职称英语经验阅读判断技巧-关于主旨大意题 -备考资料

备考资料 时间:2019-01-01 我要投稿
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    later,Boston College provided him with an excellent legal background. He is presently a corporation lawyer in Miami,Florida.





    此段落的主题词是study at the university,graduate with honors


    上面这个段落的主题应该是Joshua Bingham received an excellent education.(Joshua Bingham受过良好的教育)




    1. 概括范围太窄,只表达局部信息或某一细节,不能概括整篇文章的主旨大意。


    2. 概括范围太宽,所表达的内容超出或多于文章阐述的内容。


    3. 无关信息:即文章中未提到、或找不到语言依据的信息。


    Example one


    Coffee is a universal beverage that is served in different ways around the world. In London,for example,some Englishmen dip mustard into their coffee,while in Denver,a Person might add a dash of ketchup. Strips of orange and lemon Peel,cloves and cinnamon sticks are not unusual additions to the brew in Europe. An Asian delight consists of coffee brewed in boiling sugar. perhaps the richest cup of coffee can be enjoyed in Ireland where whiskey and whipped cream are important ingredients. In Australia a waitress will ask,“Do you want black or white?”Black is plain black coffee,but white is half coffee and half warm milk. If an Australian orders iced coffee,he will be served a cup of steaming coffee with a scoop of ice cream. It sounds like the Australian version of a “snowball in hell.”


    1. Which statement best expresses the main idea?


    a. The richest cup of coffee can be enjoyed in Ireland.


    b. Asians enjoy a sweet cup of coffee.


    c. Coffee is enjoyed in a variety of ways.


    d. Australians have an unusual sense of humor.


    2. The paragraph could be entitled


    a. Some Like It Hot. b. Coffee Around the World.


    c. Oriental Delights. d. A Snowball in Hell.




    l.第一个问题的正确答案是c,coffee is enjoyed in variety of ways.(咖啡可以以多种方式享用)这句话说明了这段文章的主题,




    答案a,和b都是错误的,原因在于:答案a和b所述内容是细节而非主题,同主题句相比?它们的范围显得狭隘了些。它们的重要性不及主题句。答案d 是说澳大利亚人具有与众不同的幽默感;虽然本段文章某些地方可能表明澳大利亚人具有幽默感,但是答案d所指的仍是细节而不是主题。


    2.第二个问题的正确答案是b:Coffee Around the World.(遍及全球的咖啡。文章的主题句说明咖啡是一种全球性饮料,文中的论证性句子又评述了若干国家的不同吃法。




    本段文章的结构是主题句位于段落的开头;作者一开始就提出论点,其余的句子是对这一论点的论证与解释说明。与此相对应的句子显然是第一句:Coffee is a universal beverage that;served in different ways around the
