
时间:2023-05-04 04:42:16 英语作文 我要投稿
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Some people think that in some cities could not find a good professional people will go to work in the western region, we proved them wrong, most of the people who work in the west have previously enviable career, because of their motherland and the development of the western region Need for qualified personnel, did not hesitate to quit their jobs and took west into the construction of the motherland. I once read an article in this way: A major cities in the work of the outstanding English teachers, to give up the excellent work of the treatment and living conditions in Xinjiang to join the application, he was in town to teach junior high teams, the school had no English Teachers, so that the arrival of his school's English classes start again. Two years later, he not only decided to continue his stay here, will also receive their own family in Xinjiang. His son grow up, here is when a teacher from generation to generation so as to Xinjiang to do a little of their own forces. I was full of respect for teachers in the text, he is like the Gobi Desert on poplar, where it is needed, where it will quickly take root and grow the sturdy branches. No matter wind or rain and snow encountered, regardleof drought or floods encountered, it is always so strong, unwavering.有些人认为,一定是在城市里找不着好职业的人才会去西部工作,可事实证明他们错了,大部分在西部工作的人以前都有令人羡慕的职业,他们是因为祖国的西部开发需要人才,才毫不犹豫地辞去工作,毅然西行,投入到祖国的建设中. 我就曾经读过这样一篇文章:一位在大城市工作的优秀英语教师,放弃了优厚的工作待遇和生活条件,报名投身新疆,他被安排在镇初级中学支教,这个学校原先没有英语教师,他的到来使这个学校的英语课再次开课.两年以后,他不但决定自己继续留在这里,还将自己的家人都接到新疆.他的儿子长大后,也在这儿当了一名教师,就这样一代一代地为新疆尽着自己的一份微薄力量.我非常敬佩文中的教师,他就像戈壁滩上的白杨树,哪儿需要它,它就在哪儿很快地生根发芽,长出粗壮的枝干.不管遇到风沙还是雨雪,不管遇到干旱还是洪水,它总是那么坚强,从不动摇.



Nowadays, one phenomenon calls for people’s attention that college students are encouraged to aid children in the poverty—stricken areas.

In general, aid—education is beneficial in two aspects. For one thing, it can widen the horizon in underdeveloped regions. For example, volunteers can get opportunities to experience a totally different life. For another, college students have received a rigorous training by adapting to the harsh living conditions and they are enjoying the appreciation and on—distance friendship from the children.IIwww.chddh.com

As far as I am concerned, china’s educational development can’t be isolated from each individual and it calls for the joint efforts of the society, the government and all of citizen. In a word, we college students should take the lead in response to the appeal for offering aid to children in poor areas.










