
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】




  自2010年9月入职以来,我一直都很享受这份工作。我到公司已有3个月了,这3个月里,虽然我的工作并不是尽善尽美,但在公司同事们的帮扶、辅佐,尤其是上级的信任与支持下,我也要求自己尽心尽职,凭心而论,领导青睐器重,同事齐心融洽,这真的是我工作以来,所遇到最好的工作环境。感谢上级对我的信任、栽培及包容,也感谢各位同事给予的帮助和关心。在公司的三个月里增加自己的一些知识和实践经验。我对于公司对我三个月的照顾表示真心的感谢!。 。我常想,自己应该用一颗感恩的心,去回报上级以及公司对我厚爱,在这要感谢一位人,那就是我的主管。孙泽凡孙主管。她真的教会了我很多。不管是工作上还是生活上,真的非常感谢她!真的想用自己的努力去做好您交给的每一份工作任务,所以在工作中如果有什么失误与不足的地方,说声抱歉,望原谅!还有的我的同事们。跟他们在一起工作我很开心!我们一起共进退。在这也非常的感谢他们对我的关心照顾!在睿仕酒吧真的有太多太多我放不下的东西了!







  Hello! Above all, thank you very much this * year will be opposite my accredit and keep an eye on. Feel feel sorry to my abdication.

  This paragraph of time, I reviewed the working case that this half an year comes to seriously, feel to come Xx hotel work is me is lucky, all the time since I also value this job very much, the boss cares to mine and this half an year is taught more let me will be very obliged. In the much time of half an year that works in Xx guesthouse, I acquire a lot of things, no matter be intercourse respect still is an upright person,the respect had very big improvement, acknowledgment boss cares to mine and foster, to me at the moment leave me to be able to express deep regret only.

  Be very obliged this job gave me to exercise an opportunity very well, but at the same time, my him disclosure pursues this job unable to do what one wants very much to do, long job lets me have bit of be unable to stand. I decide reason abdication, ask you to support. Ask you to understand the decision that I make, also hope you can understand my abdication. Hotel leaves after my general accomplishs the end of the year to end, so that complete the work,have sex.

  I am very regretful cannot be the will contribute oneself tomorrow force with Xx brilliant guesthouse. I wish heartily only the outstanding achievement of Xx guesthouse all the way violent wind rises! Work of boss and each staff is great! Salute of of Your’s sincerely !

  Abdication person: Date