
学人智库 时间:2018-01-12 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】



After the match, Li describes the process admits: "You know, I always gave her a lot of pressure, though she has fighting back, but I finally succeeded." Asked about the motherland, the mood at the moment guess what, the Na said: "Everyone will be very excited, they have been supporting me." "Although I was nervous, but I do not want competitors to know. So I am very deceptive." Subsequently, China Jinhua laugh: "This is great fifteen days. "and also praised the Asian rivals a sister:" Her performance today deserve this championship. "runner-up veteran Schiavone of Italy took the lead on to the stage, she first expressed congratulations on the Li : "Today is very difficult, first of all congratulate Li, because she grew too fast this year, played great today and enjoy myself in it." Then she did not forget to thank the tournament organizers and the audience for each to . Subsequently, the Asia so far the only Grand Slam singles titles Lina Deng to speak Taiwanese, sent her quite general style of the Italian veteran and friend of the blessing: "Congratulations Schiavone had a wonderful two weeks." Immediately, Li went on to say thanks: "Thank you, sponsors, organizers and caddies Thank you, thank my team." At this point, Li Na of Hubei, then suddenly said "Happy Birthday" and then she explained that it was given to one of his friends in Hubei. Finally, Li stressed: "Thank you all, I think next year I will come."


李娜上台后,接受了冠军奖杯,在采访环节,李娜首先说道:“最终我还是拿到了澳网冠军,过去两次我都非常接近。首先我必须祝贺多米尼卡(齐布尔科娃),她表现得非常好,她的团队也非常出色,祝福你的未来也表现得更好。” 李娜继续说道:“现在我要感谢我的团队。谢谢我的经纪人,让我变得更富有了;感谢我的体能师,过去4年我都没怎么受伤,当然去年我摔倒了,但不是你的错,你的工作非常好;感谢卡洛斯,你的训练非常棒,我们在冬训真的非常累。”





李娜上台后,接受了冠军奖杯,在采访环节,李娜首先说道:“最终我还是拿到了澳网冠军,过去两次我都非常接近。首先我必须祝贺多米尼卡(齐布尔科娃),她表现得非常好,她的团队也非常出色,祝福你的未来也表现得更好。” 李娜继续说道:“现在我要感谢我的团队。谢谢我的经纪人,让我变得更富有了;感谢我的体能师,过去4年我都没怎么受伤,当然去年我摔倒了,但不是你的错,你的工作非常好;感谢卡洛斯,你的训练非常棒,我们在冬训真的非常累。” -


