
时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿


Power jeans are increasingly common in high-ranking business and political circles. Indeed, jeans are now a legitimate part of the global power-dress lexicon, worn to influential confabs where the wearers want to signal they're serious--but not fussy--and innovative.




The look started with the young but has crossed into gray-haired circles.

Chosen well, jeans can suggest the wearer is confident and modern. Traditionally cut blue jeans carry a whiff of the laborer about them, so denim on a leader suggests a willingness to roll up the sleeves and dig in. There's also something of the rebel in a pair of jeans. In the boardroom, that can read as creative.

But jeans must be carefully paired with a pressed shirt and good shoes to be elevated to business class. And some industries haven't (yet) become open to denim as power wear. Banks and accounting-firm boardrooms, for instance, remain decidedly woolen. New York-based career adviser Jonscott Turco says jeans are generally a "no-brainer" in the media, manufacturing and creative industries, but not in financial services and law firms.

It's also possible to go awry with the wrong jeans in the right place. Barack Obama, whose wife and children have been heralded as fashion icons, was ridiculed for wearing dorky "dad jeans" (baggy and high-rise) to pitch at an All-Star game. When Tony Blair wore jeans to meet George Bush two years ago, the British prime minister was criticized for his pants' snug fit.


在职场该如何穿着牛仔裤?》(http://meiwen.anslib.com)。巴拉克· 的妻子孩子一直被视为时尚标志,但他本人却因为穿着过时的“老爸裤”(松松垮垮的高腰牛仔裤)为全美职业棒球大联盟全明星赛开球而遭奚落。两年前,当时的英国首相布托尼·莱尔穿着仔裤会见美国总统乔治·布什,因为仔裤过于贴身而遭到批评。

To wit, fit is as essential for jeans as for tailored slacks. Eric Jennings, Saks Fifth Avenue men's fashion director, suggests that men keep their executive jeans "dark and straight". And never dress as if the jeans had been switched out from formal suit pants at the last minute: No fancy French-cuffed shirts with jeans, he advises.

In fact, getting power jeans right involves lots of no's. No distressed jeans at work. No metal studs. No acid washes. No lavish embroidery. No boot cut. No skinny. No pedal pushers, shorts or cutoffs. No baggy high-rise. No super-low-rise. No holes. And no fussy ironing.

We have Steve Jobs to thank for today's power jeans. His uniform of Levi's 501s and a black turtleneck was synonymous with innovation in the '90s; now, in the tech world, dressy pants can be viewed with suspicion. "When someone shows up to an interview or meeting in anything other than jeans, it shows inexperience and a lack of confidence," says Andrew Dumont, vice president of marketing for text-messaging company Tatango.
今天牛仔裤成为大人物的新宠还要感谢苹果公司首席执行长史蒂夫·乔布斯。他那身李维斯501牛仔裤配黑色高领套头衫的经典着装在上世纪九十年代就是创新的同义词;如今在科技领域,穿着西裤会引来怀疑的目光。文本信息公司 Tatango负责营销的副总裁安德鲁·杜蒙特说,(在科技行业)如果一个人接受采访或参加会议时穿的不是牛仔裤,就会显得不够老练和缺乏自信。








