Its a one-price ticket, either one s

时间:2023-05-04 20:31:32 体育口语 我要投稿
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Its a one-price ticket, either one stop or ten stops坐一站还是坐十站

  It's a one-price ticket, either one stop or ten stops.


  A I think I'll take the subway.

  A 我想我将乘地铁。

  B OK. It might even be quicker than to take a taxi, especially in rush hours.

  B 好。乘地铁可能比乘出租车还快,尤其是在交通的高峰时刻。

  A Tell me what I should do. How do I get a ticket?

  A 告诉我该做什么。我怎样才能买到地铁票?

  B It's easy. Just go to the ticket office in the subway.

  B 这容易。到地铁的售票处去就行了。

  A And how much is the ticket?

  A 地铁票多少钱一张?

  B It's a one-price ticket, either one stop or ten stops. It doesn't matter

  how far you are going.

  B 坐一站还是坐十站票价都一样。你坐多远都没有关系。

  A Well, that sounds simple enough. I'll take it.

  A 哦,听起来很简单。我就坐地铁了。

  Notes 注释

1  2  3  

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