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Lesson one



一个礼仪之邦: a land of manners and propriety(礼节). 大学生:young adults in the Ivory Tower 老年人:senior citizens(前面不加the) 年轻人:young folks

中年妇女:a lady in her middle adulthood

来自各地的人:people from four corners of the nation(planet:行星) 成功者:high achievers

乐观精神:the optimistic spirit 积极心态:positive mental attitude 一个严重的问题:a grave problem 伟大复兴:great revival V(动词)

求职:seek employment

把...作为最重要的事:put....above all else 在社会上往上爬:move up the social ladder 找到一份体面的工作:land a decent job 重视:place emphasis on ..... P(短语/句型)

很困难做某事:It is far from easy to do sth 某人涌入某地:sb swarm into sp

越来越多的人:a growing share of people

融入当地社会:merge into the local community

非常明显:It is all too obvious that....(all too:非常) 在过去很多年中:over the past decades

如果....,....很可能将.....:If .....,chances may be that.......will........ 非常重要的事就是去做....:What is critically important is to do..... A(状语)

进入大学三年了,......:Three years into college,...... 刚刚进大学,.....:fresh into college,..... 刚刚出大学,......:fresh out of college,......

改革开放三十多年来,......:Thirty-plus years into the reform and opening up,...... 为了扭转这个不好的趋势:To reverse this unfavorable trend,.....


Though having made great economic strides over the past decades,china ,an ancient land with a splendid civilization 解剖:stride:进展 span:跨越

be sinking into:陷入

素材句2:Young adults in the Ivory Tower are supposed to take the leading role in fighting fiercely against piracy. 解剖:be supposed to do :应该做...;take the leading role in V-ing :起带头作用 fight fiercely against:猛烈地对抗;piracy:盗版


许多学生:most students,if not all,.....(if not all 不译) 世界知名大学:world-renowned university 知识产权:intellectual property rights 各级政府:governments at all levels V(动词)

培养才能:nurture talents

急需做....:urgently need to do..... 一直需要做....:long need to do .....

实施一些措施:implement some measures 落后于发达国家:lag behind advanced nations

在健康发展的路上:be on a track of healthy development 在A与B之间找到平衡:strike a balance between A and B 对...产生严重影响:generate a grave impact on..... 对...构成威胁:pose a threat to(接名词) 有很长一段路要走:have a long way to go

抓住每一次机会做....:seize every chance to do sth

带来很多不好的结果:bring about a string of unfavorable consequences 起带头作用:take the leading role in doing sth P(短语/句型)

主要因为....:chiefly because......(+句子) 应该做....:be supposed to do..... A(状语)

为了成为....:in a bid to emerge as..... 在我们人生旅途中:in our life journey 迅速地:V+at a fast pace

作为....的中坚力量:as the backbone of..... 在很多方面:in many facets

更糟糕的是,....:What makes matters worse,......(接句子)

素材句1:China has long needed to pour more resources into boosting its cultural soft power. 解剖:pour A into B:把A倾注到B上 boost:提升

soft power:软实力

素材句2:We have long needed to take a serious look at the negative impacts produced by Globalization.

素材句3:Only if this trend is reversed can China be on a track of healthy development. 解剖:only if :只有 素材句4:Far too many firms put economic benefits above all else,a worrying situation that we urgently need to take moves to reverse.

解剖:far too many :很多;take moves:采取措施


普通人:the pack

个人特质:the personal attribute 各种各样的:a diversity of 大量的: a host of /a wealth of 很多人:a multitude of folks V(动词)

被合理解决:be properly handled 跟上:keep pace with

倾向于做....:be prone to doing sth 忽视:lose sight of

参加:be getting involved in.....

极大推动:provide a huge boost to (介词to) P(短语/句子) 在一个....时代,:in an age when .....(接句子) 在一个...社会里:in a society where......(接句子) .....很常见:sth is nothing new

....不足为奇:sth is hardly surprising

.....的重要性再强调都不为过:the importance of.....can never be overemphasized. A(状语)

不努力:with no effort

在当今时代:in this day and age, 例如:for instance,....

难怪:small wonder(是状语,单独用都行) 素材句1:

The food safety problem is a quite serious problem in China,a worrying social headache that governments at all levels should pour more resources into fixing. 解剖:fixing:解决

素材句2:This worrying moral crisis ,if not properly handled ,would ruin the nation. 素材句3:We have a long way to go before emerging as a truly advanced nation. 解剖:emerge as:成为

素材句4:In an age when far too many folks only center on economic benefits ,a host of traditional core values are something of the past. 解剖:center on :关注

are something of the past :是不存在的东西(不存在了)

素材句5:In a nation where most people ,if not all ,lose sight of the importance of innovation , clone products are nothing new.

素材6:Far too many folks dream of tasting success effortlessly. 解剖:taste success:取得成功 effortlessly=with on effort

素材7:persistence prevails:坚持就是胜利;optimism prevails:乐观就是胜利


普通人:ordinary people 公众:the general public

一个具体的例子:a concrete example 监管机制:regulatory mechanism V(动词)

处于危险境地:be on the cliff 值得深思:be worth pondering 没有选择:have no option 半途而废:give up halfway 重视:place a high value on

认真对待这个问题:take this problem seriously P(短语/句子)

人们有分歧:people are divided

有志者事竟成:nothing is tough to a willing mind A(状语)

千方百计:in a hundred and one ways 全世界:the world over(直接用) 在中国:around the Chinese landscape

在....的共同努力之下:under the joint efforts of


In this day and age ,a multitude of folks lose sight of the critical importance of striking a balance between studies and recreational activities .Small wonder. 解剖:recreational:娱乐的 素材句2:

解剖:chronic:慢性的,习惯性的;work out:解决;solution:解决,溶解 素材句3:

The government should alert the general public to the growing threat of environmental deterioration. 解剖:alert:提醒;deterioration:恶化 素材句4:

A proper regulatory mechanism should be in place to put this worsening trend under control. 素材句5:

An appropriate regulatory mechanism ,on my personal level ,would provide a huge boost to the healthy development of the industry.

解剖:on my personal level :在我看来

素材句6:Only by combined efforts from people from all walks of life ,can the nation be on a faster track of revival. 解剖:combined efforts:共同的努力;all walks of life:各行各业

Lesson five


同学:fellow students 班长:class president 榜样:role model

一个引人思考的问题:a thought-provoking problem V(动词)

抵制来自...的诱惑:resist the temptation from.... 成为....的牺牲品:fall prey to..... 从...中复苏:emerge from

直面问题:face up to problems 充满:be packed with 沉溺于:be indulged in 让座:give the seat up to sb

对....有强烈兴趣:take a keen interest in....

尽...最大努力做:do all in one’s power to do(前一个do不替换,后一个do代表动词) P(短语/句子)

对....来说情况也一样:It is also the case with+V-ing

是某人更httP://meiwen.anslib.com/news/556E990D60E993A5.html深了解....:enable sb to gain a deeper understanding of.... A(状语)

在人生道路上:along the life path

在...影响之下:under the influence of .....


This trend has the potential to transform our nation in ways that may be fatal to us . 解剖:has the potential to do 有可能做......;fatal:致命的 素材句2:

Online shopping has revolutionized our life in ways that are beyond our imagination. 解剖:revolutionize:发动革命 素材句3:

On behalf of my fellow students,i venture to email you to ask for your help. 解剖:venture to do :冒昧地做..... 素材句4:

People at the very top are bound to have some personal attributes that are rare among low achievers. 解剖:be bound to do :一定做....;low achiever:平庸者

素材句5:Some top labels are employing social games to drive brand awareness.

解剖:label:品牌,标签;social games:社交游戏;employ:利用;brand awareness:品牌知名度 素材句6:Emerging as a global power again has long been a national dream. 解剖:emerge as:成为;


Lesson six


教学质量和设施:teaching quality and facilities. 城市居民:the city dwellers

一个好的未来:a promising future 网民:net citizens/surfers(复数) 网吧:cyber cafe

好坏掺半的事:a mixed blessing 不好的结果:ill consequences 求职者:job candidates V(动词)

花时间(钱)做...:devote time(money )to V-ing

把...放到最重要的位置:put... on the top of one’s agenda. 开阔眼界:expand one’s horizon

急剧改变:dramatically change(adv+V结构) 重视:attach importance to....(接名词性结构) 为...付出昂贵代价:pay dearly for it 积累经验:accumulate experience 消除:wipe out

放松一点....的标准:loose the standard a little bit P(短语/句子)

这与....形成鲜明对比:which stands in sharp contrast to....(接名词性结构)

现象的原因归因于:the reason for this phenomenon come down to .....(接名词性结构) 我们应该感到做....的紧迫需要:We should feel the pressing need to do sth 一个典型的例子就是:a good case in point is +(名词) 不可否认的事实是:it is an undeniable fact that..... A(状语)

在很大程度上: to a large extent 在人生的黄金期:in the prime of life 几年之后:after a couple of years 素材句1:

A positive mindset coupled with outstanding professional skills ,would prepare you for a promising career. 解剖:mindset:心态; couple with:结合;prepare sb for sth :使某人准备好某物 promising:有前途的 素材句2:

Simply put ,we college students, as the backbone of the community ,should face up to this harsh reality and act to reverse it. 解剖:simply put:简而言之;harsh:严酷的 素材句3:

Ironically ,many young adults ,if not most,lavish too much money and time to worshipping stars,while devoting little time to matters related to their studies.

解剖:ironically:讽刺地;lavish:浪费;worship:崇拜 素材句4:

It is an undeniable fact that in this day and age far too many adolescents and young adults lack the sense of gratitude.(感激) 素材句5:

Over the past decades ,many Chinese auto brands put boosting quality on the top of their agenda .

Lesson seven


致力于做...:dedicate sb to V-ing 开夜车:burn the night oil

对....视而不见: turn a blind eye to sth 攻读一个学位:pursue a degree 交网友:make e-pals

做一名志愿者:serve as a volunteer 审视:gain an insight into.....

做出不懈努力:make unremitting efforts 做出艰苦努力:make painstaking efforts P(短语/句子)

问题的答案可以归结于:The answer to this question can be boiled down to +(名词) 做...是有价值的:It pays to do sth A(状语)

只说不做:instead of paying lip service 为了....缘故:for the sake of 由于:owing to+(名词) 在将来:in the days ahead

在激烈的竞争中:in the keen competitions


I firmly believe that the future is bound to witness the fruits of our combined efforts. 解剖:witness:见证;fruit:果实;combined efforts:共同的努力 素材句2:I firmly believe that a nation turning a blind eye to this harsh reality is bound to suffer setbacks in the days ahead. 素材句3:Some local auto plants that once paid dearly for losing sight of the importance of quality ,now pour a wealth of resources into ensuring the quality of their products.

素材句4:It will be much too late for us to take moves to reverse the trend when ill consequences begin to tell. 解剖:much too:太;tell:显现

素材句5:Thanks to advances in economy ,rural kids now have access to many opportunities that were denied them. 解剖:thanks to :由于;have access to sth:可以得到....;deny:拒绝,否认





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