
学人智库 时间:2018-01-11 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】



  a.Good morning/afternoon/evening.


  How are you?

  b.Fine,thank you.And you?

  Very well,thank you.


  a.This is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms…/These are…and they are…

  b.How do you do?

  Nice/Glad to see/meet you.

  c.My name is…Im a student/worker etc.


  a.I think its time for us to leave now./Im afraid I must go now.


  See you later/tomorrow.(See you.)

  Good night.

  [注]晚上见面时,只能说Good evening,睡觉前要用Good night来告别。

  4.打电话Making telephone calls

  a.Hello! May I speak to…?

  Is that…(speaking)?

  b.Hold on,please.

  This is…speaking.

  He/She isnt here right now/at the moment.

  Can I take a message for you?

  c.I called to tell/ask you…


  5.感谢和应答Thanks and responses

  a.Thank you(very much)。

  Thanks a lot.

  Many thanks.

  Thanks for…

  b.Thats very nice of you.

  Its very kind of you to say so/do it.

  Thank you all the same.

  c.Not at all.

  Thats all right./Its my pleasure.

  Youre welcome./Thats OK.

  6.祝愿、祝贺和应答Good wishes,congratulations and responses

  a.Good luck!

  Best wishes to you.

  Have a nice/good time.


  Happy birthday to you.

  b.Thank you.

  [注]回答对方只是对自己某一方面时,用Thank you.而共有的节日要用The same to you.

  c.Happy New Year!

  Merry Christmas!

  d.The same to you.


  Im going to…

  I will…

  Id like to…

  I want/hope to…

  8.道歉和应答Apologies and responses

  a.Im sorry.(Sorry.)

  Im sorry for/about…

  Excuse me.

  b.Thats all right.

  It doesnt matter.

  Thats nothing.

  Never mind.

  9.遗憾和同情Regrets and sympathy

  What a pity!

  Im sorry to hear that.

  10.邀请和应答Invitations and responses

  a.Will you come to…?

  Would you like to…?

  b.Yes.Id love to…

  Yes.Its very kind/nice of you.

  c.Id love to.But…

  11.提供帮助和应答Offers and responses

  a.Can I help you?/May I help you?

  What can I do for you?

  Here,take this/my…/Here you are.

  Let me…for you.

  Would you like some…?

  b.Thanks.That would be nice/fine.

  Thank you for your help./Thank you for helping me.


  c.No,thanks/thank you.

  Thats very kind of you,but…

  12.请求允许和应答Asking for permission and responses

  a.May I…?

  Can/could I…?


  Yes,do please.

  Of course(you may)。

  Thats OK/all right.

  c.Im sorry,but…

  Youd better not.

  13.表示同意和不同意Expressing agreement and disagreement

  a.Certainly/Sure/Of course.


  Yes,I think so.

  Thats true.

  All right/OK.

  Thats a good idea.

  I agree(with you)。

  b.No,I dont think so.

  Im afraid not.

  I really cant agree with you.


  You may be right.

  14.表示肯定和不肯定Expressing certainty and uncertainty

  a.Im sure.

  Im sure(that)…

  b.Im not sure.

  Im not sure whether/if…


  15.喜好和厌恶Likes and dislikes

  a.I like/love…(very much)

  I like/love to…

  b.I dont like(to)…

  I hate(to)…

  16.谈论天气Talking about the weather

  a.Whats the weather like today?

  Hows the weather in…?

  b.Its fine/cloudy/windy/rainy…

  Its rather warm/cold/hot etc.today,isnt it?


  a.What can I do for you?May/Can I help you?

  b.I want/Id like…/Let me have…kilo/box…

  How much is it?

  Thats too much/expensive,Im afraid.

  Thats fine.Ill take it.

  c.How many/much do you want?

  What color/size/kind/do you want?

  d.Do you have any other kind/size/colour?

  18.问路和应答Asking the way and responses

  a.Excuse me,which is the way to…?

  Excuse me,can you tell me the way to…?

  How can I get to…?I dont know the way.

  b.Go down this street.

  Turn right/left at the first/second crossing.

  Its about…metres from here.