
时间:2023-04-02 11:29:46 作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  My best frierd’s name is Wei Hua.’He was born in Hunan in March, 1988. But now he lives in Beijing. His parents work in Beijing. His father is a worker and his mother is a doctor.

  Wei Hua is interested in playing basketball. We often play basketball together. He does well in maths and it’s his best subject. My maths isn’t good. He often helps me. He says he will be a scientist when he grows up.

英语作文 篇2

  July 18 is my father's birthday. I want to give dad a romantic and meaningful birthday.

  In previous years, I had a meal in a restaurant with my dad's friends, even if it was my birthday.This year, I asked my grandmother to prepare her best - fresh rice noodles.The family gathered together at grandma's house, and the family said they laughed, the more they ate, the more he told jokes.

  After eating noodles, my mother took out a very fine birthday cake for dad, a heart-shaped chocolate cake!The best thing about the cake was me, and I put my birthday hat on my head, as if it were my birthday.My father put my hat on my father and my dad put on his birthday hat. It was so funny that we laughed until we stopped.I also took a photo with my dad.Finally, my sister and I lit candles for my father's birthday, and our whole family was happy to have a birthday cake and cut the cake.

  It looks like a simple birthday party, but I feel romantic and warm, more is thick family!Finally, I wish father a happy birthday and good health!





英语作文 篇3

  The world is your oyster


  出自《温莎的风流娘们儿(The Merry Wives of Windsor)》,现在常用来表示大好的机会就在某人眼前。

  I can do anything I want to,the world’s my oyster!


  Break the ice


  出自《驯悍记(The Taming of the Shrew)》,“破冰”,顾名思义,就是通过对话,打破尴尬的意思,通常用于陌生人第一次见面的场景。

  I tried to break the ice by talking to the people next to me about the weather.


  Green-eyed monster



  She was bitten by the green-eyed monster.


  In a pickle


  出自《暴风雨(The Tempest)》,在腌黄瓜的罐子里,恩,确实是很让人感觉难受和困难的局面~

  Please note that my relationship is not in a pickle.


  Wild-goose chase


  出自《罗密欧与朱丽叶(Romeo and Juliet)》,追逐野天鹅,它飞得辣么快你追得上嘛?用来表示无望的追逐,确实贴切吖~

  The boss sent me on a wild goose chase that wasted half the day.


  Heart of gold


  出自《亨利五世(HENRY V)》,谁会有颗金子般的心呢?当然是心地善良又诚实的人啦。

  Michael was described by his family as having a heart of gold,a boy who displayed a kindness and consideration for others.


  As a nose on a man's face


  出自《维罗纳的两位绅士(The Two Gentlemen of Verona)》,鼻子是脸上最突出的部位,你说它明显吗?所以这个词组就是明显的意思。

  What's the point of saying something that is as plain as the nose on your face?


  Wear your heart on your sleeve



  I showed my feelings and wore my heart on my sleeve.


英语作文 篇4

  Recently many people have paid attention to the correct use of the Chinese characters. As for me, I used to forget how to write the Chinese characters though I know the meaning. Once I couldn’t write the word “planet” in the right way and it really reminded me. The Chinese characters are old but beautiful. We pass on the Chinese traditional culture by using them. It’s our duty to use the Chinese characters correctly. In order to improve our abilities of handwriting and reduce Internet Slang, we’re supposed to learn the Chinese characters more carefully. On the other hand, it’s a good idea to hold a Chinese Characters Dictation Contest in class. What’s more, we’d better use the Chinese characters instead of Internet Slang.

  Do it now and make a contribution to passing on our culture!

  Recently many people have paid attention to the correct use of the Chinese characters. Last summer holiday, I often talked with my friends on the Internet. I wrote Chinese on keyboard by using pinyin. When I began to write my homework, my mind suddenly went blank and can’t remember the Chinese characters.

  In my opinion, Chinese characters are one of the most important traditional cultures,It’s our duty to pass on them. In order to protect them,something must be done. When we talk with our friends on QQ or Wechat,we’d better use Chinese characters instead of Internet Slang. On the other hand, It’s a good idea to enjoy the show called Chinese Characters Dictation Contest.

  In a word, it’s necessary for us to keep the Chinese characters out of danger. By Ivy,4

  Recently many people have paid attention to the correct use of the Chinese characters. To my sadness, I have ever had difficulty in writing Chinese characters and also use Internet Slang to write letters. As a Chinese, it’s very necessary for us to use Chinese characters correctly. We can enjoy the beauty of Chinese characters as well as passing on Chinese culture while writing Chinese characters. In order to improve Chinese characters writing, it’s a good idea to write Chinese keyboards by using stroke instead of pinyin. Therefore, we’d better be used to practicing hand writing in our free time.

  Everyone should make a contribution to protect Chinese characters

  By Eva,4

英语作文 篇5

  In the 21st century, human's science economic development has reached a very high level. But I want to ask: do you have any aware of human activities on the environment will be what kind of impact?

  The deforestation of the forest is not a serious problem? According to the survey the world forest area is in at an annual rate of millions of hectares of disappear. Caused a lot of water and soil loss, make many areas become desert. Scope of human activities in the declining, it's not scary?

  What human besides destroying forests, don't damage the environment problems? It is not. Now, we should see the seriousness of water pollution. At present, 60% of the country in the world face the shortage of water, 20% of the population is difficult to get clean water, 51% of the people do not have access to sanitary water. This is caused by what? Is, that we are causing ourselves now factories and sewage in our life, not by processing is out. This is not proof of that? According to research, each 1 cubic meter of sewage discharge, 14 cubic meters of natural water pollution. Think of it, this is what a terrible number?

  In the discharge of smoke in the factory, we don't know the smoke is atmospheric pollution? Scientists have found that there are at least 100 species of air pollutants produced great harm to the environment, directly affect people's health.

  Do we want to live in such an environment? Certainly don't want to; Then let us use action to prove it! We can start from me, start from now, start from the side. Love nature, the consciousness of environment protection! To do propaganda environmental protection angel! Let's take action to protect the environment






英语作文 篇6

  I Have a Dream

  i have a dream, that is, one day my parents get old, they will not have any diseases, any pains or any sorrow. they will live happily until the day they have to leave for the other world. there’s always plenty of sunshine in their everyday life. this is my dream and it is my greatest happiness.

  i have a dream, that is, one day all the dogs in the world will have their homes. they will be kindly taken care of, they will be deeply loved and they will be the most valuable friends to people. i also hope, all the people in the world will realize that dogs are the connection between human beings and heaven. this is my dream and it is my greatest happiness.

  i have a dream, that is one day there will be no wars in the world. no blood, no wounds, no deaths, no hate, only love and responsibility. we live together and love each other. there is no difference between us., this is my dream, this my greatest happiness.

  i have a dream , i have thousands of dreams. i dream that one day they can come true.

  this is my dream and it is my greatest happiness.

英语作文 篇7

  在雨天 In the Rainy Days

  There are four seasons in a year, I like summer most, while I don’t like winter, because in that season, there are so many rainy days. I will feel depressed when the rainy days come, especially the cold weather makes me very uncomfortable. There is a saying that when the winter comes, will spring be far behind, I will be happy to waiting for the coming of spring.


英语作文 篇8

  Depend on Yourself

  “Depend on yourself” is what nature says to everyone. Parents, teachers and others can all help us, but they only help us to help ourselves and make men of us.

  There have been many great men in history. Though many of them were very poor in their childhood with no one to depend on for an education, they set to work with all their determination to gain knowledge. Finally they worked their own way up to fame.

  Thinking of all those self-made men around us, we are well aware of the importance of depending on oneself. What they have in common, in spite of the differences in their fields, is their determination to succeed in their careers and the spirit to depend on their own honest and earnest efforts. In fact, no one will achieve anything unless he depends on himself.

英语作文 篇9

  health, surrounded by, smog, anything but, gases, impurities, absorb, poisonous, try hard, blacked out

  We all know that clean air is important to good health. Wherever you go and whatever you do, you are always surrounded by a sea of gases that we call air. If there are impurities in the air, they may be absorbed by our bodies and make us ill. We need clean air, but unfortunately, air pollution is globally present, especially in cities.

  Many large cities are anything but pollutio. Our cities have many factories, which we need to make food, clothing and other things. Every year these factories pour millions upon millions of tons of smog into air. Power plants and houses that burn coal add greatly to air pollution. Besides, there are more cars in cities now. Once out on the streets, they will take in fresh air and replace it with poisonous gases.

  Our country is trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. As long as every citizen also realizes its importance and makes join efforts, the day will come soon when people will take in only clean air. Then, the sunlight will no longer be blackened out by smoke and soot.

英语作文 篇10

  When I'm free or in trouble, I always take out a book and read quietly. In no time, I've put my heart into it so that I'll forget all the troubles. It's in this way that I've formed the habit of reading in any time.


  Little boys as I was, I was interest in picture books and storybooks. I was struck by them. No sooner had I entered the middle school than I began to read novel, plays, and essays and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interest in literature and last term I won the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in Zhe Jiang.


  Reading “The Emperor's New Clothes”, I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. “The Little Match Girl” couldn't keep me from crying for her misery. “Robinson Crusoe” took me into a strange world full of danger. And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Keller's patience and perseverance… Besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word, good books can make me know what I didn't before. So I think of a good book as my best friend.


  I'll never forget this famous saying,“Good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.”
