
学人智库 时间:2018-01-11 我要投稿
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  Myth: Fat is bad for us误区一:脂肪危害身体健康

  Real fat is not bad for us,’ says ,Harcombe. ‘It’s man-made fats we should be demonising. Why do we have this idea that meat is full of saturated fat, In a 100g pork chop, there is 2.3g of unsaturated fat and 1.5g of saturated fat.赫尔康比说:“天然脂肪不会危害身体健康,人工脂肪才应是我们敬而远之的。我们为何要断定肉类含有过多饱和脂肪?事实上,每100克猪排中含有2.3克不饱和脂肪和1.5克饱和脂肪。

  ‘Fat is essential for every cell in the body. In Britain [according to the Family Food Survey of 2008, we are deficient in the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E, which are responsible for healthy eyesight, bone strength, mental health, cancer and blood vessel protection and, therefore, heart health. We need to eat real fat in order for these vital vitamins to be absorbed into the body.’ 脂肪对于身体细胞来说至关重要。2008年英国家庭饮食调查显示,英国人体内缺乏脂溶性维生素A,D和E,而这类维生素恰恰可以保护视力和心理健康,强壮骨骼;同时防止癌症,保护心脑血管健康。为保证身体吸收这些必需的维生素,我们需要适量食用天然脂肪。

  Myth: We should eat more fibre误区二:多吃高纤食品

  For three decades, we have crammed fibre into our bodies to help us feel full and keep our digestive systems moving. This is not a good idea, says Harcombe.30多年以来,人们大量食用纤维类食物来制造饱腹感并让消化系统不断工作,然而赫尔康比说,这并不是一件好事。

  The advice to eat more fibre is put forward along with the theory that we need to flush out our digestive systems. But essential minerals are absorbed from food while it is in the intestines, so why do we want to flush everything out. Concentrate on not putting bad foods in. 基于清肠排毒这一说法,人们提出了多吃高纤食物的建议。但是食物中所含的人体必需矿物质都是在肠道中被身体吸收的,那么我们为什么要把所有东西都清洗一空啊。拒绝垃圾食品才是王道。

  Myth: You need to eat five portions of fruit and veg a day误区三:每日五蔬果

  ‘Five-a-day is the most well-known piece of nutritional advice,’ says ?Harcombe. ‘You’d think it was based on firm evidence of health benefit. Think again!赫尔康比说:“每日五蔬果的营养建议可谓家喻户晓。如果你认为有充足的证据来证实此建议有益身体健康,那么你就又错了!”

  Five-a-day started as a marketing campaign by 25 fruit and veg companies and the American National Cancer Institute in 1991. There was no evidence for any cancer benefit.’ “每日五蔬果的建议最早是由25家果蔬销售公司与美国国家癌症研究中心在1991年联合推出的营销策略。目前尚无证据表明它有抗癌作用。”

  Myth: Fruit and veg are the most nutritious things to eat 误区四:果蔬是最有营养的食物

  Apparently not. Harcombe allows that vegetables are a great addition to the diet — if served in butter to deliver the fat-soluble vitamins they contain — but fructose, the fruit sugar in fruit, goes straight to the liver and is stored as fat. 这个想法明显是错误的。赫尔康比表示,如果把蔬菜和黄油混合食用,将促进蔬菜所含的脂溶性维生素的吸收,从而达到更好的减肥效果。但是水果却并非如此,因为其中的果糖会直接进入肝脏,并囤积为脂肪。

  Fruit is best avoided by those trying to lose weight, says Harcombe, who adds: ‘Vitamins and minerals in animal foods — meat, fish, eggs and dairy products — beat those in fruit hands down.’ 赫尔康比说,减肥的人最好不要吃水果。她还补充道:“像肉类、鱼类、蛋类以及乳制品这些动物性食物中中所含的维生素和矿物质已经大大超过了水果中的含量。”
