
学人智库 时间:2018-01-11 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】

  [误] He found a large number of mistake in his homework.?

  [正] He found a large number of mistakes in his homework.?

  [析] a large number of + 复数名词,意为大量的。?

  last ?

  [误] This is the newest news.?

  [正] This is the latest news.?

  [析] 最新消息应为latest news,因为最晚到的新闻才是最新消息,请注意英语与汉语的区别。?

  last the last ?

  [误] I saw my brother the last week.?

  [正] I saw my brother last week.?

  [析] 当谈到与目前有关的上月、上星期等概念时只能用last month, last week, 而不能加定冠词,the last 可用于表示一系列词的最后一个,如: That was the last Christmas I spent at home. 但the last可以用来表示持续到现在的一个长时期,如: I am busy for the last week.?

  late ?

  [误] Yesterday I went home lately.?

  [正] Yesterday I went home late.?

  [析] late即可做形容词又可作副词;而lately则意为最近的,如: I havent seen her lately.?

  late latter later lately ?

  late有两个比较级,指时间较晚应用later,如口语中常讲: See you later. (一会见。)而latter则指按顺序讲的后者,或靠后的,其反意词为former,如: the former president(前总统)。又如: I can understand the latter part of the story. 而lately则意为近来、不久前。?laughed at by his classmates. 中的at是不可省掉的。?laugh over 则指笑着谈论某事,如 We laugh over the film. (我们笑着谈论那个电影。)?
