Take a dream as a horse and take a d

时间:2021-09-28 12:57:24 英语作文 我要投稿

Take a dream as a horse and take a detour作文|Take a dream as a horse and take a detour 英语作文

  在日复一日的`学习、工作或生活中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是小编收集整理的Take a dream as a horse and take a detour作文|Take a dream as a horse and take a detour 英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

Take a dream as a horse and take a detour作文|Take a dream as a horse and take a detour 英语作文

  You look forward to the distance, as always, with a dream as a horse. After arriving, you wake up the spring breeze on the green bank with a childlike smile.

  If you want to travel far away, the dog is in the way. You take a leisurely detour, passers-by asked you, a dog makes you afraid, how do you go to the distance?

  You answered that it is because of the difficulties ahead that we should avoid selectively. If we fight blindly, we will miss the trip.

  You pursue and seek, yearn for the distance. Like an idealistic wise man, he does not admire the world‘s scenery, does not fight for the warmth and coldness of the world, and is not afraid of life’s joys and sorrows. You use the most concise and intelligent way to get around the obstacles, through the shortcut of bending and prolonging but clear water and moon, and go to the distance you are pursuing.

  I believe that if you understand the transformation of thinking, you will be covered in a cloak full of stars, avoid the setbacks and obstacles ahead, chaos and darkness, and walk towards the warm spring in a strange land.

  Because only those who know how to detour, how to adapt and how to bow their heads are wise men and kings.

  I still remember that there is a hero full of tragic color -- water. He does not understand that it is the call of “return to the unknown”. In the face of Liu Bang‘s army, he just like “passers-by” want to face the difficulties and resist. He is a fierce man, but not a wise man. He committed suicide. Blood is sown all the way, and eventually becomes an imprint embedded in the history books. Xiang Yu, who doesn’t know how to choose a shortcut, is a fool or a loser?

  Among the towering epics, there is the humiliation of a king who has been praised by later generations. He knows that it is the time for “a gentleman to revenge, ten years is not too late”; in the face of the bitter pain of lying on one‘s wages and tasting gall, he knows that it will be a detour for him to compete in the Central Plains in the future. He is not a warrior, but a wise man. If you work hard, you will live up to it. Gou Jian, the king of Yue, made a comeback in the war of the spring and Autumn period. He came to the world because of his choice?

  If you stick to the rules, you will be bound in a cage where you have to fight. In the face of obstacles, in line with the old idea of “husband would rather bend”, blindly rush forward, only to hit the head and blood, leaving a body of choking smoke and debris. On the contrary, those who can achieve great things and take advantage of the wind are all those who know how to change their thinking and be flexible. The victory of the Communist Party of China in the war of liberation tells us that from abandoning the theory of city center, igniting the spark of the armed separatist regime of workers and peasants, to carrying out strategic transfer after the failure of the anti encirclement and suppression campaign, and in the future, millions of great masters crossed the riverThe wise man with dreams, yearning for the distance, will not be entangled with too many obstacles in the future, but wisely choose a shortcut, detour, will be the first to see the day and night, thousands of happy families.

  If there is an afterlife, I would like to be a river. When encountering gravel, it will flow into a gurgling stream by detour, leap into turbulent torrent when encountering steep cliff, and turn to flow into sea when encountering canyon. Dream as a horse, riding horse whip, walk longer but more flat road, the first touch the starry sky.

  Just for, the soul can be early, in the distance, flying.

【Take a dream as a horse and take a detour作文|Take a dream as a horse and take a detour 英语作文】相关文章:

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