
时间:2023-04-25 05:52:11 工作计划 我要投稿
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包括论文,设计,论文字数:7529,页数:29 摘  随着计算机应用的逐渐普及,各企业都利用internet这样一个廉价方便的交互式国际通信媒体工具,实现了网上办公。网上办公虽然在一定程度上提高了工作效率但是它没有针对工作计划的流程做出一个合理的安排,导致企业受损。为解决该问题,企业需要制定工作计划管理系统。一个完整的工作计划管理系统不仅需要一个合理的工作计划流程管理系统,更需要一个与之配套的工作计划统计分析系统。方式 基于WEB的工作统计分析系统主要完成工作计划的统计与分析,使得企业能够提前对各种工作有一个统一的规划,让各个员工了解企业的计划,让管理者更加直观的掌握当前企业的工作计划实施情况并能从中累积经验教训,从而使各种工作有计划、更科学的进行及完成,进而有效的提高工作效率。 本论文共分为五大模块,分别是:(1)、介绍选题背景及意义和系统的发展现状;(2)、介绍数据库技术、面向对象技术和基于B/S结构的WEB程序设计技术;(3)、对当前企业进行需求分析并提出解决方案;(4)、根据解决方案对系统进行设计;(5)、对工作计划统计分析系统进行测试并得到测试结果。 关键词:统计;分析;状态;分类;B/S结构;测试  The Design and Realization of WEB-Based Statistical Analysis System of Work Plan Abstract Along with the gradual popularity of application of computer, working on the internet has been put into practice in most enterprises with the help of a cheap and convenient interactive communication tool----the internet technology. Although working on the internet can increase work efficiency in some degree, it doesnt make a reasonable arrangement according to the work plan flow, therefore causes the enterprises to suffer injury. In order to solve this problem, enterprises need to make administrative system of the work plan.  A complete administrative system of the work plan not only needs a reasonable administrative system of the work plan flow, but also needs a matching statistical analysis system of work plan. The WEB-based statistical analysis system of work plan mainly finishes the statistical and analytical work. It helps the enterprises mark out every task in advance. It lets all the staff in the enterprises understands the work plan and lets the administrators know the current enterprises of the work plan more clearly in order to gain more experience. Through this, every work can be carried out more planned and scientific, and the work efficiency can be increased effectively. There are 5 parts in this thesis:(1) Introduce the background and significance of the topic, and generalize the development of the system;(2) Introduce the database technology, Object-Oriented Technology and B/S structure-based WEB design technology;(3) Analysis the need of enterprises and put forward the scheme;(4) Design the system according to the scheme;(5) Take the test of the statistical analysis system of work plan to gain the result.  Key words: statistical; analysis; situation; classification; B/S structure; test   目  录 1 引言 1 1.1 选题背景 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 1 1.3 课题研究的意义 1 2 理论基础 1 2.1 数据库技术 1 2.2 面向对象技术 2 2.3 B/S架构的WEB程序设计技术 2 3 系统需求分析 3 3.1 现行业务系统描述 3 3.2 现行系统的存在的主要问题分析 3 3.3 提出解决方案 4 4 系统设计 4 4.1 系统总体架构 4 4.2 数据库设计 5 4.2.1 设计表 5 4.2.2 关系图 5 4.3 系统功能模块设计 7 4.3.1 登录 7 4.3.2 统计系统 10 4.3.3 审查系统 19 5 系统实施及测试 20 5.1 实施概况 20 5.2 测试方案 21 5.3 测试结果 22 结  论 23 参考文献 23 致  谢 24 声  明 25 以上为本篇论文部分内容,有需要完整论文的网友可参阅 <<论文共享要求>> 也可直接通过QQ:136775125联系.更多相关论文请点击计算机全套毕业设计查找.


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