
学人智库 时间:2018-01-12 我要投稿
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  ﹝海南省 ﹞ 每逢端午,海南各处都会如中原一般举办龙舟竞渡等活动.在如今保存最为完好的古县治城垣定安,五百年历史的明成化古城门洞内,仍有两个石阶叠架着两条鲜艳、修长、昂扬的龙舟.海岛先人,端午时节,扛起龙舟,奔向大河,挥汗于南渡江中竞渡……历史就从一个个古色端午,时光交错着流淌到了今朝.素有"椰乡"之称的文昌,是宋庆龄的祖居地,临海傍河.自古以来,当地沿海沿河居民每逢端午,都会举办赛龙舟的活动,祈福求安.海南除了与内地相同的赛龙舟、吃粽子、挂菖蒲和艾草,还有一个海岛百姓都熟知的内容,就是洗龙水和洗草药澡.

  (hainan province) during the dragon boat festival, hainan general throughout the central plains will be held, such as dragon boat races and other activities. in todays best preserved ancient city wall governance dingan county, five hundred years the history of the ancient city of ming dynasty within the openings, there are still two stone mounted stacked two bright, slender, high-spirited dragon boat. island ancestors, the dragon boat festival season, picking up of the boat, toward the river, in ... ... history of the ancient color from a dragon boat festival, the running time staggered to today. known as "coconut township," said wen, is the ancestral home of soong ching ling, the sea along the riverside. since ancient times, the local coastal residents along the river during the dragon boat festival, will host the activities of the dragon-boat race, to pray for safety. hainan and the mainland in addition to the same dragon boat racing, eating dumplings, hanging calamus and wormwood, as well as an island people are all familiar with the content, that is, washing water and washing-long herbal bath.

  吃茶蛋 江西南昌地区,端午节要煮茶蛋和盐水蛋吃。蛋有鸡蛋、鸭蛋、鹅蛋。蛋壳涂上红色,用五颜六色的网袋装着,挂在小孩子的脖子上,意谓祝福孩子逢凶化吉,平安无事。

  eating tea eggs in nanchang jiangxi area on the dragon boat festival. eggs are eggs, duck eggs, goose egg. eggshell colored red collect with colorful net bag, hanging in the childs neck, means that the child wishes good luck, safe and sound.

  吃黄鳝 我国江汉平原每逢端午节时,还必食黄鳝。黄鳝又名鳝鱼、长鱼等。端午时节的黄鳝,圆肥丰满,肉嫩鲜美,营养丰富,不仅食味好,而且具有滋补功能。因此,民间有“端午黄鳝赛人参”之说。

  eating eel, on the dragon boat festival in china jianghan area eat eel. eel, also known as eel, long fish. dragon boat festival season eel is fat plump and tender delicious, nutritious, not only taste good, but for health function. therefore the public say "dragon boat festival eel better than ginseng".

  吃面扇子 甘肃省民勤县一带,端午节这天都蒸“面扇子”。面扇子用发面蒸制,呈扇形,有5层。每层撒上碾细的熟胡椒粉,表面捏成各种花纹,染上颜色,十分好看。这种食俗据说是由端午节制扇、卖扇、赠扇的风俗演变而来的。

  eating wheat flour food for fan shape, minqin county area of gansu province, on dragon boat festival day are steam "wheat flour food for fan shape." this diet custom is said to be evolved from the making and selling fan customs on dragon boat festival day.

  guangdong province, the dragon boat festival conghua county noon to burning eyes and wash hands after the spill on the road, known as the "send a disaster." dragon boat festival, people close to the temple from its advocacy of statues greet tour guide. wizards and water law, who posted at the expulsion of evil magic. dragon boat festival, childrens kite-flying, known as the "release calamity."