
八年级英语第二十六单元A good doctor-八年级英语教案-英语教

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八年级英语第二十六单元A good doctor-八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力


八年级英语第二十六单元A good doctor-八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力



(1)fall off the bike从自行车上摔下来

(2)hurt oneself伤着自己

(3)teach oneself自学

(4)enjoy oneself过得愉快



(7)the Shute family舒特一家

(8)get dressed穿衣服

(9)help oneself (to)自用,随便吃

(10)be up起床

II. Grammar:

1.情态动词can / can’t及过去式could / couldn’t的用法。



A. Grammar :



e.g. a) Could you ask him to call me , please ?


(2)表示“过去能够/有能力……”,could / couldn’t是can / can’t的过去式,在这种情况下,can与could不能互换,can表示现在或目前的状况,而could表示过去的状况,两个词有时间上的差别。

e.g. a) Could you swim two years ago ? 两年前你会游泳吗?

No , I couldn’t . 不,我不会。




myself yourself himself herself itself


ourselves yourselves themselves


① (all) by oneself 独自,靠某人自己。例如:

e.g. a) She can do it all by herself .


②hurt oneself 伤着自己,受伤。例如:

I hope she didn’t hurt herself . 我希望她没受伤。

③teach oneself . . . =learn sth . by oneself 自学。

e.g. a) She teaches herself English .

=She learns English by herself .

④buy oneself sth . 给自己买某物。

e.g. a) I can buy myself lots of good things .


⑤enjoy oneself 过得愉快(=have a good time)。

e.g. a) I always have a good time .

=I always have a good time .

⑥look after oneself 自己照料自己。

e.g. a) He could not look after himself . 他不能自理。

⑦wash oneself . 自己洗漱。

e.g. a) He could not wash himself . 他不能自己洗漱。

⑧help oneself to . . .请随便(取、吃什么东西)。

e.g. a) Help yourselves to the cakes . 请随便吃些蛋糕。


1. Her first ride on a bike . 她第一次骑自行车。


e.g. a) Go for a ride in a car . 乘车出去兜风。

(2)这是一个用作解释插图的词组。插图说明往往只要求言简意赅,可以不用句子而用词组来描述即可。如插图3的说明:A swimming lesson .插图6的说明:Help ! Not so clever !

2. Look at this photo of Lily .看莉莉这张照片。

this photo of Lily强调的是“照片中的人物就是莉莉”。

假如要强调这张照片归莉莉所有,要用Lily’s photo .

3. She’s falling off her bike . 她正从自行车上摔下来。

fall off =fall down from 意思是“从……上摔下来”。

e.g. a) Be careful ! Don’t fall off the ladder .


4. He had lots of money . 他有许多钱。

(1)lost of表示“很多”的意思,等于a lot of,即可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。

e.g. a) He had lots of (a lot of ) friends .他有许多朋友。

(2) many / much也是“很多”的意思,但many只可修饰可数名词,much只可修饰不可数名词。

e.g. a) I didn’t have many books . 我没有很多书。

b) He didn’t have much money . 他没有很多的钱。

5.Not everybody in the USA is rich . 在美国并非每个人都富有。

像everybody , everyone , everything , all , both这类总括词与not连用,表示部分否定。

e.g. a) Not all of us like this film .


(=Some of us do like the film , some don’t like the film .)

6. The Shute family lived in the southern part of the USA .



The Shute family =The Shutes 舒特一家

The Green family =The Greens 格林一家

The Turner family =The Turners 特纳一家

(2) southern由south + ern构成,是个形容词,读作[’s ± á n],意为“南方的”、“南部的”。类似的词还有:

east + ern =eastern 东方的,东部的

west + ern =western 西方的,西部的

north + ern =northern 北方的,北部的

7. He could not wash himself or get dressed .


get dressed 表示主语自身做的动作,类似用法如下:

get washed 洗脸 (wash oneself)

get lost 迷路

get confused 迷惑不解

get married 结婚


1. all right的用法


e.g. a) You look pale . Are you all right ?



e.g. a) Is it all right if I come to see you tonight ?



e.g. a) Sorry , I’m late .


That’s all right .



e.g. a) All right . What time ? 好呀。几点了?


(1)have on , wear , in表“穿、戴”状态;put on表动作;dress可表动作,其被动式be dressed表示状态。



e.g. a) Could you dress the children for me ?


②be dressed in指某人在某场合穿什么衣服。(多强调颜色)

③have on指“穿”的状态,后可接衣服、帽子、鞋子等能穿戴的东西,但它不能用于进行式。

e.g. a) He has on a blue coat today .


④put on 指“穿”的动作,反义词为“take off”。

e.g. a) You should put on your jacket . 你应该把夹克穿上。


He is wearing a ring today .今天他戴了个戒指。

⑥be in表示状态后接衣服,也可接颜色。例如:

The boy in black is my brother .




put on



have on

be dressed (in)

be in


(1)Could she swim when she was . . . years old ?


Yes , she could . 是的,她会。

No , she couldn’t . 不,她不会。

(2)Did she learn all by herself ? 她是完全自学的吗?

Did he enjoy himself ? 他过得愉快吗?


(1)Help yourself / yourselves to . . . 请随便吃些……

(2)I’m afraid so .恐怕如此。

(3)Would you like a drink ?你要来杯饮料吗?

Yes , please . 是的,请给我来一杯。

No , thanks . 不要,谢谢。

(4)Don’t forget anything . 别忘了什么东西。

(5)Thank you for having us . 谢谢款待我们。

It was my pleasure . 不客气。


a)The problem is easy I can do it by myself . (我可以自己把它作出来)

b)He learned to write by himself . (自学写字)

c)I think he didn’t hurt himself (他没受伤)that night .

d)He is old enough to dress himself and wash himself .(自己穿衣、自己洗脸)

e)He is too young to look after himself .(不能自己照顾自己)




1. clever [ ] 2. learn [ ] 3. rich [ ] 4. money [ ] 5. enjoy [ ]


1. photo(复数) 2.family(复数) 3.ride(过去式)

4.fall(过去分词) 5.operate(名词)


1.She may read it next year .(变为否定句)

2.She is a clever girl .(变为感叹句)

3.She is falling of the bike .(划线提问)

4.Mr. Fat had a lot of money .(反意疑问句)

5.They were very happy .(变为感叹句)


1.Mr. Baker can do the work all .

A. himself B. by himself C. by herself D. by himself

2. A young man Thomas came this afternoon .

A. name B. names C. naming D. named

3.Today is his birthday . He buys a lot of things to eat .

A. he B. him C. his D. himself

4. are going to Britain for a short holiday .

A. The Green’s family B. Green family

C. The Green family D. Green’s family

5. I think Mary is girl .

A. a clever quite B. quite a clever

C. a quite clever D. quite clever a

6. Take the boy the teacher . The teacher wants to talk with him .

A. at B. in C. to D. for

7.This child said that he would a famous scientist when he grew up .

A. turn B. get C. become D. was

8.The boy is a school suit(校服)today .

A. on B. in C. to D. for

9.Let’s go to see a film tonight , ?

A. will you B. shall we C. don’t you D. do you

10. It is too dark here in the room . Turn the light .

A. in B. on C. off D. down

11.That book is .

A. Bob and Mary’s B. Bob’s and Mary’s

C. Bob and Mary D. Bob’s and Mary

12. Tomorrow May 4.

A. is B. shall be C. will be D. is going to be

13.There an old film on TV tonight .

A. will have B. is going to have C. is going to be D. is going to is

14. He is teaching me the computer .

A. how to use B. to how use C. to use D. how using

15. Who sings , Rose or Kate ?

A. better B. best C. well D. the best

16.You’d better out at night .

A. not go B. don’t to C. not to go D. not go

17. I have got stamps .

A. two hundreds B. two hundreds of C. hundred of D. two hundred

18. There is little ink in the bottle , ?

A. isn’t here B. is it C. is there D. was there

19.He is young join the army .

A. so , that B. too , to C. very , not to D. so , to

20.Can you me the way the station ?

A. say , to B. tell , of C. tell , to D. talk , for



she can read it .


This is her a bike .


I hope she didn’t .


Li Ming doesn’t very much .



1. A. hundred B. him C. hour D. hear

2. A. make B. know C. kite D. cake

3. A. these B. boys C. this D. case

4. A. want B. often C. it D. today

5. A. minded B. stayed C. called D. played


1.The pupil is clever enough to do the problem (easy) .

2.The girl went to see her grandma (her) last night .

3.What a good (write) your child is !

4.Be (care) not to get your shirt dirty .

5.It is (fool) of you to ask such a question .


1. ten , she began selling newspaper .

A. At B. In the age of C. At the age D. At the age of

2.I don’t think you are than your brother .

A. clever B. much clever C. the cleverer D. cleverer

3. He can’t carry the stone , he can carry the one .

A. large , small B. large , little C. big , large D. great , small

4. Last Sunday his brother the tall tree and broke his right leg .

A. fell off B. fell of C. felt off D. fallen in

5. I have English for three years but I began Japanese last month .

A. to learn , to learn B. learned , learned

C. learned , to learn C. to learn , learned

6. The mother is dressing in the bed-room .

A. a shirt B. with a blouse C. her son D. in a coat

7.This book is I write name in it .

A. mine , mine , myself B. me , my , myself

C. my , my , myself D. mine , my , myself

8.The villagers built a lot of new buildings .

A. themselves B. yourselves C. by themselves D. by yourselves

9. “Why didn’t you go to school yesterday ?”

“ I was ill .”

A. Since B. As C. Because D. For

10. “Whose dictionary is this ?”

“ It’s not or .It’s Ann’s .”

A. he , she B. him , her C. his , she D. his , hers

11. has he been here ? will he leave for his hometown ?

A. How long , How soon B. How long , How often

C. How often , How long D. How soon , How long

12. I’d like to have a cup of milk and .

A. two breads B. two pieces of breads

C. two pieces of bread D. two piece of bread

13. How long does it you to travel from Beijing to Shanghai ?

A. spend B. take C. make D. use

14.Mr. Brown is from .

A. United States B. the United States C. the America D. United State

15. “ your family?”

“They are all right .”

A. What are B. Who are C. How about D. Where are

16. There are words in the text of the Lesson .

A. hundred of , Fifth B. a hundred of , Fiveth

C. hundreds of , Fifth D. hundreds of , fiveth

17.Robert is much than in his class .

A. more tall , any other student

B. more tall , anyone else

C. taller , any other student

D. taller , any other students

18. He went on his homework because he didn’t finish it yesterday .

A. did B. do C. to do D. doing

19. people came to listen to the report .

A. Less and less B. Many and many C. More and more D. Few and few

20.If you don’t know the word , you may in the dictionary .

A. look it at B. look up it C. look it up D. look it for


Long long a 1 ,there lived an old peasant in a small village . He lost his donkey and he wanted to go to town to buy a 2 . Among the donkeys o 3 sale . He saw his own d 4 .

“This donkey is mine ,” he said to the man standing by the donkey . “Someone stole it from me three years ago .”

“How is that ?” the man said . “It has been mine f 5 three years .”

“Three years ?” the peasant said , “Are you sure ?” Then he quickly covered the eyes of the donkey w 6 his hands and asked , “Which eye is it blind(瞎的)in ?”

“The right e 7 ,” said the man .

The peasant took away his right hand and people saw the donkey’s right eye was clear and shining .

“I’ve 8 a mistake ,” said the man . “I meant to say the left eye .”

“It is not blind in either eye ,” said the peasant . Then he said to the people around , “It’s clear(明显的)this man is a thief .”

The people caught the thief and took him t 9 the policeman . The old peasant got his own donkey b 10 .



Rosetta’s class at school were studying English , and one day their teacher said to them , “Well , boys and girls , on Friday we’re all going to Danting . There’s a beautiful castle(城堡)there , and we’re going to visit it .” The boys and girls were very happy when they heard this .

“Now , has anybody got any questions ?”

“How old it this castle , sir ?” Rosetta ,” the teacher answered .

“What’s the name of the castle , sir ?” another boy asked .

“Danting castle ,” the teacher said .

On Friday the boys and girls came to school at 9 o’clock and got into the bus . They visivted Danting castle , and then they came back and went home .

“Well ,” Rosetta’s mother said to him when he got home , “Did you like the castle , Rosetta ?”

“Not very much ,” Rosetta answered . “The foolish people built it too near the railway .”

1.Rosetta’s class would visit an old castle on Friday .( )

2.Dantin was their teacher .( )

3.The boys and girls were very happy to hear that they would visit the castle .()

4.They went to the castle by bus .( )

5.Rosetta liked the castle very much .( )


New York , London , Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in . There are many interesting things to see and to do . You can go to different kinds of museums , plays and films . You can also go shopping to buy things from all over the world . But there are serious(严重的)problems in big cities too . The cost(费用)of living is high , and there are too many people in some places of big cities . Every year many people move to the cities because there are some chances(机会)to find jobs , to study at good schools , and to receive good medical care(医疗). But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live in . Also , too many people in small space make it hard to keep the cities safe and clean .

Some people enjoy living in big cities , others do not . Before people move to big cities , they should think about the problems of living there .

6. Which is the best title()for this passage ?

A.Big Cities .

B.New York , London , and Paris .

C.Exciting Places to Live in .

D.Serious Problems in Big Cities .

7.In big cities people can .

A.go to different kinds of museums

B.see all kinds of plays and films

C.buy things from all over the world

D.A , B , and C

8. Which of the following is true ?

A.Big cities are not safe and clean enough .

B.People can easily find a good place to live in big cities .

C.Living in big cities doesn’t cost a lot .

D.All people like to live in big cities .

9.In the passage the writer advised(劝告)people .

A.to move to a big city

B.not to move to a big city

C.not to move to a big city without thinking about the problems there

D.not to think too much about the problems before they move to a big city .

10. Which is not talked about in the passage ?

A.New York and London are big cities , and so is Paris .

B.Big cities are better than small cities .

C.Big cities are exciting places to live in .

D.Big cities have a lot of serious problems .


A:Good morning , Mr. Brown ! 1 .

B:Good morning , Doctor . Can you help me , please ?

A: 2 .

B:Well , my head hurts .

A:Your head ? Where ?

B:This part , here .

A:You mean the front of your head ?

B:Yes !

A:I see .

B:Also my leg .

A:Your leg ? 3 .

B:The left one .

A:It looks all right to me ! What’s wrong with it ?

B: 4 .

A:Hmmm ! Well , Mr. Brown . You must not work so hard . You’d better rest for three days .

B: 5 .

A. What’s wrong ? B. Thank you ! C. Which one ?

D. What can I do for you ? E. I can’t move it .


1.She has a fine voice .

voice she has !

2.They spent two years in building the bridge .

It two years build the bridge .

3.He is twenty-three , I am thirty-two .

He is nine years I .

4.I don’t know what I should do next .

I don’t know what next .



Can Tom do it ?


I can good things .


He’ll be if I one small .


some fish .


The doctor James .

The key :




1. photos 2. families 3. rode 4. fallen 5. operation


1.She may not read it next year .

2.What a clever girl she is !

3.Where is she falling off ?

4.Mr. Fat had a lot of money , didn’t he ?

5.How happy they were !


1.B 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.B

11.A 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.A 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.C


1.Maybe , next , year

2.first , ride , on

3.hurt , herself ,

4.enjoy , himself



1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A


1.easily 2.herself 3.writer 4.careful 5.foolish


1.D 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.D

11.A 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.C 18.D 19.C 20.C


1.ago 2.another 3.on 4.donkey 5.for 6.with 7.eye

8.made 9.to 10.back


1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.B


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.E 5.B


1.What , a , fine

2.took , them , to

3.younger , than

4.to , do


1.all , by , himself

2.buy , myself , lots , of

3.OK , do , operation

4.Help , yourself , to

5.looked , over

八年级英语第二十六单元A good doctor_八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力