
学人智库 时间:2018-01-15 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

Less than one-third of professionals are very satisfied with their current role, according to a LinkedIn study.


Not every professional is lucky enough to find their dream job immediately (or ever). This is why quitting has become a social norm over the last five years. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of quits has steadily risen by 57.7 percent since September 2009.


If you’ve been questioning your current role and feel it’s time to make a move, here are 10 reasons other people are quitting and why you should, too:


1. You desire more opportunities for career advancement.


According to LinkedIn’s Exit Mobility Survey, one of the top three reasons employees leave their jobs is the desire for greater opportunities for advancement.


2. You want an improved work/life balance.


Do you feel burned out from work or that there’s not enough time in the day to pursue your other passions? Research shows 80 percent of employees desire more flexible work options.


3. You feel your skills are untapped.


Have you realized you might be overqualified for your current position? According to a study by Lee Hecht Harrison, 62 percent of workers feel underutilized in their jobs.


4. You want to learn and grow professionally.


Does it feel like you’ve hit a dead end in your current position? More learning opportunities is cited as one of the top five factors in seeking or considering a new job, according to LinkedIn.


5. You desire better compensation and benefits.


Many professionals feel they aren’t getting paid their worth. In fact, better compensation and benefits is the second most important factor when people look for new jobs, according to LinkedIn.

