
资料 时间:2019-01-01 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 资料】




  一、Team Player

  突出你和他人合作的工作经验。有些同学会把teamwork skill和监督他人的工作经验混淆,虽然两者都是working in a team,后者属于leadership而非team player。


  • Increased email click-throughrate by 20% by collaborating closely with other members of design team

  • Partnered with 6 otheremployees to plan and execute a 200-person corporate retreat

  • Increased coding accuracy by15% by using pair programming technique

  关键字:Work with, collaborate, partner,participate, merge, unite, contribute, develop relationships with

  二、A Leader



  • On boarded, trained, andoversaw 5 new employees in the analytics department

  • Gave presentation on effectivecommunication processes to 60-person company

  • Mentored 3 PR interns,continuing the relationship after they returned to school

  • Implemented new time managementsoftware system and taught 10 employees how to use it

  • Supervised 4 direct reports

  关键字:Facilitate, manage, supervise,teach, direct, delegate, mediate, recruit, advise, administer, moderate,instruct, guide, counsel, coach, arbitrate, liaise, coordinate, inspire,influence

  三、Someone Who Is Able to Multi-Task

  这是一个让你显示你是万能干将的机会。想想你多次需要同一时间身兼万职的时候 - 其实天天都是如此,不是吗?表现出你能够在同一时间处理多项任务能够让你的雇主对临危不乱、沉着稳定的特性更有信心。


  • Planned and launched 3simultaneous employee engagement programs, resulting in a 20% increase inreported employee satisfaction

  • Answered 40+ calls per daywhile helping in-store customers and maintaining area cleanliness

  • Identified and solved 20+customer queries each week while researching and resolving paymentdiscrepancies

  关键字:Prioritize, expedite, organize,manage, multitask, dynamic environment, high-volume

  四、A Strong Communicator





  • Interacted with approximately50 customers per day, improving their experience through warm, friendlydemeanor, and eagerness to answer questions

  • Negotiated partnerships with 4new clients, helping company establish a strong position in emerging market

  • Rewrote onboarding process foroverseas contract workers, a 100-page document used to train approximately 500employees each year

  • Kept 10-member sales teamfocused and motivated by giving 15-minute weekly speech

  关键字: Compose, write, present, speak,interview, lobby, persuade, negotiate, author, discuss, interface, clarify,articulate

  五、An Analytical Thinker

  举一个你曾经做过的logical decision的例子,又或是与data相关的经验。


  • Saved company $10,000 bylogging and reviewing weekly employee pay logs and investigating paydiscrepancies

  • Developed and managed $500Kbudget for commercial activities, prioritizing key investments to meetin-market revenue forecast

  • Designed and implemented A/Btesting, using results to increase user engagement by 40%

  六、A Self-Starter

  想几个关于主动并且成功完成一个项目的例子。总的来说,看重“self-motivated,”“driven,” “passionate,” 或 “self-directed”的公司希望知道你不需要主管时刻监督你,并且会愿意承担职责外的工作。


  • Took the initiative to formFacebook page for store’s employees, improving internal communication andteamwork

  • Proactively reached out toclients when their orders were going to be late, reducing number of canceledorders by 20%

  • Volunteered on company EmployeeSuccess team; independently planned 6 quarterly events for employees

  关键字:Independently, anticipate,identify/resolve, offer, volunteer

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