玉米皮布娃娃(编译)作文 -小学生作文大全

小学生作文大全 时间:2019-01-01 我要投稿
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。妈妈,你在哪里买的呢?”     “那不是我买的,”妈妈说,“那是以前我妈妈给我的。”     卡丝又看了看在高书架上的布娃娃。     “是不是我玩它年龄还太小呢?”卡丝问妈妈。     “你不小,只是那布娃娃已经很旧了。”妈妈说。     妈妈拿来一些玉米,剥起玉米皮来。她边剥边说:“我可以给你另做一个,并且能把它做得高一些。”     杰克(男孩)经常跟卡丝一起玩。一天,他看见了卡丝手里的布娃娃,很喜欢它,便问:“你在哪里买的?”     小朋友请猜一猜,卡丝会怎么回答呢?           附英文原文:   a corn husk doll     “that is an odd doll. where did you buy it, mom?”     “i did not buy it at all. my mom handed that doll down to me.”     cass looked at the doll on the tall shelf.     “am i too small for that doll?” asked cass.     “you are not too small. that doll is very old.”     “we can make one for you. we can make it tall.”     jack liked the doll. he asked, “where did you buy it?”