How to Interview for a Job—外企面试技巧

学人智库 时间:2018-01-13 我要投稿
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How to Interview for a Job

1,Dress for success. It doesn't matter what type of position for which you're interviewing because first impressions are everything. Wear professional attire and make sure you look great. A nicely pressed suit, a new hair cut and a great pair of shoes can help you look confident and feel confident.

2,Bring a couple extra copies of your resume. You may meet with someone who hasn't seen your resume yet or the interviewer may not have had time to print copies. Bringing in a couple of extra copies shows that you're prepared. Make an extra copy for yourself so that you can refer to it during the interview and point to specific experiences that make you perfect for the job.

3,Research the company before the day of the interview. Know the company's history, the products they sell and any news and changes that are taking place. Research the person who will be interviewing you. Look at the company's website and read articles about them in business trade publications. Go to the library and use business research databases if you don't have access to LexisNexis or Hoover's. Researching the company will help you focus on how you wish to present yourself to the interviewer and it helps you form thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer about the future of the company and what they consider their biggest challenges.

4,Prepare and practice your answers to some of the most common interview questions. Interviewers usually ask you to tell them about yourself, to describe your strengths and weaknesses and explain why they should hire you. Jot down your talking points and bring your notes with you to the interview.

5,Keep your answers brief. Don't ramble; giving the interviewer a long-winded answer will bore them and they may tune out your response. A detailed, yet concise 20 second response shows the interviewer that you're confident and can communicate well.(原文)

How to Answer Common Job Interview Questions

1,Most interviews start with a question asking you to describe yourself. This question often trips people up because they think it's a call to get personal. The interviewer doesn't want to hear about where you were born and what your family is like. He doesn't want to hear a long-winded autobiography. Keep this response short and sweet, and laser-focused on how your experience relates to the position. While this question sounds like it's about you, it's really a chance for you to tell the interviewer what you can do for his company. Give a quick synopsis of your work history, mention an outstanding accomplishment and what you bring to the table.

2,Describing why you left your last job is an incredibly difficult question to answer. If you were fired or laid off, that truth can very easily torpedo your chances. The best route to take in answering this question is putting a positive spin on why you left and focus on the future. Avoid disparaging your boss or coworkers. Instead, talk about how you learned from a mistake or how you're looking for a challenging position that is more in tune with your career goals. Keep this answer brief and focused. Answer with confidence in your voice.

3,Interviewers want to ensure they're making a good decision when they hire someone. They don't want to regret it. If you're asked why the company should hire you, it is your chance to shine and show the interviewer what sets you apart from the rest. Point to your strongest attributes and what you can do that nobody else can. Don't give the tired old response about your work ethic or your people skills. Think about what makes you unique and use that as your main selling point. Think about it in terms of how you can solve a problem for the company.

4,Many companies use questions about salary as a way to screen out potential candidates. Don't name a price until you're actually offered the position. If you're asked a question about salary early in the game, the best approach is to show that you have an idea as to what the price range is, that you know what your worth, but you're also flexible and willing to negotiate. You might say, "I've done some research on this position and I'm willing to go with the fair market value for the job, but I'm willing to negotiate."

5,Most jobs require interaction with other people, and many companies take a team approach to getting the job done. Your interviewer will probably ask you questions about your ability to work with others. For example, you may get a question such as "Do you prefer working alone or with others?" Answer this question by showing your versatility and by offering a specific example of how you worked with others. Talk about a successful team research project or another team project example that highlights your ability to relate and communicate with others.(原文)

What to Say at Job Interviews

Employer Needs

Job candidates are often eager to tell prospective employers as much as they can about themselves and their backgrounds, which is important. What is more important, is showing how the candidate's skills sets can meet employer needs. Through background research, prospective candidates can determine what the company's goals are, learn about its customers and discover the company's expectations for the particular division, department or position the candidate is interested in.

Empowering Weaknesses

All job candidates have weaknesses and HR professionals and hiring managers understand this. You can turn your weaknesses into strengths during the job interview by taking a potentially negative question and answering it with care. For example, if you were to say, "I have been told that my attention to detail can sometimes cause me to take longer to complete a project than it does for other people," your response can be looked upon favorably if accuracy is critical to the job. If you are applying for a position in a high-paced, creative field, the following statement may be well received: "I know that I can have a tendency to overlook some details when I'm working under a tight deadline." Anticipate possible questions before your next job interview.

Behavioral Interviews

Behavior based interviewing is a technique that is increasingly common among hiring managers. This interviewing method is designed to help employers understand what candidates have accomplished or how they reacted in a particular situation. Should your interviewer not take this approach, you may find it helpful when answering questions. For instance, if asked about your customer service skills, you might reply, "I can tell you about a very challenging customer situation I faced and how I resolved it." You show initiative and demonstrate poise by tackling a potentially difficult question before it can be asked.

Relevant Questions

Toward the end of the job interview, candidates are usually given the opportunity to ask questions. Those questions should reflect what you culled from your earlier research and can include questions about the work climate, the expectations for the position, what a successful performance would look like and how this position can contribute to the success of the organization. Generalized questions should not be asked at this time nor should questions about pay, benefits and time off from work.(原文)

[How to Interview for a Job—外企面试技巧]