
学人智库 时间:2018-01-15 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  1. 教学目标

  Teaching aims and language points:

  1. Learn these words and expressions, and b e able to say, read and write them:

  Su nday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, for sure

  2. Be able to talk about subjects, schedules and teachers by using

  --How's your day?

  --It's O K.

  I like Monday because I have P.E. and history.

  --When do you have P.E.?

  --We have P.E. on M onday and Friday.

  --Who's your P.E. teacher?

  --Mr. Hu.

  I think history is interesting.That's for sure.

  2. 教学重点/难点

  Teaching aims and language points:

  1. Learn these words and expressions, and b e able to say, read and write them:

  Su nday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, for sure

  2. Be able to talk about subjects, schedules and teachers by using

  --How's your day?

  --It's O K.

  I like Monday because I have P.E. and history.

  --When do you have P.E.?

  --We have P.E. on M onday and Friday.

  --Who's your P.E. teacher?

  --Mr. Hu.

  I think history is interesting.That's for sure.

  3. 教学用具

  4. 标签


  Teaching steps:

  1. Warm-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)

  (1)Daily greeting to the students(日常问候)

  (2)Game “ Bingo”. Revise the words of subjects.

  Write nine of these words in the square below. Then listen and cross out (X) the words you hear. Say “BINGO” when you get a row of Xs. The first person to get a row of Xs in any direction is the winner.

  you hear. Say “BINGO” when you get a row of Xs. The first person to get a row of Xs in any direction is the winner.

  2. Presentation.(引入新知识)

  (1)Show a picture of calendar. Ask: How many months are there in a year? What are they?

  (2)Show a calendar of a month and ask: How many days are there in a week? What are they? Help the Ss to answer.

  (3)Watch a flash of the song: Days of the week.

  (4)Put the names of the days in order.

  (5)Ss learn to sing the song.

  3. Practice. (操练)

  (1) Show a schedule of a week. Get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs.

  A: When do you have P.E.?

  B: I have P.E. on Monday and Friday.

  (2) Get some pairs to show their conversations.

  4. Work on 2d.

  (1)Read the conversations and answer the questions abou t the conversation.

  (2)Role-play th e conversation in 2d.

  (3)Follow the example in 2d and make up a conversation to talk about the schedule on the screen.

  5. Grammar Focus.

  (1) Read through the sentences.

  (2) Ask the Ss to focus on the interrogative words and the answers.

  6. Working on 3a.

  (1)Fill in the blanks with what, who or why.

  (2)Check the answers.

  (3)Answer any questions the Ss raise.

  7. Work on 3b.

  (1) Write questions for the answers.

  (2) Ss check their answers in groups and then report their answers.

  8. Interview.(采访)

  T: Work on 3c. F ollow the in struction in Section A, 3c.



  1. Recite the conversation in Section A, 2d.

  2. Write a report about your interview in 3c.

  eg. Li Jingjing's favorite subject is music. She likes it because it's fun. And her music teacher is Ms. Xie