职场双语:准备年度考评 确保工作无忧

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职场双语:准备年度考评 确保工作无忧

  If there's ever been a year to ace the annual performance review, 2009 may be it.

职场双语:准备年度考评 确保工作无忧

  Employers commonly trim their ranks when the economy turns sour, and low-rated workers are typically the first to go, say career experts. What's more, poor performers often receive low merit increases or none at all. To enhance your job security and boost your odds of financial success, start preparing now for your end-of-year review, advises Jill Smart, chief human resources officer at Accenture Ltd., a global professional-services firm. "By the time you walk into that meeting, there should be no surprises," she says. 

职场双语:准备年度考评 确保工作无忧

  Getty Images/Rubberball人力资源专家说,雇主们在经济形势不佳的时候通常会进行裁员,且往往先从低级别的员工下手。而且,表现不好的员工加薪幅度也很小,甚至根本没有加薪。全球咨询服务公司埃森哲(Accenture Ltd.)人力资源总监斯马特(Jill Smart)建议说,为确保你的工作安全无忧、增加你经济上成功的机会,现在就开始为年底的业绩考评作准备吧。她说,这样,进行年终考评的时候,就应该不会感到意外了。
  Know what's expected. A month or two before the meeting, review the goals that were set for you in your last performance evaluation. Or, if you're new to your job, ask your supervisor what you'll be measured on, including any unspoken ways of contributing, suggests David B. Peterson, senior vice president at Personnel Decisions International Corp., a leadership-development consulting firm. "Your particular boss might value things like timeliness and [neatness], which can shade the color of the evaluation," he says.


职场双语:准备年度考评 确保工作无忧》(http://meiwen.anslib.com)。在考评前一两个月,检查一下在你上一次的考评表上列出的各项目标。领导力培训咨询公司Personnel Decisions International Corp.高级副总裁彼得森(David B. Peterson)说,如果你是新员工,问问你的上司衡量你的标准是哪些,包括那些口头没说的表现方式。他说,你的'顶头上司可能看重守时、整洁之类的事情,这可能会多多少少地影响到考评。
  Do a self-assessment. Take an objective look at your performance to determine whether you're on track to meet your goals, Ms. Smart says. Get feedback from your colleagues and direct reports as to how you're doing. Should you detect a problem, talk to your boss now about how you might resolve it or if perhaps your goals need to be adjusted because your job has evolved during the year.

【职场双语:准备年度考评 确保工作无忧】相关文章:

1.准备年度考评 确保工作无忧






