
学人智库 时间:2018-01-15 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】




  一、 主语



  1. The boy comes from Amierican.

  2. He usually wenti to school alone.

  3. Studying English is every important.

  4. To teach him a lesson seems quite necessary.

  5. That he won the prize excited everyone.

  6. It is important for us to have our dreams.

  7. It is obvious that he was wrong.

  8. It is no use crying over spilt milk.



  说明主语动作、状态或特征,由动词或动词词组充当。除了倒装等情况外,谓语总是位于主语的后面。既句子最主要的两大成分位置是:主语 谓语。英语写作句子成份讲解




  1. His parents are teachers.

  2. The sun rises in the east.

  3. We have finished reading the book.

  4. You ought to work harder.

  5. I felt cold.

  6. He doesnt like music.

  三、 宾语

  表示动作的对象,跟主语的性质差不多。一般由名词、宾格代词(me ,he等)或者相当于名词的词、短语或从句充当(包括不定式、动名词还有宾语从句)。宾语可分为直接宾语和间接宾语说明动作是对谁或为谁而做,直接宾语则是动作的承受着或结果。一般情况下,宾语都是在动词的后面, 它的顺序是:主语 谓语 宾语


  1. He has never met her in person.

  2. She handed him a book.

  3. He likes to play basketball.

  4. We enjoy listening to the music.

  5. She said that she felt sick.

  6. They sent the injured to hospital.

  7. I find it possible to believe her any longer.

  8. We consider it no good getting up late.

  9. They believed it strange that he should have done that.



  1. The boy 名词 2.He 代词 3. Studying English动名词 4.To teach him a lesson不定式

  5.That he won the prize主语从句 6.it 形式主语,to have our dreams 不定式短语作真正主语 7.it 形式主语, that he was wrong 主语从句作真正的主语 8. it 形式主语 crying over spilt milk动名词短语做主语


  1. His parents are teachers.系动词+表语

  2.The sun rises in the east.实义动词

  3.We have finished reading the book.

  4.You ought to work harder.情态动词+动词原形

  5.I felt cold.系动词+表语

  6.He doesnt like music.助动词+动词原形


  1. He has never met her in person.宾格代词

  2.She handed him a book. Him宾格代词做间接宾语,a book名词作直接宾语

  3.He likes to play basketball.不定式短语

  4.We enjoy listening to the music.动名词短语

  5.She said that she felt sick.宾语从句

  6.They sent the injured to hospital.名词化的形容词

  7.I find it possible to believe her any longer. It形式宾语 不定式作真正的宾语

  8.We consider it no good getting up late. It形式宾语,动名词作真正的宾语

  9.They believed it strange that he should have done that. It形式宾语,宾语从句做真正的宾语
