4B Unit 6 Let’s go by taxi 教案

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4B Unit 6 Let’s go by taxi 教案

教学内容: 牛津小学英语4B Unit 6  Let’s go by taxi ( Part A ) 江苏省苏州市相城区黄埭中心小学 吴春兰 一、教学目标:   知识目标:1.能听懂,会说,会读,会写单词on foot, by minibus, by taxi, by train, by plane.  2.能听懂,会说,会读,会写句型How do we go there? Shall we go to…by…?及其回答OK/All right/Great.   能力目标:1.能灵活运用所学单词和句型并且运用到生活中去。2.能理解对话内容并熟读对话。 情感目标:引导学生小组合作学习,树立同学之间互相帮助、互相合作、团结一致的意识,培养学生健康地、积极向上的品格。   德育目标:结合本单元表示建议去某地的句子Let’s go to…  Shall we go to…by…?的教学。让同学们心灵上畅游全国各地的旅游名胜,使他们产生一种爱国热情。热爱自己的祖国是如此的美丽,为他们是一个中国人而骄傲。 二、教学重点:1.能听懂,会说,会读,会写单词on foot, by minibus, by taxi, by train, by plane.及句型How do we go there? Shall we go to…by…?及其回答OK/All right/Great.  2.能灵活运用所学单词和句型并且运用到生活中去。 3.能理解对话内容并熟读对话。 三、教学难点:1.单词minibus的拼读以及对mini的理解。2. 能灵活运用所学单词和句型并且运用到生活中去。 四、教具准备:1.教具准备:单词卡片,句型卡片,多媒体课件。2.教学准备:事先分发练习纸。3.板书准备:事先写好课题Unit6 Let’s go by taxi 五、教学过程: Step1 Pre-task preparation 1.铃声还未打响,学生已坐好。屏幕上播放Flash歌曲:《Hello! How are you?》。(设计理念:一方面为英语学习渲染气氛,学生自然进入英语状态,另一方面为教学新授内容作铺垫。) 2. Greetings and free talk: Good morning. How are you? What is your hobby? (设计理念:通过简单的日常用语交际,进行课前的热身,培养学生说英语的习惯,让学生打开话匣子,营造良好的英语学习氛围,为上好这堂课打下一个良好的情感基础。) Step2 While-task procedures Ⅰ. Presentation of the sentences: OK. / All right. 1. Listen to the orders given by the teacher, respond and do the action. eg. T: Open the door, please. S: OK./ All right.(do the action) 2. Present the sentences on PPT and read them. ( 设计理念:OK. / All right.在三年级时学生已经掌握,在这里“温故而知新”, 为下面的教学作铺垫。) Ⅱ. Presentation of the new words: by train & by plane 1. Can you guess what place it is? 以猜谜语的方式复习上一节课所教的单词a station, a supermarket, a library, a theatre, a hospital, an airport. eg. You can buy many things in it.  ( a supermarket ) 2. This weekend, you are going to one of these places. Please invite your friend to go with you together using the sentence structures we have learned:  “Let’s go to…   OK. /All right. But how?   By ...” 3. 表示交通方式的by train和by plane在前一到三年级已经学过,在这里就简单的教一下。 ( 设计理念: 看似简单的复习,却是在为接下来的单词和句型教学作准备。一步一步,踏踏实实,从旧知过渡到新识,圆润自然,使学生学得容易,学得轻松。) Ⅲ. Presentation of the new words:on foot, by minibus, by taxi  and the sentence structure: How do we go there? 1. on foot  多媒体出示钟   T:What time is it?   S:It’s seven thirty .   T:Good. It’s seven thirty in the morning. It’s time to go to school. Let’s  go to school.    S:OK.   T:But how?   S:…   出示人物步行图,教授on foot    foot  [u]  book  look  good   T  I go to school on foot. How about you?   S  … Chant: Go. Go. Go to school.   How? How? How do we go there?   Foot. Foot. On foot.   OK. OK. Go. Go. Go. 2.How do we go there? & by minibus  多媒体出示公园的图片   T  Look at the park. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?   S  Yes.   T  I’ d like to go to the park. Would you like to?   S  Yes.   T  Let’ go to the park.   S  OK./All right.   T  How do we go there?   S  …   教授句型How do we go there?和单词by minibus   用PPT出示图片把minibus和bus作比较,了解mini的含义,并且举例skirt和miniskirt Chant: Go. Go. Go to the park.   How? How? How do we go there?   Minibus. Minibus. By minibus.   All right. All right. Go. Go. Go. 3.PPT出示苏州乐园图,以此教授新单词by taxi. Great!在三年级时也已经重点教过,在这也就一带而过。 taxi []  cat tap apple Chant: Go. Go. Go to Suzhou.     How? How? How do we go there?     Taxi. Taxi. By taxi.    Great. Great. Go. Go. Go.  ( 设计理念: 把平时生活中经常要去的学校,公园,苏州乐园搬到课堂,使本身具有空间局限性的课堂有了延伸,真正体现了课堂生活化。朗朗上口的chant,使单词和句型的学习变得简单有趣,增添了课堂教学的趣味性。) Ⅳ. Presentation of the sentence structure: Shall we go to…by…? PPT出示长城的一组图片,并且简单的介绍一下长城的概况和历史,邀请学生一起去登长城。 T: Let’s go to the Great Wall. S: OK. How do we go there? T: Shall we go to the Great Wall by plane? S: All right. 教授新句型Shall we go to…by…? ( 设计理念: 长城是世界之最,是我们祖先聪明才智的体现,是我们作为中国人而骄傲的。中国文化源远流长。我们爱我们的祖国。培养学生的爱国热情。) Ⅴ. Dealing with the text 1. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions;    Where are they going to?   How do they go there? 2. Listen again and fill in the blanks:  David and Nancy are going to ______ ______.They want to go there _______ _______. But they are ______. So they go there _______ ________ at last (最后) . 3. Read the dialogue in several ways. 4. Act out. ( 设计理念: 通过练习的方式对课文对话有个整体的把握。然后通过多种方式的阅读让学生读而不腻,达到熟练地程度后再进行模拟表演,让学生完全彻底掌握。) Step3. Post-task activities Ⅰ. Play time PPT出示祖国美丽山川的图片让学生欣赏,其中都是名胜古迹,像济南的趵突泉,安徽的黄山,四川的九寨沟等等。问学生最想去什么地方旅游。每闯过一关就可以去一个地方。每关里可以设置一些练习,可以是看卡通片后回答问题,可以是唱一首英文歌曲等等。 eg. 1. 你想建议你的朋友坐飞机去北京,你会怎么说? 2. Watch the cartoon and answer the question: How do they go to the theatre? Bobby: Hello, Mimi. Let’s go to the theatre. Mimi: OK. But how do we go there? By bike? Bobby: No. It’s late. Let’s go by taxi. Mimi: All right. 3. 你能说出下列交通工具的名称并把它拼出来吗?     4. Please sing a song《A boy and a girl》 5. Let’s learn a new word: 骑摩托车 by motorcycle ( 设计理念: 游戏是学生们百玩不厌的。它能刺激学生的大脑,激发他们的学习积极性。像这种闯过题还能激起他们的斗志。灵活多样的练习形式使学生能对所学的内容得到巩固,并拓展课堂教学内容,让学生“学活英语,活学英语”。) 在学生们感到祖国美丽的时候,通国PPT给学生看一些因为环境污染而引起的祖国面貌的改变,号召大家要保护环境,拯救地球。Ⅱ.Do a survey 在同学之间做个调查,彼此都是乘坐什么交通供给上学的。 How do you go to school/   I go to school …     Li Li       by bus         by minibus         by car         by taxi         by bike         by motorcycle         by electric bike         on foot         ( 设计理念: 让学生把课堂所学用语实际的生活之中,现学现用,增强记忆。) Step4 Homework 1. Copy the new words. 2. Invite your friends to travel, then write down your dialogue. 六、板书设计:     A:Let’s go to … B:OK./All right.How  do we go there? A:Shall we go to…by…? B:OK./All right./Great. by train图和单词 by taxi 图和单词 on foot图和单词 by plane图和单词 by minibus 图和单词   七:教学反思: 1、这节课突出了任务型教学的主导思想,没有用枯燥的语言来教授英语,而是通过游戏、Chant、猜猜、演演、编对话等活动,让学生在接受任务后,通过教师的主动牵动、学生的积极参与来实现教学目标。 2、注重培养学生的学习兴趣,使学生在轻松愉悦的气氛中学习英语,体现兴趣、学趣、情趣相结合的原则。同时也打破了学科的界限,融动感于英

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