
学人智库 时间:2018-01-15 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


Halloween (Halloween) (also known as Halloween, Halloween) in the 31 October each year, is the traditional festival of English-speaking world, mainly popular in North America, British Isles, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Many public places and even the home yard, will the layout of a lot of decoration, such as various types of ghosts Yeah, pumpkin lights Yeah, there are black cats and witches broom and the like;Children will wear Halloween costumes every year is different, carrying a lantern to provide door to door to discuss sugar basket, saying it was "Trick or Treat "。

Halloween in the October 31 the night before, in fact, is to praise the fall festival, just like May Day holiday in the spring as a compliment. Ancient Gaul, Britain and Ireland, the priest - druid autumn a grand festival of praise,From midnight after Halloween until the next day, November 1 continued all day. In their view, their great god of death that night - Salman who will die that year summoned the ghost of all, these evil spirits are subject to care for the Livestock Health and punishment. Of course, as long as the thought of such a gathering of ghosts, was enough to make simple-minded fools who fight heart understanding of the gallbladder.So they lit the sky of fire, and close surveillance of these evil spirits. Today, throughout Europe, people have Halloween as enjoy slapstick, ghost story and a good opportunity to scare each other. So people are no longer just used to praise this Autumn Festival, but it turned into a real "Carnival." The facial makeup is the Halloween tradition of one of the programs.


万圣夜(Halloween)(又叫鬼节,万圣节前夜)在每年的10月31日,是英语世界的传统节日,主要流行于北美、不列颠群岛、澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰。许多公共场所乃至居家院落,都会布置上很多装璜,诸如各式鬼怪 呀、南瓜灯呀、还有黑猫以及巫婆的扫帚之类;孩子们会穿上每年不一 样的万圣节服装,拎着南瓜灯的提篓去挨家挨户地讨糖,说是“不给糖就捣蛋(trick or treak)”



Gordon: Happy Halloween!


Molly: Happy Halloween to you too.


Gordon: Everyone is getting dressed up in strange costumes. Like you, what are you supposed

to be?


Molly: I am Frankenstein. Don't you know who that is?


Gordon: Sorry to say, I don't. Can you help me get more familiar with the normal costumes?


Molly: If you ever have a problem like this, feel free to ask. We love to teach others

about our customs and holidays.


Gordon: Great, I have always wanted to join in the Halloween fun.


Molly: Now you can.

