
学人智库 时间:2018-01-12 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


[warehouse keeper working rules]

1, arrived at work on time, to inspect the warehouse after the inspection, check whether there are suspicious signs, found that the situation in a timely manner.

2, do a good job in the safety of the warehouse, sorting out the work, often clean the warehouse, a reasonable pile of goods, timely inspection of fire, dangerous hidden dangers.

3, responsible for the whole hotel materials received, sent, save work. Must be strictly according to the approved purchase orders according to the quality, quantity and acceptance, according to invoice name, specification, model, unit, quantity, price, etc. for acceptance procedures, such as does not conform to the quality requirements, to resolutely return, strictly the quality pass.

4, after the acceptance of materials, must be according to category, fixed position, put, put, pay attention to keep good channel, do tidy, beautiful. Truthfully fill in the goods card, the goods card should be placed in a prominent position. For the entry of the goods, should be marked on the packaging of the hotel, storage time and batch number.

5, responsible for perishables, food material acceptance and supervision, strict quality, acceptance number, catty enough amount of goods, except according to actual weight acceptance should be asked to supply complement.

6, delivery, in accordance with the principle of advanced first out processing, strict examination and approval procedures are complete, strict verification and approval of the signature style, for the procedure is not the whole person, all refused to send.

7, pay attention to the stock of all items in the warehouse, to reduce the inventory as the principle, according to the actual usage, science and the development of the stock of all items, and accordingly a week to make the purchasing plan.

8, the backlog of material warehouse and departments long-term recipients of the goods, timely reflect and urged all relevant numen as soon as possible.

9, goods export and import to make timely registration of accounts, so you can check out the balance.

10, it accounted for the documents in a timely manner, on the same day to clean up.

11, do a good job at the end of the warehouse inventory procedures, the end of the month end inventory numbers, reported to the relevant departments.

12, it is strictly prohibited to borrow goods warehouse, forbidden to buy goods from suppliers, is strictly prohibited, intentionally or unintentionally, to suppliers ask for property, is strictly prohibited and the use of Department of collusion, damage the interests of the hotel, is strictly prohibited in league with the supplier, buyer, damage the hotel interests.

[procurement staff working rules]

1, all kinds of hotel supplies procurement task completed and within budget do goods than three, merit based selection, increase income and reduce expenditure, to control costs.

2, in the business activities engaged in procurement to law-abiding, stresses credibility, not bribes, bribery, honesty and self-discipline, and suppliers to establish good relations, under the principle of equality and mutual benefit, to carry out business activities.

3, the buyer must always know the quality of their own goods purchased, and the use of the views of the department.

4, the buyer must always understand the market, to grasp the supply channels, reduce the supply chain, so as to be able to meet the requirements of the use of goods in the quality, quantity, price and procurement costs.

5, the buyer has the obligation to recommend the use of the use of new products

6, the buyer has the obligation to the warehouse and the use of the backlog of goods or long-term use of the goods, processing and marketing.

[computer staff working rules]

1, before going to work every day, check the server log, check the host room equipment is normal.

2, view office equipment.

3, daily maintenance work, required to do a good job record: time, place, processing results.

4, check all the equipment before work is normal, close office power equipment.

5, on time to complete the work report.

[computer operator maintenance operation code]

1, for the hardware failure, the first from the power to check, and then eliminate the law to find the problem. Can not solve the problem, immediately under the order, contact the engineering department.

2, for network failure, first through the check line, and then look at the network card, HUB, and finally check the computer settings.

3, for software failure, first check whether the change occurs, and then check the virus, the system crash requires hard disk format, must be in the use of the person in charge to participate in, and after the endorsement of the backup.

4, the impact of the use of the Department, the Department must be explained, in the case of conditions permit, the first to provide alternative equipment use, and run for the loan procedures
































