
学人智库 时间:2018-01-15 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  [误] The little boy was made repeat the whole story.?

  [正] The little boy was made to repeat the whole story.?

  [误] The father made his son to do his homework from morning till night.?

  [正] The father made his son do his homework from morning till night.?

  [析] make 的句型为make somebody do (doing) something.但在被动语态中原来被省去的不定式符号to要被还原回来。?

  [误] I always do this mistake.?

  [正] I always make this mistake.?

  [析] 英语中do和make是十分不易弄清的两个动词,do常用于谈论工作时或某种不确定的活动时,如: do a favour(帮个忙),do ones best(竭尽全力),do good(有益), do harm(有害),而多数情况下常用make, 如: make a suggestion, make a cake, make a bed(收拾床),make a noise, make money等等。?

  [误] This wine was made of grapes.?

  [正] This wine was made from grapes.?

  [析] 当成品制成后,其原料的性质有所改变时应用make from,否则用make of, 如: This door was made of iron.?

  [误] Hard work can often make up a lack of intelligence.?

  [正] Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence.?
