
时间:2023-04-30 19:05:26 作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  "The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 20xx are awarded to the city of Beijing."

  The International Olympic Committee selected the Chinese capital as the 20xx host in Friday's vote during Juan Antonio Samaranch's last IOC session as president.The attraction of staging the Games in a country which has the world's largest population, as well as huge economic potential, won the IOC's heart.

  Beijing defeated four other bidding cities, including Toronto and Paris, to secure the country's first-ever Olympics. Osaka was the first city to go out, and it only took one more round for Beijing to win the Olympic race.

  The announcement, read out by the 81-year-old Samaranch, was answered with wild jubilation from the Chinese delegation in Moscow, and with fireworks in Beijing.IOC senior member Kim Un-Yong said after the voting that Beijing deserved the Olympic Games.

  "Beijing is capable of staging a great Olympic Games," said the 71-year-old South Korean. "The result wasn't a surprise to me."

  With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "People's Olympics". The 3,000-year-old city is becoming a truly international city and showing a new, vigorous image through its ongoing economic reforms.

  Beijing enjoys the widest popular support among the five bidding cities. A Gallup opinion poll commissioned by the government showed 94.9 percent of the public in favor of it. The IOC's own surveys found support even higher. The Chinese government has pledged to spend 20 billion U.S. dollars building sports complexes and refurbishing the Beijing infrastructure. There are plans for a new exhibition center with twin skyscrapers that could be taller than any in the world.

英文作文 篇2

  Wonderful Weekend...

  A man and a woman walk into a very posh Rodeo Drive store. "Show the lady your finest mink!" the fellow exclaims.

  So the owner of the shop goes in back and comes out with an absolutely gorgeous full-length coat. As the lady tries it on, the owner discreetly whispers to the man,

  "Ah, sir, that particular fur goes for $65,000."

  "No problem! I'll write you a check!"

  "Very good, sir." says the shop owner.

  "Today is Saturday. You may come by on Monday to pick it up, after the check has cleared." So the man and the woman leave. On Monday, the fellow returns. The store owner is outraged, "How dare you show your face in here?! There wasn't a single penny in your checking account!!"

  "I just had to come by," grinned the guy, "to thank you for the most wonderful weekend of my life!"

英文作文 篇3

  Why Body Language Is Important? 为何肢体语言如此重要?

  When you learn a foreign language,you must learn more than the vocabulary and the grammar. To communicate successfully, you must also learn the non-verbal language, or “body language”of that culture. “Body language” is a term used to describe facial expression,gestures, and other movements of the body that send messages. This means of communication is so important that we may actually say more with our movements than with words.


  For some messages, words are not enough. Speaking a foreign language is sometimes difficult because we may not understand the non-verbal signals of another culture. For example, nodding the head up and down is a gesture that may communicate different messages in different parts of the world. In North America, it means “I agree”. In the Middle East, nodding the head down means “Iagree” and up means “I disagree”. In a conversation among Japanese it often simply means “I’m listening”.


  Eye contact is also very meaningful, but it can also mean different things indifferent countries. In some Spanish-speaking countries, children show respect to an old person by not looking directly into the person’s eye during aconversation. In other cultures, looking into a person’s eye is expected. For example, if you don’t do it in the United States, people may think that you areafraid, embarrassed, or angry. In the Middle East, direct eye contact in a conversation is more continuous than in many other parts of the world. People who are not used to this may feel uncomfortable.


英文作文 篇4

  I don't understand why cann't she control her temper. my wife is the high-power,career driven type. she is very good to me but is also bossy and manipulative sometimes. She works for a start-up company in healthcare as a manager and the work gives her lots of stress. tonight, she came back very late as usual. we had a small talk, then I asked her did you send my mail out today? she said no i forgot. i was a little upset cause i assumed she did and wrote to the friend.

  i could send it out next monday, anyway, it doesnt make much of a difference if it arrives one or two days sooner. she said. dont worry, it's ok. please do remember this time. "why didn't you remind me? why everyone ask me to do this and that? why should I do all the work."she yelled, "I didn't sleep well for a long time and is very depressed. I feel like breaking stuff. She continued.

  I feel very upset too not because other reason but because she anger she unleashed on me. it was nobody's fault. though i may looked little disappointed, I understand her situation and didn't ask for a lot. she choosed the job, she is working for her goal. this is supposed to be good. why are we suffering. i tried to find an answer.

  she went to bed, but I am in no mood to sleep. i could only write something about my feeling and hoping to get some comfort from friends here. as a man, I don't like to fight with women and even with a very strong personality. I am soft spoken and patient. men can control themselves, why can't women. maybe that is the difference.

英文作文 篇5

  I remember the other night of the last few days, when my uncle and I went to the gym and got to the gold coast and took the elevator to the third floor.

  There are so many people practicing next to the exercise equipment. People with abdominal muscles, sit-ups, biceps... Then my eyes fell on the bungee. Just sit on it and play, my uncle is a barbell, brother is playing a ball, just a bounce back in the past, it seems that the ability to dodge is practiced, I ran away playing sandbags, the sandbags, particularly large and particularly hard, hard as stone, only played four or five is broken, then bring gloves to feel a lot better. Then I started to kick the sandbag again. I kicked the ball a few times. It hurt. I tried to kick it with my instep. I tried it, and it didn't hurt. Then the uncle said, "after we have finished, we will buy a bottle of water and go home. If you don't drink water, you will faint.

  As a result, I was so tired that I went home and went to bed, so you should remember to exercise more.

英文作文 篇6



  虽然单词也都认识,读出来的话还可以,唱却不知道该怎么唱,吞音节奏之类的都掌握不好,我最近特别喜欢一首歌,《see you again》听着特别有感觉,即使没有什么经历,却总试着回忆,幻想故事的情节。




英文作文 篇7

  Recently, I accidentally opened a book called Wuthering heights.

  It tells the story of a mountain villa. Abandon baby hesclive grew up in the mountains, but because the beloved person to marry and go away from home. Three years later, hesclive reappeared and embarked on a series of revenge plans.

  When I first read the book. The content is very attractive to me, but I still think the book is a bit ugly. Because it involves too much hatred. But vaguely, I still feel the beauty of it. Although I found it after a fine taste. This book, this book is very attractive to me. Its beauty is reflected in hescliffe 's constant love, reflected in the beauty of Catherine 's love and Catherine 's life misfortune.

  Hesclive, though so fierce in revenge, is also because of love. Because he didn 't finish listening to that half. He thought that his lover had violated him, and his grief would never have been so.

  Catherine is so unfortunate, and so lucky. Unfortunately, when she was born, her mother died of childbirth. Her mother, hersclive 's lover. Catherine was forced to marry her cousin, the half-dead man, after she accidentally knocked down hesclive. Fortunately, she met hesclive adopted, his unwillingly uncle 's children. Four years older than her cousin - hadong. She fell in love with hadong. Later, hescliffe also died of miss Catherine 's mother - Katie. Katharine took back everything that belonged to her and married her cousin, bringing nelly, the old servant, back to thrush hill, never to Wuthering heights.

  The book drew a satisfactory end to it.

英文作文 篇8

  My Great Expectations

  Time is like a sharp knife。

  It can carve hard lines on beautiful faces and wear out youth year after year, but using it well can make a piece of simple stone into a great statue。 St。 Mary Academy is still a simple piece of white stone briefly carved, but as time marches on, duanwenw,。 it may be spoiled by dust, worn out by weather, or broken into separate pieces。 It may be also carefully carved by knife into wonderful statues。 Everyone at school, including our schoolmates, controls this knife。

  If I have a chance to live to be an old woman, I shall, in my peaceful dreams, seek the old paths leading through the trees which I used to travel down in my earlier days。 The old bell tower, standing in the golden sunlight, makes a slow, solemn1 sound as girls pour into the church like a stream。 There they will kneel, pray and whisper to their spiritual Lord about the little things in their lives。 They will ask him to help them in reaching their future goals and I can hear the old church tower whisper in return, “Yes, St。 Mary certainly possesses the most hard-working girls that shall glorify2 her with their bright futures!”

  What I feel when I hear these words depends on whether I have done anything meaningful over the years。 If I have been successful, I will smile with pride and contentment, for I have taken a part, though a very small part, in carving out, with the knife of time, this wonderful model of school life。



