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The Explanation of Teaching Section A,Topic1,Unit 8of Grade Eight Class:Class 4Grade 8

Time:Friday,May 15th,2009 Instructor:Chen Lianlian

Ⅰ.Anaylysis of the teaching material.

Section Aplays an important role in this unit.It's in preparation for this unit.

This unit mainly talks about clothes and wearing clothes custom.All the students are interested in this topic.So it is helpful to improve their interest of learning English and their spoken English

Ⅱ.Teaching aims and demands 1.The aims of knowledge A.Revise some English names of clothes.

B.Learn some English names of clothes.

C.Grasp the structures of"so…that…"

2.The aims of abilities To develop the students ablities of speaking,listening and writing.

3.The aims of emotion A.To learn to help each other B.Tofinish the task together.

Ⅲ.Key points and Difficult points 1.Key points To learn some English names of clothes and grasp the structures of"so…that…"

2.Difficult points To grasp the structures of"so…that"and understa nd the structure of"where to buy…".

ⅣThe Languages Points 1.It feels quite soft and smooth 2.I like it so much that my father bought it for me.

3.My old coats are so old that Iwant to buy some ones.

4.Do you have time tomorrow?

5.Could we meet at the gate at 8:a.m.?

6.Could you tell me where to buy ascarf?

Ⅴ.Teaching Aids Multi-media pictures.Powerpoints,Radio and so on

Ⅵ.Teaching and Learning Method Analysis Five-Step-Method,Task-based language teaching approach,

Multi-media teaching method

ⅦTeaching Procedures Step 1Review Revise some English names of clothes Use powerpoint to show some pictures of clothes,let the students revise some English name of clothes.

T:1.How do like this coat?

2.What do you think of this skirt?

3.How about this kind?

Step 2Presentation 1.Learn new words.

Use powerpoint to show some pictures,then learn some new words Task 1Work alone listen and finish 2.

Task 2Listen to the tape and answer the questions and lead 1a Let the students listen to 1a and answer the following questions on the screen.

1.When will they have aclass fashion show?(They will have afashion show next Monday.)

2.What will they do after talking?(They will go shopping.)

3.What does Jane want to buy?(She wants to buy some new coats.)

Step 3Consolidation In this step I"ll prepare two tasks.

Task 1Reading I"ll let the students read 1a and find difficult point.The teacher explain them.

Task 2Speaking and finishing 1b Let the students look at the pictures on the book and finish 1b.

Step 4Practice Make sentences with"so…that"according to the multi-media pictures.

Task 1Task 2

Step 5Project(If we have time,we can do that in class.If we have no time,we'll do that out of class.)

The teacher explain difficult point.

1.Excuse me,could you tell me where to buy ascarf?

句中"Where to buy…"是"疑问词+不定式"结构,疑问词who,what,which,when,where和how后加不定式仍具有不定式的性质,在句中可作主语,宾语,表语等.例如:

①I don't know what to do.

②Could you tell me how to do this thing?

2.You can go to the Women's Wear Section on the third floor.

Women's Wear Section女装区,Men's Wear Section男装区,Sportswear Section运动服装区,Shoes and Hats Section鞋帽区。

on+the+序数数词+floor在第几楼如on the the second floor在二楼,:on the first floor在一楼(on the ground floor英式英语)

Task Reading and Writing(Ask two students finish them on screen)

Make similar dialogs according to 3and finish 3

Step 6Summary Step 7Homework 1.Write apassage on what people usually wear in different seasons using the structure of"so--that---".

2.Finish the exercise of Section AinUnit 8Topic 1in the workbook.

Ⅷ.Blackboard design Unit 8Topic 1What anice coat!

Section A

1、new words:



2、Usefull expresions

①It feels quite soft and smooth.

②I liked it so much that my father bought it for me

③My old coats are so short that Iwant to buy some ones.

④Do you have time tomorrow?

⑤Could we meet at the school gate at 8a.m.?

⑥Could you tell me where to buy ascarf?











an en in教学设计04-28
