
学人智库 时间:2018-01-11 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】




1、我国以2010年11月1日零时为标准时点进行了第六次全国人口普查。据统计,全国人口为1370536875人,读作( ),改写成用亿为单位并保留一位小数是( )亿人。

2、足球每个a元,买9个付了b元。用含有字母的式子表示应该找回的钱数是( )元。

3、A=2×5,B=3×5,A和B的最大公因数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。

4、( )m2=75dm2 1.3时=( )分

5、三角形的面积一定,它的底和高成( )比例。

6、( )÷5=( )10 = 八折 =( ): 20=(   )%

7、六年级有男生25人,女生20人,男生与全班人数的最简比是( )。

8、一个正方体的六个面分别代表数字1、2、3、4、5、6,任意掷一下正方体,落下来后,朝上的数字是合数的可能性是(   ),是奇数的可能性是( )。

9、甲、两地的实际距离是240千米,画在比例尺是1:8000000的地图上,应画( )厘米。

10、六年级同学栽种40棵树苗,死了5棵,成活率是( )。

11、圆柱体比与它等底等高的圆锥大6立方米,圆锥的体积是( )立方米。


1、把13 ×6=19 ×18改写成比例是( )。

A.13 : 19 = 6 : 18 B. 13 : 18 = 19 : 6 C. 19 : 6 = 18 : 13

2、7米长的铁丝平均分成8段,每段占全长的( )。

A.17 B.78 C.18

3、小英家位于学校的东偏北30°,那么学校位于小英家的( )。

A.西偏南60 ° B.北偏东30° C.西偏南30°

4、苹果树比梨树少,那么梨树是苹果树的( )。

A.54 B.65 C.56

5、一项工程,甲乙两队合作20天完成,已知甲乙两队的工作效率之比为4:5,甲队单独完成这项工程需要( )天。

A.40 B.36 C.45



0.56+0.4= 0.6÷0.06= 35 ÷20%= 6-6×0.5=

13 - 15 = 45×715 =    0.25×0.4=    25÷15×0=

234-199=      1-115 =      4.08÷4= 3+7-3+7=

2、求未知数x ( 8分)

X-0.75=34       12.5 : 0.25=X : 1.6


48×913 —35÷139 8.5—(6.5+4.8)÷2.6



⑴ 以虚线为对称轴,画出小树的另一半。

⑵ 再将整个图形向右平移5格。

⑶ 最后画出将平移后的图形绕小树的下端点顺时针旋转90°的图形。




1、长城小学六年级有45人,五年级有60人。两个年级人数的总和正好占全校人数的512 。全校有多少人?





⑴ 这是( )统计图。

⑵ 山地占总面积的( )%。

平原 盆地19% ⑶ 高原的面积是96万平方千米,我国领土的总面积

12% 是( )万平方千米。

⑷ 丘陵的面积是( )万平方千米。

10% ⑸ 平原的面积比高原多( )%。



一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容,将序号填入题前括号内。(听两遍)(每小题一分,共8分)

( )1 A. laugh B. large C. night D. fight

( )2. A. thank B. thirty C. thirsty D. think

( )3. A. breakfast B bread C. heavy D. great

( )4 A. some B. come C. same D. Sam

( )5. A. what B. water C. wash D. watch

( )6. A. other B. mother C. brother D. over

( )7. A. learn B. listen C. lesson D. little

( )8. A. make noise B. make planes C. make kites D. make puzzles

二、听录音,判断下列图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“√ ”,不相符的打“× ”。(听两遍)(每小题一分,共8分)

三、 听录音,根据所听内容,给图片标号(听两遍)(每小题一分,共8分)


( )1.A. He was in the classroom. B.He was in Miss Li’s home.

C. He was in the teachers’ office.

( )2.A. It’s the first of June. B. It’s the thirty-first of June.

C. It’s the thirty-first of May.

( )3.A. It’s Nancy’s B. It’s Miss Li’s. C. We don’t know.

( )4.A. On the 2nd of June. B. On the 3rd of June.

C. On the 4th of June.

( )5. A. Because he likes to collect stamps.

B. Because he wants to send(寄) a postcard.

C. Because he wants to send a letter.

( )6.A. Mike . B. Gao Shan. C. David.

笔试部分 ( 70分)


1.Yang Ling ________ better than Su Yang.

2. The man is ________ than the girl.

3.-What’s that on the ________ ? –Sorry, I don’t know.

4. Jack is ___________ at English.

5. My fax _________ is 86-025-3277909.


1.Last week, we went on an outing, we were all_________.

2. Jack is the first to_______ every morning.

3.You should be quite_____________.

4. She sings_______ than me.

5. I am going to see a play_________.

1 This is Kate’s class. ___ is Miss Williams.

2 Jim is hungry. So his mother is __________.

3 We have Chinese, Maths, English and some_________.

4 Today is Children’s Day. Everyone is ________.

5 Mike is showing his stamps to__________.


1. There are two (Englishman /Chinese) in the English club.

2. What would you like? I’d like ________(to buy/buying) two kilos of potatoes.

3. Where were you_________?(last week/ next week)? I was on holidays.

4. The_________(thief /policeman) is catching the thief, but the thief is running faster than him.

5. I like making snowman with my friends in________(winter /summer).

6. Look!Wang Bing is sitting behind Gao Shan. Because Gao Shan is _________(taller /shorter) than Wang Bing.

7. _________(Who’s /Whose) stronger, your father or your uncle?

8. __________(How far /How old) is the KFC from here?

9.__________(How /What) a beautiful flower!

10. I have no money. So I must go to the _________( Bank of China /map of China) to get some.


( )1. -How much are these pineapples? - eight yuan.

A. They’re B. It’s C. Their

( )2. ____the picture. Can you a desk?

A. Look at, see B. see, see C. Look, see

( )3. present is for me? This one that one?

A. What, or B. Whose, and C. Which, or

( )4. It’s time breakfast now.

A. for B. to C. have

( )5. -How the blue shoes? -It’s nice.

A. much B. about C. many

( )6. - .Where is the toilet? - , I don’t know.

A. Excuse me, Sorry B. Sorry, Excuse me C. Sorry, Sorry

( )7. -You all listen to me in class. What’s my job? - You are a .

A. policeman B. teacher C. driver

( )8. Yang Ling is a girl. She reads English .

A good; good B well; well C. good; well

( )9.---- is it today?

---- It’s the second of May.

A What time B What day C What date

( )10.---- What did you do last Sunday?

---- I a Beijing opera with my friends.

A see B went C saw


( )1、Who’s taller than David? A. No, he doesn’t .

( )2、Does Jim swim slower than David? B. It’s over there.

( )3、Where’s the bus stop? C. Gao Shan is.

( )4、How can I get there? D. I like summer best.

( )5、Which season do you like best? E. Yes, speaking.

( )6、What for? F. I want to draw a picture.

( )7、Hello. Is that Liu Tao? G. Take bus No.5.

( )8、Can I help you? H. Only two.

( )9、How many stops are there? I. He’s ten.

( )10、How old is he? J. I’d like a skirt.


A: Excuse , how can I get to the _______ ________?

B: You can a bus.

A: Which bus?

B: No. 9.

A: the bus stop?

B: It’s over , near the Bank of China.

A: very much.

B: _________ at all.


A: Will you please give me the Australian stamp?

B: _________

A: I want to post it to my grandmother.

B: I see. __________


A: Collecting stamps and traveling around the world.

B: ___________

A: She lives in Beijing now.

B: ____________

A: Yes, she does. She writes to me once a month.


Tim is Bill’s __1___ friend. He is eleven __2__ old. He is tall and __3__. He studies ___4____No1 Middle School in Nanjing. There are seven __5____ in his family. He has many hobbies:playing the violin , playing football and ___6___ the Internet. His favourite subject is Science. He likes the ___7___, so his cap and his schoolbag ___8____ blue. He likes ___9____ fish and drinking __10___ juice. His e-mail address isTim111@sina.com. His telephone number is 44-604-8376808.

( )1 A. good B. well C. better D. best

( )2. A. year B. thirty C. years D. new

( )3. A. short B. tall C. thin D. big

( )4 A. some B. at C. from D. to

( )5. A. men B. women C. people D. children

( )6. A. surf B. surfing C. surfs D. to surf

( )7. A. sea B. hill C. school D. zoo

( )8. A. is B. has C. are D. have

( )9.A. go B. going C. goes D. go to

( )10.A. apple B. apples C. an apple D. the apple
