
学人智库 时间:2018-01-15 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】






  事务书信和私人信件 (求职信、投诉信、慰问信、建议信、说明信、感谢信?)





  You have asked me for my advice with regard to? andI will try to make some suggestions.

  I would like to suggest that?

  It is important to?

  It helps to ?

  It should be a good idea to?

  I think it would be a good idea/ more beneficial if you could?

  Why not??/ Why don’t you??

  I hope you will find these suggestions helpful. 最关键的部分就是用不同的句型提出建议,并辅以适当的联系词来连接这些建议。此外,不要忘了在建议的后面附上自己建议的理由用以充实自己的文章。



  要点:1. 参加中文学习班

  2. 看中文书刊、电视

  3. 学唱中文歌曲

  4. 交中国朋友

  注意:1. 词数100左右

  2. 可适当增加细节


  June 8, 2008

  Dear Peter,

  I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.____


  Best wishes,

  Li Hua



  内容: 写信人就某事或某问题提出建议



  【 范文】

  Dear Peter,

  I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.

  Here are a few suggestions. First, it is Important to Then,it also helps to watch TV and read books, newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possible.

  Besides, it should be a good idea to learn and singChinese songs, because by doing so you’ll learn and You can also make moreChinese friends,help you learn Chinese.

  Try and write me in Chinese next time.

  Best wishes,

  Li Hua


  I learned from?/ I read?in (the newspaper ) ? I am thinking I am suitable for the job/position. I graduated from ?/ I have rich experience in doing? I will devote myself to it if I can get it./ I wouldappreciate it if you can give a chance.

  I’m looking forward to your reply (interview)./ Hopefor an early reply. 例文2



  1. 问题:手机不响铃,不能发短信; 该产品已售完,无法更换;型号新,无配件,无法维修。


  注意:1. 词数为100左右

  2.参考词汇:配件 ——spare part


  Dear Sir,

  I am writing to you for the mobile phone of

  Dephone-S250 I bought on 20th Apr.2008 at Tele Mall in Wuhan, P.R.

  China_____________________________________________ Thank you for your consideration.

  Sincerely yours

  Bu Manyi


  信件类型: 抱怨信





  ②怨之有节,重在解决问题( 有礼有节,说明存在的问题对自己造成的不利影响或危害;必要时也可提出自己对存在问题的解决办法或建议)。


  【 范文】

  Dear Sir,

  I am writing to you for the mobile phone of ... Ten

  days after that, it didnt ring and send short messages. Then I took it to the seller, but was told that the model had been sold out and I had to wait at least three months for a new one. Later I went to the repairman. He said sinceit was a new model in China, it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts. I was so desperate on hearing that. How can I wait that long? Therefore, I require that you send me a new one of the same model within a month.

  Thank you for your consideration.

  Sincerely yours,

  Bu Manyi


  I am writing to make a complaint /to express my dissatisfaction about?

  I would like to get this matter settled by the end ofthis month.

  I hope you can give me a satisfying reply and deal with this matter seriously.

  I trust you will take my complaint seriously and do something to this matter.

  I must warn you that unless you do something about the situation, I will be forced to take legal action.





  第一段 (Para. Ⅰ):开门见山地说明写信的意图,即信的开头要交代事由。

  第二段(Para. Ⅱ):交代对信中所反映的主要问题的看法和建议,不同内容可分段。 第三段(Para. Ⅲ):表达美好祝愿,期待对方回信。



  Dear ,


  Frankly speaking, there is no denying that the following aspects can

  account for my suggestions / feelings, which maybe beneficial to you to some extent.

  To begin with, one of the most significant aspects is that


  In additon,


  Last but not least,


  Thank you for your time and kind considration.

  I am looking forward to hearing from you.

  Best wishes to you!

  Sincerely yours,


  ①I would like to suggest that…/ I am writing with my sggestion / proposal about …/ I am writing express

  my views concerning …

  ②You have asked me for my advice with regard to … and I will try to make some conductive suggestions.

  ③I hope you will find these suggestions / proposals / recommendations helpful / practical / useful.

  ④I trust you will take my suggestion into account.

  ⑤I would be more than happy to see improvements in this regard.

  ⑥I would be ready to discuss this matter to further details.

  ⑦Please inform me if there is something I can do for you.

  ⑧It is quite natural / understandable for you to do…, however, …

  ⑨I wonder if you can take my suggestions into consideration.

  ⑩I hope my advice can be of some help to you.





  1.I am sorry to learn that you have some trouble with maths. You can not get the teacher’s point in class or

  finish your homework independently. Because of the straight failures in examinations, you feel inferior to

  your classmates and even want to drop out.

  2.It is very natural for students to suffer failures and you shouldn’t give up halfway just because of the

  temporary frustration.

  3.From my perspective, the key to solving your problem is to be positive and optimistic. Under no

  circumstances should you lose confidence in yourself.

  4.You should make full use of all the resources available.That is, go to your teacher and ask again and again

  until you do understand what confuses you. Or you may ask your classmates, who are actually willing to

  extend a helping hand to you.

  5.You should be active in thinking in class .Don’t sit in silent ignorance and pretend to know what you do not





  1.It will be less than one year before we take the National College Entrance Examination. All the Senior

  Three students are supposed to start their preparation with full capacity.

  2.You should distribute time properly, striking a balance among study, rest and exercise. In simple terms, you

  should spend most of your time reviewing what we have learnt and reflecting on your weaknesses, both of

  which take time. Through continuous practice and reflection, you are free from anxiety in exams and deal

  with problems with great confidence.

  3.But never should we be lost in study all day. Rest is absolutely necessary. You can listeen to music after a

  period of concentrated study. You can chat with friends about fashion, films or our favourite stars when you

  feel tired.

  4.You need to take a certain amount of exercise every day. It is universally acknowledged that health is the

  guarantee of one’s success, for we cannot imagine that, faced with the great challenges and pressure in Senior

  Three, a student in poor health can accomplish a good deal.

  5.Just as an saying goes, the fittest survive. If you are to survivie the entrance exam, you might as well take

  my suggestions into serious consideration.

  1.All is not gold that glitters.闪光的东西并不一定都是金子。

  2.As ou sow, so will you reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

  3.Action speak louder than words.行动胜于空话。

  4.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。

  5.Achievement is founded on diligence and wasted upon recklessness.业精于勤荒于嬉。

  6.Constant dripping wears away the stone.滴水穿石。

  7.Experience is the father of wisdom.经验是智慧之父。

  8.Discontent is the first step in progress.不满足是进步的开始。

  9.Health is better than weath.健康胜于财富。

  10.Nothing seek,nothing find.无所求则无所获。

  11.Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain. 投资教育,必有回报。

  12.Never do things by halves.切勿半途而废。

  13.Opportunity knocks only once.机不可失,时不再来。

  14.Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不等人。

  15.Where there is a will there is a way.有志者事竟成。

  16. Honesty is the best policy.诚实才是上策。

  17.All things come to those who wait.苍天不负苦心人。

  18.Nothing so bad but might have been worse.塞翁失马焉知非福。

  19.No pains, no gains.不劳则无获。



  第一段 (Para. Ⅰ):表明自己对某个工作或职位感兴趣,并提出申请。

  第二段(Para. Ⅱ):介绍相关的个人信息,主要包括你具备了什么样的素质来胜任这份工作和你为什么想


  第三段(Para. Ⅲ):提出要求,希望对方考虑你的申请。



  I am very happy to learn from that Therefore, I am writing to apply for the position of . I deeply believe that my personality and experience fit well with your requirements.

  As far as I am concerned, it is accepted that there are several aspects accounting for the requirements /


  In addition,

  Last but not least,


  I would be grateful if you should give me this opportunity. Please contact me if you need my detailed

  information. I am looking forward to a reply at your earliest convenience.

  Thank you for your time and kind considration.

  Best wishes for you!



  ①In answer to your advertisement , I wish to apply for…

  ②I am rather keen on…

  ③I have the education and the experience that fit well with your advertised position.

  ④I have a personality that is cheerful and optimistic.

  ⑤I did well at school and I have got impressive letters of recommendation from my professors.

  ⑥Immediately I saw your advertisement in the paper for…, I felt it was just the kind of post for which I have

  the qualifications and for which I have been looking for some time.

  ⑦I am writing the letter with the purpose of applying for admission into your esteemed school.

  ⑧My major interests are …, and I understand your university has a good program in those fields.

  ⑨I would greatly appreciate receiving copies of the required application forms and any instructions you may be

  so kind as to give me regarding my possible admission.

  ⑩I would be very grateful if you could send me the necessary forms and any information about financial aid in

  your program. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  1.假设你是上海某中学的一名学生王宇,看到《文汇报》上刊登了招聘志愿者给外宾做义务英文导游的广告,你申请成为志愿者中的一员。你的申请信必须介绍你的个人情况和你申请的理由。 参考:

  1.I learnt form your advertisement in today’s Wenhui Daily that you are recruiting volunteers as parttime tourist guides to show foreign visitors around Shanghai. I would like to apply for it because I believe my personality and experience fit well with your requirements.

  2.I am an outgoing young man who is ready to extend a helping hand to others.

  3.I am interested in the historical background of many tourist atttactions in Shanghai, and I have read many books on it.

  4.I was once engaged in cultural exchange activities between my school and its sister school in Australia. Therefore, I can communicate quite effectively with English speakers.

  5. The main reason for my applying for the volunteer work is that I really want the foreigners to have a good impression of Shanghai through my efforts. Another reason is that I want to make use of the opportunity to



  1.I am writing to apply for being a host family to accommodate one of the exchange students from Canada for two weeks.

  2. I think my family is qualified for it. For one thing, my parents and I live in a three-bedroom apartment so we have one extra room for guests. For another, both my parents are open-minded and warm-hearted and they speak a little English that is enough for the daily talk.

  3.I decide to make this application mainly because I have great interest in foreign cultures and I am fond of making new friends. I was an exchange student in Australia last summer and I believe that the student and I will have many things to talk about.

  4.Another reason is that I want to take this chance to practise my oral English because I believe the more exposure to the native speakers the greater progress I will make in English learning.

  5.I hope you could consider my application and your positive reply will be very much appreciated.



  a. 你感兴趣的课程;

  b. 你期望从这门课程中学到什么;

  c. 为什么想学这些内容。

  假如你是启明中学(Ming Qi

  Middle School)的李明,想申请一个扶贫项目,帮助贫困地区的儿童。根据以下启事,写一封申请信(信中不能提到真实姓名和学校)。








  (1)It is a great pity that we find there is something wrong with… 令人非常遗憾的是我们发现……有问题。

  (2)Would you please let me know whether or not you can…as soon as possible? 你们是否可以告知我能不能尽快……

  (3)I hope that my problem will get your consideration. 我希望您能考虑一下我的问题。

  (4)I am sure there are technical or man--made errors involved.我确信出现了技术或人为的错误。

  (5)l hope you can make an investigation into this matter as soon as possible.我希望你们能尽快调查此事。

  (6)I hope I can get my refund as soon as possible.我希望能尽快收到退款。

  (7)I am writing to make a complaint about… 我写信是为了投诉……

  (8)If it is not properly settled,I would ask you to give my money back, or I would complain to the concerned authorities. 如果此事不能妥善解决,我将要求退还支付款项,或者向有关部门投诉。

  (9)One annoying aspect of your service is… 你们的服务项目中一个令人不满的地方是……

  (10)I have been pleased with your services for years,but now I feel very disappointed. 多年来我一直很满意你们的服务,但现在我非常失望。

  (11)I would like to draw your attention to the problem/fault… 我想让您知道这个问题/错误……

  (12)I am writing to inform you that I find…unsatisfactory. 我写信是为了告诉你,我发现……令人非常不满意。

  (13)I wish to express my dissatisfaction/disappointment about… 我想表达我对……的不满/失望。

  (14)It would be highly appreciated if you could… 如果你能……我将万分感谢。

  (15)I trust you will take my complaints seriously and… 我相信你会认真对待我的投诉,并且……


  Dear ______,

  I am ______(自我介绍). I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about the problem I meet with.

  The reason for my dissatisfaction is ______(总体介绍). In the first place, ____________(抱怨的第一个方面). In addition, ______(抱怨的第二个方面). To make matters worse,______(抱怨的第三个方面). Under these circumstances, I find it ______(感觉) to______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).

  I appreciate it very much if you could ______(提出建议和请求), and I would like to have this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情最后期限).

  Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming



  【思路点拨】 日记是用来记录一天中所发生的有意义的、值得记录的事件。在日记中,人们会对事件发表议论,阐述一下自己的态度或体会。日记中所记录的事情可以自己的直接经历也可以说描述他人的事情。日记的种类有很多种,从体裁角度,可以分为记事型日记和议论型日记。记事型是以某种顺序描述某一件事情发生发展的过程。而议论型日记是针对当天的某一事件或某一现象表明自己的看法或态度。日记的篇章结构可以从以下几个角度入手:首先要对所发生的事件或现象进行描述。按照事件发展的先后顺序进行,适当添加对天气或景物或心情的描述。其次要发表感想或议论,针对事件进行感悟或议论性的描述,以使文章有所立意。最后要对未来提出展望或推测,或表示决心、态度、观点、意图、希冀等。

  【点津提示】 在写作日记时,要注意以下几点:

  1.格式:一般是在左上角记上当天日期,星期,时间的排列法与书信一致,星期写在日期之后;右上角写上当天的天气情况,表示天气情况的词一般是形容词,如:fine (晴朗的), cold (寒冷的), snowy(下雪的), sunny(阳光充足的), rainy(下雨的), cloudy(阴天的)等。日记的小标题写在下一行, 也可省略不写。




  March 8, 2013 Friday Sunny

  Today / This ______, I went to ______. At first , I______, because ______. Then , I ______ and I found that ______. At last / In the end / Finally, I ______ . Through the ______ , I ______. In the process of ______, I ______.I learned from it that only if ______ , I will ______. And I hope ______.


  1.This afternoon / Today, we held a discussion about ....今天下午/今天,我们举行了对…的讨论。

  2.She offered to do ....她主动提出要……

  3.I am willing to do ....我情愿去做……

  4.prefer to do ... rather than do ... / prefer doing ... to doing ....宁愿干某事而不愿干某事

  5.In the process, we learned that ....在这一过程中,我们学到了……

  6.By doing ..., we have a better understanding of life.通过做…,我们对生活有了更好的理解。

  7.I find that forming a good habit is very important.我发现养成良好的习惯是非常重要的。

  8.I feel like doing ....我想做某事……

  9.I made a decision to do sth..我下定决心要干某事。

  10.I have a strong desire to do sth..我非常渴望干某事。


  【思路点拨】 书信(letter)是用以交涉事务、联络友谊、交流思想的重要工具。高中阶段的信函主要包括私人信件(Personal letters)、公务信件(Business letters)两种。公务信函,一般是用来处理或讨论重要事务的信件,包括邀请信(Invitation letters)、感谢信(Thanks letters)、道歉信(Letters of Apologies)、祝贺信(Letters of Congratulations)等。英语信函主要包含“信头、信内地址、称呼、正文、结尾、签名”等六个部分。



  3.称呼:位于收信人地址之下的一至二行,顶格写起,自成一行。多用Dear ...,My dear ...等形式。


  5.结尾:结尾部分多用一些祝愿性的或表示问候的语言,如With my best wishes / regards等。一般是与正文结束后隔两行另起,对立成行,位于信纸的右角,或略居中右方。




  No. 188, Chaoyang Road

  Beijing, 100069, China

  2.日期的写法可以说“日、月、年”或“月、日、年”。如:30 Jan., 2012 / Jan. 30, 2012




  1.Thanks for your letter ....感谢你上一封信……

  2.I am writing to express my thanks for ....我写这封信的目的是为了…….

  3.In this letter , I will tell you something about ....在这封信中,我将告诉你一些关于……

  4.I would like to take this opportunity to express my apology to you ....


  5.I am writing to invite you to ....我写信想邀请您……

  6.I wonder if you like to ....我在想你是否……

  7.I hope you can make it.我真地希望你能够成功。

  8.I am looking forward to hearing from you.我会一直期待你的来信。

  9.Please let me know if you ....请让我知道你是否……

  10.How do you think about ..., can you tell me ...?关于…你是如何认为的?你能告诉我…吗?



  1. 外籍教师Lynne任教期满准备回国,学校答应派车送她去机场。她在临行前一天写了张便条提醒办公室李老师:

  1).请检查(check on)明天的车是否落实,提醒司机(remind sb. of sth.提醒某人做某事)。




  5).留下一些英语书给贵校图书馆,希望对学生有用。 字数:100—120个词。

  Hi, Mr. Li,

  Could you please check on the car to take me to the airport? Please remind the car driver of this. I want to be sure of this car, because it will be too early in the morning to call a taxi if the school car doesn’t show up. I am sorry to trouble you again. Here I thank you again for all that you have done for me during my stay in your school. I really enjoy teaching here, and will never forget the day I spent with my students. Probably I will come back some day. I leave some English books to your library. I hope they will be useful to your students.



  2. 假设你是李华,最近国内一家英文报纸正在讨论北京动物园是否应迁出市区。以下是你所在班级讨论的情况。请你给该报写一封信,反映讨论结果。

  赞成迁出: 反对迁出:

  ①.游客多,交通堵塞 ①.建于1906年,中外闻名 ②.郊区环境好 ②.搬迁易造成动物死亡 注意:



  3).参考词汇: 郊区—suburb

  June 3 ,2005

  Dear Editor ,

  Recently, our class have had a heated discussion about whether the Beijing Zoo should be moved out of the city . Some of my classmates are in favor of the move .They say large crowds of tourists to the zoo will result in traffic jams .They also say that once moved, animals will have more space and better

  living conditions in the suburbs. However, other students are against the idea, saying that the Beijing Zoo, built in 1906, has a history of 100 years, and is well –known at home and abroad. So it should remain where it is. What’s more, moving may cause the death of some animals. To move or not, this is a big decision which has to be made by people in Beijing. Yours truly,

  Li Hua

  3. 假设你的英文名为Jack,是英国诺丁汉大学的中国留学生。你负责为在该校就读的32名中国学生筹划圣诞节期间的苏格兰之行,为期7天,请你给诺丁汉的STA(Students’Travel Agency)经理Phil发一封电子邮件,联系有关事宜。要点如下:








  Hi, Phil,

  I’d like you to organize a trip to Scotland for us. I have here a group of 32 Chinese students studying in Nottingham University, who want to go on a seven-day tour during the Christmas days. I hope we can have a coach which will take us to Scotland and then bring us back to Nottingham. We also need a guide who speaks standard English and knows Scotland well. I would be very grateful if you can work out an itinerary as soon as possible and tell me about our accommodation, meals as well as how much each of us has to pay. If you have any information, please either email me to Jackwang@yahoo.com.cnor call me at 07747745007. Looking forward to your early reply.

  Yours Truly. Jack

  4. 加拿大高中生David在互联网上登出启事notice,希望结识一位中国朋友,以便学习中国的语言、文化。假设你是重庆实验中学的李华,请在看到这则启事后,用英文给David发出一封电子邮件。主要内容包括:

  ①. 你怎样得知他的愿望 ②. 你愿意成为他的朋友

  ③. 你打算如何帮助他 ④. 你盼望他的回复 注意:词数:100词左右

  Dear David,

  I am LiHua. I am glad to read your notice on the internet and I know you want to make friends with a Chinese in order to learn the Chinese language and culture. I want to be your friend. Now I’d like to introduce myself to you. I was born in Chongqing in 1990,I study in the Experimental Middle School of Chongqing and I am good at English.

  I think I can help you to know about China by sending e-mails.What’s more, we can have chats on the Internet in Chinese or English and I’ll tell you the customs,the festivals,the foods,etc. of the Chinese. I hope we can keep in touch with each other.

  I am looking forward to your reply.



  5. 假如你是一名大学生叫李华,对近年来大学毕业生就业情况颇有已见,请根据下面提供的信息向报社写信谈谈你的看法。字数100左右。开头已给出 。