
学人智库 时间:2018-01-15 我要投稿
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The first father's day in the world was born in the United States in 1910.

In 1909, Shi Spokane Washington (Spokane) of Mrs. Dodd (Mrs. Dodd, Sonora Louise Smart Dodd), when she attended the church held a mother's Day worship, Dodd's heart with deep feeling, she thought: "why the world does not have a memory of the father the holiday?"

Dodd's mother died when she was thirteen years old, leaving six children; Dodd's father Williams Matt (Mr. William Smart), on a rural farm in eastern Washington state alone, father and mother to raise six children. MR smart participated in the American Civil War, meritorious service advertised, he was determined to never remarried after his wife died, six children with a big heart.

The second Mrs. Dodd, is the only girl in the family, the female character carefully, let her be able to understand his father's hard work; smart, hard work during the day, go home at night to take care of the housework and the life of every child. After decades of hard work, children are finally grown up, when the children are looking forward to allow Mr Smart to enjoy the old age, but Mr. Smart because of overwork and ill died the month after month and year after year.

In 1909 of that year, Mr. SMA died just a year, when Mrs. Dodd attended the church's mother's Day Thanksgiving week, she particularly miss father; until then, Du personnel understand, love and efforts paid by her father in the parenting process, any mother's hard work is not inferior.

Mrs. Dodd will tell her church rasmus (Rev. Rasmus), she hopes to have a special day to pay tribute to the great Mr. smart, and to commemorate the world great father.

Rasmus heard Mr. Smart story, deeply spiritual and love for Mr. Smart touched his praise and support Mrs Dodd wanted to promote a "father's Day" to. So Mrs. Dodd began to promote the establishment of a father's day in the spring of 1910, near the church organization support; she wrote to express his thoughts and proposals to the mayor and the state government, the Dodd's combined efforts, Ken Shi Bo and the mayor of Washington state governor said publicly in favor, so Washington was on in June 19, 1910 held the first father's Day party all over the world.

In 1924, the United States President Coolidge (Calvin Coolidge) to support the father's day as a holiday throughout the United States; in 1966, American president Jansen (Lyndon Johnson) announced that the third Sunday of June, is Mr smart birthday month for the father's day; in 1972, American president Nickerson (Richard Nixon) signed a formal document, June every year third Sunday, set for all American father's day, and become the permanent national memorial day.


The idea of a day of honoring mothers was first proposed in the United States in 1907. 2 years later, a woman in Washington state, Mrs. John Bruce Dodd, raised a day like mother's day to pay homage to a long father. Mrs. Dodd was brought up by her father when she was young and bereaved of her mother. She loves her father very much.

In the same year Mrs. Dodd presented her ideas, --1909, governor of Washington, responded by announcing the third Sunday of June as father's day. The idea was formally approved by President Wood Wilson in 1916. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge proposed Father's day as a national holiday in order to build closer relationships with fathers and children, and to keep fathers in mind for all their responsibilities". The red or white rose is recognized as the father's day flowers.

Father's Day is celebrated throughout the United States as a holiday, and it takes longer than mother's day. Because the idea of "father's Day" is very popular, businessmen and manufacturers are beginning to see opportunities. Not only do they encourage their children to send cards to their fathers, but they also encourage them to buy small gifts such as ties and socks for their fathers to express their respect for their fathers.

During the Second World War, American servicemen stationed in Britain asked for father's Day cards to be sent back home. The demand for American soldiers was answered by British greeting card publishers and printed cards. Although Britain's public acceptance of the festival has been slow, Britain celebrates its father's day on the third Sunday in June, almost as much as in the United states.

Father's day doesn't seem to be as important as mother's day. No children give presents to their fathers. But American fathers still believe that their fates are much stronger than those of many other countries, because the fathers of those countries do not even have a nominal holiday
