
学人智库 时间:2018-01-14 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. The children get to dress up in costumes and go Trick or Treating for candy.

The adults get to go to Halloween parties and have costume contests with prizes. It is the one night of the year that you can be anything that you want; like your favorite celebrity, a fairy, a vampire, a monster, or a scary ghost.

Many people also decorate their houses with lights, cobwebs, pictures, and carved pumpkins to scare you.

Families have fun with activities like walking though a corn maze or going on a hayride.

One tradition has everyone out at night, in the middle of a cornfield with a big fire and telling scary stories.

Haunted houses are another fun thing to do. There will be scary music, and as you walk through the dark house people dressed up in costumes jump out and scare you. BOO!




每年的10月31日是西方的传统节日----“万圣节”.在这一天,孩子都迫不及待地穿上化妆服,挨家挨户去讨糖,并说,“Trick or Treat “给糖就捣乱” 。 大人们去参加万圣节派对或参加化妆比赛。在这天晚上,你可以把自己化妆成任何你想成为的东西,比如你最喜欢的明星名人,小精灵,吸血鬼,妖魔鬼怪等。人们用灯,蜘蛛网,图片,或雕刻的南瓜把房子装饰的很恐怖,当孩子们来讨要糖果会被吓一跳!


还有一个传统 就是人们晚上坐在玉米地中间围着火堆讲鬼故事。游鬼屋,也是一件很有趣的事情。鬼屋里面播放一些很恐怖的音乐,当孩子进入黑洞洞的屋子时,里面乔装打扮的人,会突然间跳出来,把你吓得魂不守舍!boo
