
学人智库 时间:2018-01-15 我要投稿
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  的音标相同,请选,中考英语模拟试题 (五)。 (10分)

  [ ]1.[u+] A.poor B.door C.floor D.shoe

  [ ]2.[#+] A.marry B.bag C.Mary D.any

  [ ]3.[eks] A.excuse B.example C.exercise D.explain

  [ ]4.[s] A.doesnt B.maths C.raise D.rose

  [ ]5.[i] A.message B.recently C.say D.eaten

  [ ]6.[au] A.town B.thrown C.known D.shown

  [ ]7.[+:::::] A.monitor B.children C.August D.hers

  [ ]8.[/] A.kite B.key C.know D.kiss

  [ ]9.[N] A.jacket B.television C.picture D.hatch

  [ ]10.[R] A.attend B.hand C.aunt D.sing

  二、词语释义 (6分)



  [ ]1.Lets have some milk.

  A.got B.getting C.eat D.drink

  [ ]2.He told me that he had given up smoking.

  A.refused B.stopped C.given in D.finished

  [ ]3.I think you know how to operate the machine.

  A.begin B.do C.turn D.work

  [ ]4.A new hospital has been put up the last two years

  A.found B.finded C.built D.formed

  [ ]5.The naughty boy cast a stone against the window.

  A.put B.shook C.left D.threw

  [ ]6.The plane can hold more than eighty people.

  A.around B.over C.nearly D.almost

  三、选择填空 (20分)


  [ ]1.She has one red coat and two yellow ______.

  A.one B.once C.ones D.ones

  [ ]2.______ like swimming.

  A.The both boys B.Both this boys

  C.Both of them D.Both they

  [ ]3.Did you enjoy _____ at the party last night?

  A.you B.yourself C.your D.yourselfs

  [ ]4.______ wore what she likes best.

  A.Each of the men B.Each of the man

  C.Each of the women D.Each the women

  [ ]5.______ the students in our school knew he was a good runner.

  A.Almost all of B.Most all of

  C.Most of all D.Almost the whole of

  [ ]6.Where ______ he often ______ supper?

  A.does ... having B.has ... ×

  C.does ... have D.has ... have

  [ ]7.These radios need repairing, ______?

  A.dont they B.neednt they

  C.mustnt you D.need they

  [ ]8.Come here early ______ youll see him.

  A.or B.and C.but D.so

  [ ]9.Mary and I ______ in the same grade.

  A.am B.are C.be D.is

  [ ]10.______ much time he spent on the difficult problem

  in maths!

  A.What a B.What C.How D.How a

  [ ]11.A library ______ when I got to your school.

  A.was building B.was being built

  C.is building D.is being built

  [ ]12.Do you often hear her ______ in the next room?

  A.sings B.sing C.to sing D.will sing

  [ ]13.Its almost time for class. I ______ go now.

  A.can B.may C.must D.need

  [ ]14.Last weekend my parents and I went to ______ the

  cinema ______ the bookshop. We stayed at home all day.

  A.neither ... nor B.either ... or

  C.both ... and D.no only ... but also

  [ ]15.Would you like another cup of tea?

  There is ______ left.

  A.few B.a few C.little D.a little

  [ ]16.Mother ______ when I got home.

  A.is cooking B.was cooking

  C.cooks D.has cooked

  [ ]17.Guandong Province is ________the south of China.

  A.in B.on C.to D.towards

  [ ]18.______ woman over there is ______ English teacher.

  A.×,an B.The,an C.The,a D.A,×

  [ ]19.My family members are getting ready ______ our trip.

  A.about B.during C.with D.for

  [ ]20.The doctor warned them ______

  A.dont smoke B.not to smoke

  C.no smoking D.smoke not

  四、阅读理解 (10分)

  Social Customs

  The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs. For example, in both America and England people shake hands when they meet each other for the first time. This is often true for women as well as for men. Also most Englishmen will open a door for a woman or offer their seat to a woman and so will most Americans.

  Neither the British nor the Americans object to (反对) standing in a queue at the post office, the movies, the bank or anywhere. Promptness is important both in England and America. That is, if a dinner invitation is for seven oclock, the dinner guest either arrives close to the time or calls up to explain why he will be late or why he cant come. Of course, these two peoples have other customs that are different; the Americans have "coffee breaks", the British more often have "tea breaks", for example. But there is much more that they have in common.

  判断下列各句是否符合短文内容(在括号内划√或×),英语试题《中考英语模拟试题 (五)》。

  [ ]1.Both the American and the British peoples speak the same language and have many common social customs.

  [ ]2.People would shake hands with foreigners in America, but they wouldnt do the same in England.

  [ ]3.Men in both countries like doing women favours.

  [ ]4.Men in both countries very much like talking to women.

  [ ]5.Public places are always very crowded in both countries.

  [ ]6.Both peoples like tea as well as coffee.

  [ ]7.The Americans like coffee just as much as the British like tea.

  [ ]8.Both peoples think it important to be on time.

  [ ]9.Yet the two peoples have nothing in common.

  [ ]10.The word "promptness" means "arriving at about the right time."

  五、完型填空 (10分)

  Peter Judd joined the army when he was eighteen, and for several months he was taught 1 be a good soldier. He did quite well 2 everything except 3 . One day he and his friends were practising their shooting, and all of them were doing quite well 4 Peter. After he had shot 5 the target (靶子) nine times and had not hit it once, the officer who was trying 6 the young soldiers to shoot said, "Youre quite hopeless, Peter! Dont waste your last bullet (子弹). Go behind that wall and shoot yourself 7 it."

  Peter felt ashamed. He went behind the wall, and a few seconds 8 the officer and the other young soldires heard the sound of a shot.

  "Heavens!" the officer said. "Has that silly man really shot 9 ?"

  He ran behind the wall anxiously, but Peter was all right. "Im sorry, sir," he said, "but I 10 again."

  [ ]1.A.who to B.how to C.what to D.which to

  [ ]2.A.in B.to C.at D.for

  [ ]3.A.shoot B.shot C.shooting D.shoots

  [ ]4.A.yet B.and C.except D.in

  [ ]5.A.in B.on C.to D.at

  [ ]6.A.to teach B.teaching C.teaches D.taught

  [ ]7.A.in B.with C.of D.for

  [ ]8.A.after B.late C.before D.later

  [ ]9.A.his B.him C.himself D.he

  [ ]10.A.missed B.miss C.lose D.lost

  六、用划线部分的反义的词或词组填空。 (6分)

  1.When I was sleeping in the room, my father came to ____ me up.

  2.I got there on time and caught the first train, but my friend was late and ______ it.

  3.The young man saved the old mans life, but he ______ his own.

  4.The sun rises in the east, and it __________.

  5.If you bring the novel to me, you can _______ your money back.

  6.The teacher asked him a question, but he couldnt _______ it.


  1.He is much ______ than his sister (fat).

  2.Which is the ______ river in China? (long)

  3.My ______ (old) brother is four years _______ (old) than I.

  4.Peter worked very _____ (hard) last term and he is working even ______ (hard) this term.

  5.My sister has _______ (many) toys than I, but she doesnt have as ______ (many) books as I.

  八、句型转换 (15分)


  1.The room is so small that it cannot hold so many people.

  (用too ... to句型改写)


  2.He bought the watch three years ago.(用for three years改写)


  3.She was singing. I heard that.(合成简单句)


  4.Students shouldnt write in library books.(改为被动语态)


  5.She was told the good news as soon as she arrived. (he)



  6.The Great Pyramid is the biggest of all.(就划线部分提问)


  7.I write to my parents once a month.(就划线部分提问)


  8.You have visited the Science Museum.(改为反义疑问句)


  9.Alice likes dancing.(改为一般疑问句)


  10.The fish tasted terrible.(改为感叹句)




  [ ]1.Early in[A] the morning and late at[B] night, you can see[C]

  him works[D] at the desk.

  [ ]2.The box is so[A] heavy that[B] one man cant lift[C], I think[D].

  [ ]3.When[A] he was finishing[B] his work, he left[C] his office[D].

  [ ]4.After[A] a long walk[B], he stopped[C] having[D] a rest.

  [ ]5.It[A] is much[B] more cooler[C] in our office than here[D].

  [ ]6.It seemed[A] that the book was too[B] difficult for[C] them

  to read it[D].

  [ ]7.My parents[A] will let me to go[B] with them if I finish [C]

  my homework[D].

  [ ]8.She wants to know[A] if[B] they had gone[C] to take part in[D]

  the meeting.

  [ ]9.If you dont understand[A] any words[B], look up them[C] in the dictionary[D].

  [ ]10.The[A] novel is[B] not worth[C] to read[D].
