
学人智库 时间:2018-01-16 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  As we all nw, the Great Praid is ne f the st faus sbls f ancient culture. It has a histr f abut 5,000 ears. It lies in Egpt, near the Nile River. And it cvers an area f abut 13 acres. The praid was ade f blcs f stne. There used t be treasures and the bdies f the ings and queens in it. It t ancient Egptians ver 20 ears t finish setting up such a great building. The Great Praid has been a subect fr an scientists t research n since it was discvered. Each ear, a large nuber f turists travel t Egpt t see the wrld wnder with their wn ees. 字串4
