) 素质教育(文化,情感态度,策略)目标 (1)  培养学生主动用英语与他人交流,能积极与他人合作,共同参与,合作完成学习任务。 (2)  通过对本课的学习,让学生学会对事物进行分析与观察,培养学生的观察能力和判断能力。 三、 教学重点和难点 (一) 重点 1、  词汇:grandparent,then,hair,was,were 2、  句型:I was….. They were…… (二) 难点 Then 的发音。 四、 教学用具 教学用书,录音机,磁带,照片,单词卡片,多媒体课件 五、 教学和活动过程 Part1:热身复习 1. Sing an English song 2. T: Hello! Boys and girls! How are you today? I’m very happy to see you again. Are you happy? Please look at the screen, do you know these words? Very good! Stand up. Ok! I give an example:“old, old ,it’s old. Yong ,young, it’s young.” Let’s say them together.(Point to the screen) 3. Now let’s play a game, If I say long, you should say short If I say big, you should say small. Are you clear? Listen carefully Part2:导入 T:You’ve done a good job and you’re cute, I want to be your good friends, How about you ? First, let me introduce myself. My name is zhangli . I am 28 years old. I am tall, I am thin. My hair is long. (hair,hair, point to your hair please ) Would you like to introduce yourself. You can use these words, Practise  with you  deskmate ,  Then tell us.  Part3:操练与指导 ① T: What’s your name? S1:......... S2:………… T: who are they? They are…… Guess its meaning. 跟读并板书 ②  课件出示老师小时侯的照片 T:look, who is that  little girl? Guess. S: Guess…. T: It’s me I was sixteen, then(那时) (拍手说句子,按上下左右由慢到快的原则)Please take out your photos I was sixteen, then How about you ? S1…….,s2…….. T:Look, my hair was so short, now my hair is long (let Ss say it one by one) ③  课件出示玲玲祖父母年轻时的照片,并问,Who are they? Ss:Guess Do you remember lingling? She is our old friend. They are lingling’s grandparent. Grand,grand,grandparents(拍手说)they were yong,then. Part4 训练大本营 1.  Listen to the tape,read the dialogue 2.  Discuss in groups then ask and answer ①  How old was lingling,then? ②  Was lingling’s hair short or long? ③  Were lingling’s grandparents old? 4. 课件出示(我能行) Part5 完成运用任务,猜猜我是谁? T:Boys and girls Today I invite three superstars   然后分别出示成龙、姚明、刘翔小时侯和现在的照片,老师用I was….,then 解说 Who am I? Ss Guess. Part6 Homework Talk about the changes such as our school,you T-Shirt,your family. 板书: Module 8 changes Unit 1 I was two   I was two, then   They were young, then                  


新标准小学英语《How many》教案11-14








