时间:2023-05-04 22:00:37 英语方法 我要投稿
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Spring festival is coming ,how to get tings for it .We will give you this lesson---GUIDANCE 指导?

◎First of all, you may compare the prices of this kind of printer in different shops, then make your choice.?

首先,你比较一下各家店里的这款打印机的价格,然后做出选择。 ?

◎ First choose the sweater with suitable color, style and design, and then try it on. Never forget the last thing is to bargain with them.?

首先选择颜色、风格和图案等都最合适的毛衣。然后穿上试试。一定不要忘了最后一件事是同他们讨价还价。 ?

◎ After you’ve finished doing the dishes, put them intothe disinfector.?

洗完餐具之后,把它们放进消毒柜里。 ?

◎ It’s like this: first you heat the oil, and then put into the seasoning, and then put leek into the pot.?

是这样的:你先把油给热了,然后放入调味品,然后把韭菜放进锅里。 ?

◎You can dial 114 and the operator will tell you.?

拨一下114,接线员将告诉你。 ?

◎First you insert the card, then when you see the words “Please Dial”, dial the number.?

先将卡插入,然后你会看到“请拨号”的字样,你就可以拨号了。 ?

◎To deposit money, first you have to fill in a deposit slip, and then give it to the bank clerk, never forget to show your ID card. ?

要存钱,你先填写一张存款单,然后交给银行职员,不要忘了出示身份证。?? ?

◎ When you want to go through the road, the first thing you must do is to slow your step, the second thing is to see the color of the traffic light, if the light is green, you may go through.?

如果要穿马路,你先必须放慢脚步,然后要看交通信号灯的颜色,如果是绿灯,你就可以穿过了。 ?

◎ First let’s learn the details of the passage,and then make a group discussion.?

先让我们研究一下这篇文章的细节,然后分组讨论。 ?

◎ It’s like this: First you memorize the new words while going through the article, and then, many times later, list the new words and check how many you’ve remembered.?

就象这样:首先你边读课文边背单词,然后这样很多次以后,把生词列出来检查你记住了多少。 ?

◎In the first time, you just listen to the tape carefully, remember not to write in the first step, and then in the second and third time, take down what you heard, in the fourth time, check what you wrote.?

第一遍,你只要仔细听磁带,记住不要写,然后第二遍和第三遍,写下你所听到的内容,放第四遍录音时检查你所写下的文字。 ?

◎ First you fill in an application form, secondly wait for the interview notification.?

首先你要填一个申请表,然后等待面试通知。 ?

◎ This is done as follows: switch on the power, insert the plug, and then press the START button.?

按照以下步骤进行:接通电源,插上插头,然后按“开始”键。 ?

◎ This is how you do it: fill in the form and hand it in to the official, then you go home and wait.?

你这样做:填张表,把它交给办公室的人员,然后回家等消息。 ??

May I know how to get a job?我可以知道如何找工作吗?

A: May I know how to get a job??

B: OK. Let me tell you. First you are expected to write a resume which includes your educational background, working experience, your specialty and hobby, even your favorite job, and some others such as your families, sometimes the salary you would like to receive. ?

A: Oh, I see. And then??

B: Then read all kinds of newspaper everyday and select from them some job vacancy you are interested in. ?

A: Then I can make the interview.?

B: No. One more important thing is to know the company before you go there.


乙:好的。让我来告诉你吧。首先你得写一份简历,包括你的受教育背景,工作经验,你的特长和爱好,甚至你所喜欢的工作,还有其它一些比如你的家庭状况,有时候也写上你期望的工资收入。 ?


乙:然后每天读各种报纸从中选出你感兴趣的招聘岗位。 ?

甲:然后我就可以面试了。 ?

乙:不。还有一件重要的事就是去之前一定要了解那家公司。 ?

Sorry to trouble you, but could you please tell me how to get to the Garden Hotel??抱歉麻烦你了,但请告诉我怎样去花园酒店好吗?

A: Sorry to trouble you, but could you please tell me how to get to the Garden Hotel? ?

B: Cross the street, you’ll see a bus stop. Take bus No. 4 at the bus stop and get off at the next stop. Then at the same bus-stop you just take bus No. 9. It goes there directly. ?

A: You mean I’ll get off at the bus terminal? ?

B: Exactly. The Garden Hotel is just on the opposite side of the terminal. ?

A: Thank you.?

B: You’re welcome.

甲:抱歉麻烦你了,但请告诉我怎样去花园酒店好吗? ?

乙:穿过这条大街,你会看到一个巴士车站。在那里乘4路车并在下一站下车,然后转乘9路车直接去那里。 ?


乙:对。花园酒店就在终点站的对面。 ?



Would you please tell me how tochoose a refrigerator?请你告诉我怎样选择冰箱?

A: Would you please tell me how to choose a refrigerator?

B: First make a decision on how much money you would pay for the refrigerator. ?

A: I want to buy one with about 4,000 yuan. ?

B: Then go to different shops to compare the quality and function of the refrigerator around 4,000 yuan. ?

A: I like Haier product.

B: If you just want to choose from Haier series, everything will be easier. You need only judge the capacity you need and pay for it.


乙:首先,确定你想买多少钱的冰箱。 ?


乙:然后就去不同的商店比较四千元左右冰箱的质量和功能。 ?

甲:我喜欢海尔产品。 ?

乙:如果你只想选择海尔系列产品,就简单多了。你只需要定下你需要的容量然后付钱就可以了。 ?

Would you please tell me how to operate this automatic washing machine?请你告诉我怎样操作这台自动洗衣机好吗?

A: Would you please tell me how to operate this automatic washing machine? ?

B: First, insert the plug into the outlet. Then you put some clothes in. ?

A: I see. What will be the next??

B: Next, open the water tap that is connected to your machine. After that, you switch it on. The water will automatically pour into the tub and the tub will begin to turn. And finally, you put some detergent in the water. Do you seewhat I mean? ?

A: Is that all? It seems easy enough.?










