
学人智库 时间:2018-01-16 我要投稿
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《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday)是1953年由美国派拉蒙公司拍摄的浪漫爱情片,故事讲述了一位欧洲某公国的公主与一个美国记者之间在意大利罗马一天之内发生的浪漫故事。影片由格利高里·派克和奥黛丽·赫本联袂主演,取得了巨大的成功,成为好莱坞黑白电影的经典之作。1953年4月21日公演。是奥黛丽赫本一鸣惊人的处女作,不但当选奥斯卡影后,并且以其清新典雅在50年代掀起了“赫本热”。导演怀勒融罗马名胜风光于剧情之中,英俊潇洒的派克亦与赫本十分般配,将一部浪漫爱情喜剧拍得十分温馨悦目。本片1993年获得奥斯卡追授。1987年重拍成电视片。第26届奥斯卡金像奖最佳剧本、最佳女主角、最佳服装设计。


每个女孩心底都会有些公主情结,幻想自己就是那个高贵的公主,头戴皇冠,身穿礼服,在众人簇拥下成长,与心爱的王子幸福生活。但是突然有一天,一个真正的公主厌烦了皇宫的刻板、沉闷的生活,他向往宫外的广阔辽远,自由缤纷。于是深更半夜,从没有独自出过门、不知道钞票为何物、甚至不会自己穿衣服的公主,偷偷地爬过宫殿的高墙,来到了人间,上演了《罗马假日》的美丽童话……这个世界上,总有些东西堪称永恒。《罗马假日》这部电影史上凄美不朽的爱情悲剧,半个世纪以来,深深打动了数以亿计不同种族、国籍和年龄的观众,银幕上安妮公主和美国记者乔.布莱德的爱情是浪漫爱情电影之代表,至今却无出其右。 在科技发达的今天,几乎所有的老片都被处理成彩色,只有包括本片在内为数不多的几部黑白影片遭到禁止。无论从哪个角度来看,它的艺术性都完美无缺,堪称黑白片时代的完美佳作。 全片格调简洁明快,毫无大制作大场面,单一的剧情铺陈却在两位男女主角鲜活、爽朗的表演下显得丰富有趣。那种单纯的爱时至今日仍被许多人留恋。 美丽的神话,源自于古老的传说,现代的童话则出自文明,短暂的造访成就了流芳百世的经典。尽管他们的邂逅只持续了短短24小时。古老罗马,一座不设防的城市,也是一座充满惊喜与浪漫的城市!高贵任性童心十足的公主,在这里抛开了一成不变的枯燥刻板、日复一日的繁文缛节。游荡于皇宫之外,令她如沐春风,近距离接触普通民众的愉悦超越了身无分文的尴尬,露宿街头的凄然感觉也没有令她有任何悔意,自由自在地呼吸新鲜空气、徜徉在善良人群中令她忘乎所以、深情陶醉,而偶遇英俊潇洒的新闻记者乔,则使她这次罗马之旅擦出动人的火花。 她不但爱上了五光十色的平民生活,而且还爱上了乔,金风玉露一相逢,便胜人间无数.偏偏幸福总是短暂,所以经过充满忧伤.自由芬芳的恋爱后,她无奈地回到了那个冷冰冰的皇宫,恢复了她沉闷的生活,履行她作为皇室成员的出访职责;花团锦簇风光旖旎的背后,她承受的是本不属于她的重重负担。 一个原该灿烂活泼的灵魂就那样被无情的锁入幽深皇宫里。这也许是她的宿命。小记者乔.布莱德虽然囊中羞涩,但幽默开朗的性格使他知足常乐,天性善良的他不忍见到横卧街头长凳上的姑娘,执意送她回家,当他发觉迷迷糊糊的姑娘无家可归时,还把她带到自己的家里休息。 后来,流浪姑娘被证实是出访的公主时,意外的惊喜令他自告奋勇充当公主的向导,两人陶醉在古色古香的罗马街头的同时,也不知不觉产生了真挚的感情。在这座处处都散发着浓厚的文化底蕴的城市,他们惬意地坐在街头咖啡厅品味悠闲,旁若无人地骑电单车疾走在横街窄巷,“真理之嘴”留下他们的身影,而街头舞池边的一致对外更加深了这对爱侣的情感。 作为美联社驻罗马的记者,乔.布莱德的工作并不顺利,经济上也出现了问题,已经欠交房东数月的租金,但刻板的上司并不理会他的困境,只关心出位新闻和报纸销量。 本来遭遇落入民间的公主是乔的绝好机会,是他职业生涯的转机,不但可以一夜成名,也可能从此飞黄腾达。但他最终没有跌入追逐名利的怪圈,抛弃功成名就之良机,悄然将一切埋藏于心底,把自己与公主短暂相处的美好经历和影像永留记忆,为了所爱之人和纯真爱情默默地忍受分离的折磨,这一切因为爱。因为一段刻骨铭心的、难以割舍的爱。影片的尾声,在罗马的宫殿里,公主面对近在咫尺爱人,将盈盈的泪光锁在眼睛中矜持地和各国使节记者道别,两个人站得那样近,也离得那样远。乔只能说:“你的朋友绝不会让你失望。”而公主也只能这样回答:“罗马,当然是罗马。”那饱含哀伤和愁绪的回眸一笑,另乔顷刻间失魂落魄。此去一别,天涯万里,再不可能有重逢的时候了,但是安妮公主却一直笑着,所有的痛苦隐藏在笑靥下,但那美丽的忧伤叫人如此颤栗。 在人的一生里,即便只有这样一刻心灵的相通,也会少却多少遗憾! 童话中的女孩最终长大为成熟的女人了,其实她早就明白,皇宫公主的生活并不好过,那些花团锦簇风光旖旎是表面的,她向往民间,向往美好的爱情,但却终难下凡。她的脚下有一条不可逾越的鸿沟。 上世纪70年代,曾经有人想拍摄《罗马假日》的续集,让两位主人公的后代来接续他们的情缘,但最终没有成功。这甚至可以说是一件幸事,因为自那个点后,一切美丽都会不可阻挡地消逝。相爱的两个人生活在同一个时间和空间里,却永远相望而不能相见,这是“刻骨铭心”四个字的最好注解。 其实很多时候,爱就是放手,就是远去,就是一瞬的凝眸不舍和永远的两心相望。生死相许,海枯石烂固然可贵,但涓涓细流却会永远藏匿于心。《罗马假日》糅合了悲剧与喜剧的全部要素,感情的分寸拿捏得恰到好处,他们的相逢喜而不俗,始于快乐,止于哀怨。他们的离别哀而不伤,增之一分减之一毫都会过火。一种很有节制的笔触,令这段爱情逐渐走上高潮,然后就让它停留在最美的一个点上,带着人们的期望和幻想扩散开去…… 不管人间天上,爱情终究是不老的传奇。或许刹那绚丽,或许永远平淡如水,但是,只要尝试过,体味过,就永不言悔。一段美丽而忧伤的爱情故事一曲催人泪下的人间绝唱一部荡气回肠的爱情经典之作迷醉在爱情终止的地方——《罗马假日》见证美丽情感


The story is about a young princess (公主) (Hepburn) named Ann, making a goodwill (善意的) tour of Europe's capitals. She is tired of the responsibility (职责) and demands of the role she has been born in to and longs to experience the every day pleasures of an ordinary person. In Rome she finally rebels. Waiting until after everyone in the embassy (大使馆) where her party is staying has gone to sleep, she slips out a window and finds herself alone on the streets of Rome.

She is found by Joe Bradley (Peck), a hardened (坚毅的) and somewhat cynical (愤世嫉俗的) reporter, on his way home from a late night card game. Not knowing who she is but seeing that she has no place to stay he takes pity on her and invites her to his apartment for the night. In a comical (滑稽的) scene, he offers her a pair of his pajamas (睡衣) and points to the couch where she can sleep. Innocent (天真的) aristocrat (贵族) that she is, she asks for a nightgown and help undressing. Bradley helps her take off her tie and then leaves the room. When he returns a few minutes later he discovers her sound asleep on the bed, leaving him the couch (沙发).

Leaving her sleeping the next morning, Bradley shows up late for work and tries to cover himself by saying that he had an interview (采访) with the princess. But his editor shows him a newspaper with her picture and headline stating that she was taken ill the night before and canceled all appointments (安排) for the day. Bradley immediately realizes who he has in his apartment and gets the editor to agree to pay $5,000 if he can get a real interview with the princess. On the way out Bradley contacts a photographer (摄影师) friend, Irving Radovich (Albert) and arranges for him to met him later with his camera for a big scoop.

Returning to his apartment, Bradley picks up the princess for their planned tour of the city. Bradley's real aim is to get the pictures and story he promised (答应) his editor. But the innocent charm of the princess softens him and the two start to fall in love. They end up having a good time and some comical adventures (冒险). Bradley conceals the fact that he is a reporter who knows who she really is and she doesn't tell him that that she is a royal princess. But in the end the truth comes out and the princess realizes that her duty to her country and family come first and she reluctantly (不情愿地) returns to her official role.

The two meet briefly at the end during her press conference with other reporters. She addresses Bradley as Mr. Bradley just like the others. As he is leaving, Bradley, quietly slips her the photos that his friend Irving had taken and lets her know that his story and pictures of their time together will never be published (公布).

The charming Audrey Hepburn plays a modern princess who takes a day on Rome. She meets up with reporter Peck and wise-cracking photographer Albert. Peck and Hepburn fall in love, though Peck plans to sell an "exclusive story with the princess." Roman Holiday is a fun romantic comedy, but stays realistic (现实) with its commentary on society and royalty.


Thanks to some recommendations from my friends , I have recently enjoyed lots of nice films. And last week, the film ‘Roman Holiday’ has impressed me a lot. As a remarkable work in the film history, this film is really worth watching.

It can be summarized in such a delightful story (This may be a spoilerJ): Princess Anne, who was performed by Audrey Hepburn, was getting bored with her restricted schedule when she was on a publicized tour to Rome. One night, she sneaked out of her luxurious residence and fell asleep on a public bench in central Rome.

However, she was found by Joe Bradley, an American newspaper reporter, who was performed by Gregory Peck. Joe took her home without knowing who she truly was.

Anyway, he was subject to make a big fortune by secretly interview the princess when the truth turned out. But instead of that, after showing Ann around the city and having a good time with her, he forced himself to say farewell to her, for he knew the romance between them oughtn’t to be happened because of their great difference in standing, even though they had fallen in love with each other.

The end of the romantic film is really disappointing to most of the audience, though it ought to be imagined at first. However, Audrey Hepburn had successfully performed Ann as a naughty, naive and sweet angel, who ordered a glass of expensive champagne without thinking, who curiously had her first cigarette, who fell in love with a poor but kind man, and who finally firmly returned to the place she hated, only because of her responsibility.

She was really charming and graceful, not only from her innocent eyes and expressions, but also from her particular character.
