
学人智库 时间:2018-01-13 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

We spend so much of our careers doing good work, meeting interesting people, and learning new skills. But it really all starts with one moment: the interview. 在人们的职业生涯中要花很多时间去做好工作、结识有趣的人和学习新技能。 但是这一切都是以“面试”开始的。

Once you get there, you need to be able to package everything together for a nice, neat presentation that’s memorable in exactly the right way. 一旦要进行面试,你需要能够将自己的一切本领进行包装,以给人们一次干净漂亮、能留下一个自己所希望的印象的展示。

Here are five mistakes a lot of people make -- even people who are great at doing interviews:


1. Not preparing for a phone interview


Most hiring managers screen candidates on the phone before they bring the candidate in for an interview. This is to make sure there aren’t any glaring problems. 大部分负责招聘的人员在邀请面试前会通过电话进行预筛选来确保不会出现突出问题。

A phone interview saves time. If you can’t get the answers to basic questions right on the phone, there’s no point in interviewers watching you botch those questions in person. Also, the hiring manager is looking for you to make a mistake that would rule you out. For example, not knowing that you shouldn’t take a call with a screaming baby in the background. So instead of thinking of the phone interview as a precursor to the real thing, think of it as something you can prepare for. 电话面试节约了时间。如果在电话里你都不能把一些基本问题讲清除,那么就没有当面让你回答它们的必要。同样,招聘人员还在挑你的毛病来把你剔除。例如,(你)不懂得不该在有孩子大吵大闹的时候打电话。所以,你不要把电话面试当成是重头戏的“插曲前奏”(因此不重视它),而应该认为它是可以准备的东西。 (to be continued)


2. Misunderstanding the point of a face-to-face interview.


Hiring managers today have a lot of tools at their disposal to figure out if you’re qualified for a job. The Internet reveals your history, and often the content and quality of your work; LinkedIn (一个网站,专为商务人士建立联系而用) can provide a plethora of references from people who have worked with you, whether you actually provide them to the employer yourself or not. And a phone screen can give a sense of your verbal abilities. 如今招聘人员有很多办法判断是否你具备工作资格。他们可以在网上搜索到你的个人背景、工作内容和业绩。 LinkedIn 网站提供了来自和你共事的人们对你的大量评价,不管你有没有自己把这些提供给应聘者。电话面试也能体现出一个人的语言表达能力。

So what’s left? Whether or not you click with them --whether they like you. Remember that intangible thing that happens on a date when you decide if you like the person or not? The same thing happens with hiring. 那么剩下还有什么?就是你和他们是否一拍即合——他们是不是喜欢你。记得在约会时决定喜不喜欢对方时那一种无形的东西吗?在这方面,招聘和约会是一样的。

This is what the face-to- face interview is all about. So make a great first impression, and focus on making sure the interviewer likes you. 这就是面对面面试的目的。 所以要给别人一个绝好的第一印象,注意一定要去让面试官喜欢你。
