
学人智库 时间:2018-01-14 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  今天是端午节,我们一家人五点就起床,按照习俗上山去趟露水。一路上我用双手捧起晶莹的露珠往眼睛上抹,一时间我觉得眼睛好像亮了好多。直到坐在教室读书时还觉得眼睛特别亮,什么字都能看清楚。Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, the family got up at five, according to the custom of the mountain to go to the dew. I scooped handfuls of dew drops to the eyes with the eyes of a time I feel like a lot of light. Until the time when sitting in the classroom, I still feel the eyes are particularly bright, what word can see clearly.放学后,我撒开腿就往家里跑。刚到门口就闻到粽子香,一进门就看见爸爸做了一桌子好菜专门等我回家吃。我洗过手来到饭桌前,先给爸爸妈妈一人解了一个粽子,撒上白糖,然后给我自己解了一个漂亮的三角粽子,撒上白糖就津津有味地吃起来。饭桌上,我们一家边吃边聊,屋子里充满了端午节的快乐气氛,弥漫着香喷喷的粽子味和浓浓的艾香。After school, I cast legs to run home. Just arrived at the door to smell the dumplings incense, a door to see my father made a good table, such as a good food and I go home to eat. To wash my hands and went to the dining table, first to the mom and dad one solution of a rice dumplings, sprinkle with sugar and to my own solution to a beautiful triangular dumplings, sprinkle with sugar is with relish to eat. On the table, our family ate, chatted, the room full of happy Dragon Boat Festival atmosphere, filled with delicious dumplings taste and thick Aixiang.吃完饭,妈妈给我耳朵上抹了雄黄酒,给我嘴上摸了唇膏,给我手腕上戴了红线绳,把我打扮得和粽子一样香,就让我到学校去学习。After the meal, my mother gave me the ear on the male yellow wine, I have a lipstick on the mouth, to my wrist wearing a red line, I dress as incense and dumplings, let me go to school to learn.我爱吃粽子,爱过端午节,爱享受节日的欢乐气氛。I like to eat rice dumplings, loved the Dragon Boat Festival, love to enjoy the festive atmosphere of the festival.
