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Subject(科目) English Date(日期) 3.16 Book(书册) 4 Topic(课题) Lesson 2.What the Matter? Part(课时) Part2 Page(页码) P20-21 Teachings Aim (教学目标) The Knowledge Aims(知识目标): To learn new words:fever headache  toothache To learn the dills :Whats the matter? I have____ The Ability Aims(能力目标): Develop students ability of speaking and communication. The Emotion Aims( 情感目标): Stimulates students English thought Important(教学重点) Whats the matter? I have  a _______ Difficult Points(教学难点) Pronunciation of some words:stomachache fever headache. Teaching Methods(教学方法) TPR Listening Instruments(教具)  Cards  recorder Teaching Steps(教学步骤)   I.The Teaching leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼):T:Hello,everyone.  Lets sing a song .[2 minutes]   2.Have a revision(复习):Look at the card. Please read it. (busy  park idea  ) [3 minutes]   3.The Leading Words(导语):[1 minute]  Last time ken and Jess went to the park,Whats happening? Lets go on study lesson 2. II.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开):[30 minutes]   (一) Listening Fun   1.Pre--Listening       2.While--Listening     T:Listen  to  the  tape carefully.       3.Post--Listening   (1)please look at the page 20 and find the new words.   (2)Teach to read and write the new words   (3)Learn to the new sentences.   T: If your friend looks sick .What should you say?   (whats the matter?)   T: Look at the card ,listen to the answer   (I have a fever.)   4.Practice: Prepare cards   S1: Whats the matter ?You look sick.   S2:Yes, I am.   S1: Thats too bad. Take care.   S2; Thanks.         (三)Lets chant .            (四) Do the exercise book. P12.   III.Sum Up(总结):[2 minutes] T: What did you learn in this class?   Homework(作业):[1 minute]  Listen read and copy the new words and dialog. The Black Writing(板书)     Lesson2 Whats the Matter?   Whats the matter? I have a fever .Thats too bad.   Take care. Thinking After Class (课后反思)       本节课我主要采取了TPR教学法,让学生感受新知,fever, headache,toothache,stomachache,同时     在教这些状态词时,我运用以旧带新这种方法,效果很好。










