
学人智库 时间:2018-01-15 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


Software Configuration Management Question



1. Which statement is wrong:

A. $_= hello world;

B. $a=hello world;

C. my $b,$a=hello world;

D. my ($a,$b)=(0,hello world);

Item C: $b is empty and $a is ‘hello world’

All of items is correct in program syntax, and can run.

2. The expression should be (B), then the following code can run correctly:


while (expression)




print "$a/n";

A. $a = $b

B. $a*$a <= $b

C. $a != $b

D. $b == 0

3. @array is an array variable, what is output of “print @array;” :A

A. Each element of this array

B. The size of this array

C. The first element of this array

D. Nothing

4. “$a = @array;”, what is value of $a: B

A. The first element’s value of this array

B. The size of this array

C. This line code is wrong

D. N/A

5. Which code snippet can print all elements in cd: B

A. foreach $Var (keys cd)


print “$Var /n”;


B. for ($I=0;$I< em="""">


print “$cd{$I} /n”;


C. while ($Var (keys cd))


print “$Var /n”;


D. print join(‘/n’,cd);

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6. After execute following code snippet, what is value of $count: B (match twice)

$Str=’hello worldwww.3gos.info!’;


while ($Str=~m/(/w+)/g)




A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 12

7. What is the result of $string? D

$string = "This string contains the number 25.11.";

$string =~ /-?(/d+)/.?(/d+)/;

A. 25.

B. .11

C. 25.11

D. 25.11.

I don’t know what is meaning of -, but perhaps the answer is D

8. What is meaning of following code snippet?


while () {

while ( /(/w)/g ) {




foreach $word(keys %seen)


print "$seen{$word} $word/n";



A. Delete all words in temp.txt

B. Calculate the frequency of each word in temp.txt

C. Wrong code

D. Calculate the sum of words in temp.txt

$1 is first variable of group match of perl, it match a char here.

9. In following code,expression#1 D let $point get the reference of @ARGV, expression#1 should be:

#!/usr/contrib/bin/perl -w


print "ARGV = ", join(",", expression#2), "/n";

A. my $point=@ARGV;

B. my $point={@ARGV};

C. my $point=ARGV;

D. my $point=/@ARGV;

10. The expression#2 A should be:

A. @$point

B. $point

C. @point

D. /@point

NOTE: Answer ofquestion 5 shoud be A

20060519d.height = height; d.width = width;   }   public synchronized Dimension getValues(){ // Ooops! Breaks encapsulation return d;   } }

如何发生获胜的QA群体(How to build a successful QA team).

