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1.stunning 令人振奋的 2.giggle 傻笑 3.paradox 悖论

4.inarticulate 口齿不清 5.bestow 授予 7.quip 嘲弄

8.execrable 恶劣的 9.adroit 敏感的 10.poise 平衡 11.etiquette 礼节 12.comport 行为 13.well off 富足

15.get possession of 取得所有权 16.put one’s mind to sth全神贯注 17.come up with提出 19.on the right track 在正轨上

21.fall flat失败(指没达到效果)


1.edition 版本

2.perspicacious 聪明,理解力强 3.nicety 理解 规矩

5.Betoken代表 象征 6.raw 纯天然的

7.callow 年轻无经验的 8.ritualistic 习惯的 9.sacrificial 牺牲

10.proclivity 喜好 天性 11.penetrate 穿透 渗透 13.prone 倾向于 14.pamper宠溺

15.cynic 愤世嫉俗的人

16.one-up 高人一等 胜人一筹 17.reciprocity 互惠互利 18.altruism 利他主义

19.at face value 表面上看来 21.measure up


1.fallacy 错误的观点 2.totter 摇摆地走 4.scepticism 怀疑

5.indubitable 毋庸置疑的 6.Exterminate 灭绝的

7.sober (没喝酒的)清醒 8.haunt 萦绕

9.fatalistically 必然发生的 10.ascertain 确定 12.discord 不和谐(n) 13.Interlude 插曲 14.mundane 平淡的 15.preclude 阻止 16.elude 逃跑

17.allegiance 效忠 忠诚

19.concentrated 集中的 浓缩的 21.dogmatic 武断的 教条的


1.languish 衰退 3.garner 获得 4.rue 后悔 5.glum 阴沉的

6.spawn (n:幼子)(v:引起) 7.niche 天地(合适的职业) 8.feign 假装

9.shuddered 发抖 震动 11.banal 非常平淡的 12.aggrandize 扩充 13.punitive 惩罚 14.infuriate 暴怒 15.bashful 害羞的 16.Interject插嘴

17.flat-out 平平展展 无保留的 18.poke fun at嘲弄 嘲笑 19.carved out 开凿 23.numbing 麻木的


misty-eyed 含泪的 伤感的 quip 嘲弄

snob 自大 势利小人 arbiter 仲裁者

enticement 诱惑,引诱n. sprint 短跑

absolve 免除 赦免

ferocious 凶猛的 激烈的 besmirch 损害 诽谤

iconoclastic打破传统观念的 anecdote 奇闻,轶事 nonetheless 尽管如此 shenanigan 恶作剧,诡计 fortify 增加,加固,加强vt. swig 大喝大饮 ominous 不详的 stimulant 兴奋剂 Pentathlon 五项全能 take bribes 受贿 viciously 恶意滴

Susceptible 易受...影响 conjecture 猜想 推测 n. vi.

impersonator 演员 模仿艺人的人 bleak 阴冷的 荒凉的

skulduggery 作假 欺诈 n.

frailty 脆弱 虚弱(身体意志上) roll around 循环往复 反复出现

by fair means or foul 以公正或不公正的方法

take a dive 故意输掉比赛 fork over 不情愿地交出

under one’s own steam 孤立无援 disqualify 取消...的资格 fall off 减少下降 subscribe 赞成 vt show me up 丢脸 approaches vi.靠近 pay off 付清,贿赂 cramp vt. 束缚 限制


complaisance 讨好,殷勤 banish 驱逐

egotism 利己主义,z自负 impertinent 无礼的 infallible 绝对无误的 insipid 枯燥乏味的

preamble 前言 序言 先兆 relator 叙述者 incense 使发怒

gallantry 殷勤 勇敢n. deform 使...变形

counterbalance vt.使平衡,抵消 studied 故意的

abject 凄惨的,卑下的 abhor 厌恶 vt. antipathy 反感 n.

genteel 文雅的(装的)有教养的 aversion 厌恶 n. arcanum 秘密 adieu 告别

depend upon it 毫无疑问

do justice to sb 公平对待sb,使sb的价值充分发挥

Make amends(to sb)for(sth)补偿,赔偿....损失。

deservedly 理所应当地,应得地 throw out 否决 misplaced 错位的 grudge怀恨妒忌

英译汉 第七单元

1.Every four years, when the Olympics roll around again, journalists seem automatically to recycle those misty-eyed notions about “Good Old Days”.(每逢四年一度的奥运盛会,记者们似乎总会自然而然地把“过去的好时光”那些模糊的概念重新炒作一番。)

2.In fact, the mythology of a perfect Olympic is the modern invention of snobs and self-styled purists, perpetuated by sports writers---and television commentators at a loss to fill air time.(para.2 lines8-11)(事实上,曾有过完美的奥运会的神话只是现代的势利小人和一群自封的纯粹主义者的杜撰,通过体育文章撰稿人和转播期间设法填补空白时间的电视评论员流传下来。)

3.But these arbiters were often susceptible to financial enticements--- and treats.(para.5 lines27-29)(这些比赛的主宰者往往经不起金钱以及盛宴的诱惑)

4.Just before President Teddy Roosevelt’s daughter was to give him his medal, it was discovered that Lorz had not, after all, gone the entire distance under his own steam.(para.14 lines 101-103)(正当特迪·罗斯福总统的女儿给他颁奖之际,洛兹被发现没有独立跑完全程。)

5.Having cramped up at about nine miles, he accepted a ride from a passing car. (para.14 lines 104-105)(他在9英里处腿部抽筋,便搭乘了辆路过的汽车。)

6.Perhaps most amazing of all, if it were later proved that, say, a boxer or a wrestler had dishonestly won through bribery — he still didn’t lose his title.


And even if an honest judge was stationed at the turning post that the runners had to circle, he still had great difficulty in determining whose elbow was smashing into whose ribs, because the athletes didn’t wear numbers.


8.According to a recent book by Professor David Young of the University of California at Santa Barbara, the winner of the sprint could, in fact, expect to earn the ancient equivalent of several hundred thousand dollars! 位于圣塔·巴巴拉市的加州大学的戴维·扬教授在其新著中称,短跑冠军实际上有望获得相当于几十万美元的奖金!

9.Promoters of minor track meets — which were often held to advertise local products (!) — would fork over plenty to have the hottest runners of the day merely show up. What’s more, the athletes were generally absolved by their home town from paying taxes and were given free meals for life.


10.I am not afraid to name names. The greatest sprinter in antiquity was a certain Astylos, who hailed from Crotona, a tiny Greek village in Italy.我可以指出一些具体的名字。古代最优秀的短跑选手是来自位于意大利境内的希腊小村克洛托纳的一个叫阿斯特洛斯的小伙子。

11. Afterwards, Astylos was approached by some boys from Syracuse, then a rich and growing city in Sicily, who made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. They suggested that he change citizenship so he could run for their city’s team in the next Olympics.不久,位于西西里的一个新兴城市西拉库斯派人与他接洽,劝说他改变国籍代表西拉库斯参加下一届奥运会。他们提出的优厚待遇使阿斯特洛斯难以拒绝。

12. Lest I besmirch the name of a great athlete, let me hasten to say that I do not imply that Astylos really cheated. He simply accepted a lot of cash to move to a bigger base of operations. It

happens all the time today with corporate executives. 请允许我赶紧声明我并不是说阿斯特洛斯欺骗了世人,以免有辱一代名将的一世英名。他只是接受了一笔钱,投靠了一个实力更强大的城市。这种情况在现代社会的公司管理人员中是司空见惯的。

13.It almost goes without saying that the Greeks overwhelmed their countryman Spiridon Loues, the winner of the marathon, with numerous tangible rewards. (Some accounts say female spectators threw their jewels down to him on the track.) 当希腊选手斯普里敦·洛伊斯获得马拉松比赛的冠军时,希腊人给予他们的同胞大量物质奖励。(有人描述当时有些女观众甚至向场内的英雄抛掷珠宝首饰。)

14.But let us quickly say he won fair and square. And yet when he crossed the finish line, he was a little “high” on more than joy — having fortified himself along the road with swigs of sugared wine.我们必须赶紧声明洛伊斯还是光明正大地赢得了比赛。尽管在冲过终点线时,他显得与其说是兴奋还不如说有点“醉醺醺”的?因为他在途中大量饮用掺了糖的葡萄酒以保持体 15. Since then, doctors have been hard at work trying to invent substances that would improve performance while escaping detection. This medical research may have helped performances but it has often harmed athletes. 自那时起,医学人员就开始致力于研制开发有助于提高比赛成绩同时又能不被察觉的药物。这项医学研究也许能提高运动员的成绩,但通常会对他们的身体造成伤害。

16. Upon investigation, the judges discovered that Boris had been a rather naughty boy, having rewired his sword to light at any moment he would deem appropriate.经过调查,裁判发现狡猾的伯利斯重新设计了其佩剑中的电路,因而灯何时会亮完全操纵在他本人手中。

17.There is no need to conjecture about Dora Ratjen, the German athlete who just missed a gold medal in the women’s high jump in the notorious Olympics of 1936.然而,德国运动员朵拉·拉特金的性别是不容置疑的。在臭名昭著的1936年奥运会上错失了女子跳高金牌后,“她”随后在这个项目中屡屡改写世界纪录。

18.Very few of us, I think, would subscribe to the view of a European coach, who was recently quoted as saying: “As long as you are still alive for the victory ceremony, you should get your reward. There is no room for ethics in sports anymore.”我想,很少有人会赞同一位欧洲教练近来发表的观点,“只要你还活着为胜利而庆贺,就应该得到报酬。体育比赛中没有伦理道德的位置。”

19.This is cynical in the extreme. I firmly believe that the majority of spectators today watch the Olympics to see “pure” excellence.这只是一种极端的愤世嫉俗的态度。我坚信当今绝大多数的观众观看奥运比赛是为了看到一种“纯洁”的胜利


1.If you are pleased with the complaisance and attention of others to your honours, your tastes, or your weaknesses, depend upon it, the same complaisance and attention on your part to theirs will equally please them.(如果别人对你的情绪、品味或弱点所给予的恭维和关注令你高兴,那么你对别人给予同样的恭维和关注无疑也会令别人喜悦。)

2.be serious, gay, or even trifiling, as you find the present humor of the company; this is an attention due from every individual to the majority.(无论是严肃、快乐还是懒散,你的情绪要和朋友们同步,这是个人应对多数人表示的一种礼貌。)

3.nor labor, as many people do, to give that turn to the conversation, which may supply you with an opportunity of exhibiting them.(即使谈话为你提供了展示这些优点的机会,你也不要像许多人那样,拼命地把它们转移到话题中去。) 4.The particular characters, the habits, the cant of one company may give merit to a word, or a gesture, which would have none at all if divested of those accidental circumstances.(某个圈子中的人物、习惯和惯用语可能会看重某个词、某个手势,但离开了特定的场合,它们就可能变得毫无价值。)

5.Here people very commonly err; and fond of something that has entertained them in one company, and in certain circumstances, repeat it with emphasis in another, where it is either insipid, or it may be offensive, by being ill-timed or misplaced.(在这方面人们经常会犯错误:他们喜欢在某个圈子里令他们愉快的某样事情,而在另一个圈子里特别强调地重复它。然而由于时间或地点不宜,在不同的圈子里,它要么是枯燥乏味的,要么可能是无礼唐突的。)

6.Those, therefore, who flattered skillfully, said little to him of his abilities in state affairs, or at least but en passant, and as it might naturally occur. But the incense which they gave him, the smoke of which they knew would turn his head in their favor, was as a bel esprit and a poet.(于是,那些善于献媚的人几乎不提他的治国才能,即使说也只是一笔带过,仿佛自然顺带提到而已。只有恭维他为才子和诗人才会令其飘飘然并垂青于献媚者。)

6.his prevailing weakness was, to be thought to have a polite and happy turn to gallantry — of which he had undoubtedly less than any man living.(他的主要弱点是希望被人认为具有骑士(绅士)般彬彬有礼的快乐天性,而他无疑比任何人都欠缺这种品质。)

7.If they are both bad, she comforts herself that she has graces, a certain manner, a je ne sais quoi still more more engaging than beauty.(万一这两者都很糟糕,她就会安慰自己: 她具有比美貌更迷人的风度、举止和某种难以形容的品质。 )

8.But there is no living in the world without a complaisant indulgence for people’s weaknesses, and innocent, though ridiculous vanities.(但凡生活在这个世界上,就不能不宽纵别人荒谬却无害的缺点和虚荣。)

9.If a man has a mind to be thought wiser and a woman handsomer, than they really are, their error is a comfortable one to themselves, and an innocent one with regard to other people, and I would rather make them my friends by indulging them in it, than my enemies by endeavoring (and that to no purpose) to undeceive them.(如果一个男人希望被认为比其实际更聪明,一个女人希望被认为比其实际更漂亮,他们的这种错误令他们自己觉得舒服而又对别人无害。我宁愿纵容他们、与之为友,也不愿竭力去(无缘无故地)揭人之短而为自己树敌。) 10.There are little attentions, likewise, which are infinitely engaging, and which sensibly affect that degree of pride and self-love, which is inseparable from human nature, as they are unquestionable proofs of the regard and consideration which we have for the persons to whom we pay them.(于细微处见关怀,同样也是极其动人的,因为它毫无疑问证明了我们对被关怀者是关心和体谅的,这种关怀明显会影响一个人自尊、自恋的程度,这也是人之常情。)

11.Such attention to such trifles flatters self-love much more than greater thing, as it makes people think themselves almost the only objects of your thoughts and care.(对此类细节的如此关注较之大处更能取悦自恋者,因为这令他们觉得自己几乎是你考虑和关心的唯一对象。)13.and shall not grudge it if you reap the advantage.( 你若能从中获益,我将不胜宽慰。)

汉议英 第七单元

1.吸引大量观众的体育运动为人们观赏青春的活力、速度和力量提供了一个窗口。(Spectator sports provide an outlet for viewing the vitality of youth, speed, and strength.)

2.它所展示的技能水平强烈地吸引着人们。(The levels of skill (that are)displayed fascinate people. )

3.男性之所以比女性更直接地认同这种运动,是因为他们的童年经历和比赛所展示的阳刚之气。(Men identify more directly than women with spectator sports because of their childhood experience and the macho nature of games. ) 4.这种运动对男性来说,在心理上还有另外一种吸引力:因为他们是男人,有可能被召唤到赛场上,被要求打比赛或当教练,去贡献自己的一技之长。(For men there is an additional attraction in their minds because since they are male they could be called on to the field, asked to contribute their playing or coaching skills. )

5.因此观看这类比赛给他们的遐想(daydreams)提供了素材。(Viewing sports thus provides the raw material for dreams.) 6.而女性在观看比赛中也从他人身上间接地获得了渴望取胜的满足感,而且有更多的女性正积极地投身到竞技体育中去。(Nevertheless, women too feel vicarious(想象别人的苦乐而产生同感/共鸣的)satisfaction from a desire to win than ever and more women are becoming active in competitive sports. ) 7.到20世纪70年代初,体育爱好者们对比赛不断增长的兴趣,在电视联播中得到了进一步加强,并把职业运动转变成了利润丰厚地商业活动。(By the early 1970s, growing fan interest in the games, heightened by network television, had transformed professional sports into lucrative business enterprises. ) 8.结果,一些全新的俱乐部联合会雨后春笋般地涌现出来,与现有的体育组织展开竞争,并以诱人的工资来吸引运动员加盟。(As a result, entirely new leagues sprang up/mushroomed to compete with established organizations and lure away players with attractive salaries. )

9.随着体育变得更像传统的商业活动,越来越多地运动员寻找他们的经纪人,代表他们参加工资谈判。现在,职业体育运动已经进入一个新时代。(As sports became more like traditional businesses, players increasingly turned to agents to represent them in salary negotiations. Now professional sports have entered a new era.)


1.我心里有一些东西,一直渴望着说出来教育年轻人;因为正是在一个人早年尚未成熟的时候,这些东西最能生根、最能持久,也最珍贵。(I have a few things in my mind which I have often longed to say for the instruction of the young; for it is in one’s tender early years that such things will best take root and be most enduring and most valuable. ) 2.当父母在场时要始终服从他们。从长远的观点来看,这是最好的策略。因为即使你不服从他们,他们也会使你服从。(Always obey your parents when they are present. This is best policy in the long run, because if you don’t they will make you. )

3.大部分父母认为他们知道的比你多。你接受这一点,通常比你根据自己判断行事,会获得更大的收益。(Most parents think they know better than you do, and you can generally benefit more by accepting that idea than you can by acting on your own judgment.)

4.要尊重你的上司,也要尊重你的朋友、熟人和身边的人。(Be respectful to your superiors, also to friends, acquaintances and people around you. ) 5.如果一个人冒犯了你,你又不能确定他是有意还是无意,不要采取极端的做法;只要等待时机予以回击就行了。(If a person offends you, and you are in doubt as to whether it was intentional or not, do not resort to extreme measures; simply watch your chance and hit him back later. That will be sufficient.)

6.如果你能肯定他并非有意冒犯,就应该坦率说出来,承认自己攻击他是错误的,像一个男子汉那样承认错误,对他说你不是有意这样做的。(If you shall find that he had not intended any offense, come out frankly and confess yourself in the wrong when you struck him; acknowledge it like a man and say you didn’t mean to.)

7.要始终避免使用暴力,在这个仁爱和友善的时代,依仗暴力的日子已经一去不复返了。(Always avoid violence. In this age of charity and kindliness, the time has gone by for violence.)


1.seeing a wild animal 1.goog habitats

1.prevent endangered animals

2.They are the threats to species

2.importance of protecting the animals 2.Their responsibility to protect animals

3.His personal life 3.four times

3.since his childhood 3.a fight scene

3.more interested in cars

4.learned of 4.tend to use 4.one can easily

5.environment problems 5.similar to earth 5.scientists haven’t

6.journalist and interviewee 6.pursuit of beauty 6.a friend of hers

6.energetic and fashionable

7.there are very fashionable 7.on their bodies 7.T-shirt from India

7.large and metallic jewellery 7.choose clothes

8.in the tropical 8.were prosperous 8.hundreds of years

9.in the western Atlantic 9.mystery occurs there 9.more than 100 ships 9.a curious white light

9.the cause for this mystery

10.a lecture there

10.places of interest in the city 10.from England

11.character mickey mouse 11.about 45 percent 11.a media company

12.visit a museum

12.camping companion 12.missed the show 12.she does not like jazz 12.Dancing anymore

13.a chef 13.his neck 13.movies are

13.actress and director 13.the sound of music

14.the first ancient 14.776BC

14.all the participants 14.1896

14.booked a ticket

15.may 1928 15.In Uruguay 15.all the matches 15.2-1 Uruguay 15.a different ball


English Department Beijing University 111 Xueyuan Road

Beijing 100080 隔一行 November 15, 2007隔一行 Dr. Andreas Rodger

Department of English Literature Boston University

231 Brooklyn Street, NY 10323 USA隔一行

Dear Dr. Rodger:隔一行

The English Department of Beijing University would like to extend to you an invitation to be our guest speaker at the annual Literature Seminars to be held at the meeting room at eight o’clock, Saturday morning, December 21,2009.

As you know, the department is interested in the 20th centu研究生英语期末考试复习资料ry English literature. Since you are familiar with the field, we know your views will be extremely interesting to us.

You will receive further details later, but we would appreciate having your acceptance soon so we may complete our agenda. Yours sincerely,隔一行 Samson Zhang

Dr. Andreas Rodger

Department of English Literature Boston University

231 Brooklyn Street, NY 10323 U.S.A.隔行 November 26,2007 隔行 Samson Zhang

English Department Beijing University 111 Xueyuan Road Beijing 100080隔行 Dear Mr. Zhang:隔行

Thank you very much for the invitation to the annual Literature Seminal which will be held at your meeting room at eight o’clock, Saturday morning, December 21,2007.

Unfortunately, I have to give lectures to my students at Boston University from December 1 to January 15 according to the teaching schedule. I am really sorry for being unable to attend the seminar.隔行

I wish the seminar a great success.隔行

Yours sincerely, 隔行 Andreas Rodger

Huang Feihong (P.O. box 226)

Hefei University of Technology

193 Tunxi Road ,Hefei 230009 Anhui Province P. R. China

December 11, 2003

Judy Williams, Admission Adm

Graduate School Admissions Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824隔行 Dear Mr. Berger:隔行

I am applying for the position of the chief of the department, which was advertised November 4…. The position seems to fit very well with my education, experience…隔行

According to the advertisement, your position requires excellent communication skills, I will be graduating from… . My study includes the courses in speech communications, computer science, etc. I understand the position also requires a candidate who is team-and detail- oriented, and is able to deal with people in department throughout the firm. These skills I developed both in my courses and recent internship.隔行

My background and goals seem to match your requirements well. I am confident that I can perform the job effectively, and I am excited about…隔行

If you would like to schedule an interview or discuss my interest in this position, please call me at 0551-3524689.










