
学人智库 时间:2018-01-11 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


the mid-autumn festival party fun hosts word

一、 舞蹈:《秋月舞韵》

one, dance: " moon dance "

二、 主持人出场

in two, the host appeared

(主持人甲)谢谢,谢谢**集团给晚会送来了如此热情奔放、充满活力的舞蹈, “**职工中秋联欢晚会——暨**歌手总决驯就在这欢快的《秋

man: thank you, thank you for * group to give the party sent so passionate, energetic dance, " * * workers the mid-autumn festival evening party -- and * singer always never tame in this cheerful " autumn


moon dance " pulled open heavy curtain.


female : leadership


male: dear colleagues


woman: dear friends, everybody


a: good evening.


female: the cool autumn, autumn moon is more round. follow the drummer, we jointly usher in the mid-autumn festival once a year.


man: when in bloom, the horizon altogether this time. in this 10 thousand reunion festival, we * family gather together, sharing the moon, all this beauty.


female: at this moment, the sky goddess in the moon must have slipped out, enviously watching us, ... ... because the temple was too lonely.


man: at this moment, in the palace of wu gang is probably holding the sweet-scented osmanthus wine worry about it, ... ... asked who drink wine? so he can only envy us.


girl: yes. it is because we have thousands on thousands of " homes for everyone " * * * * staff, is the large family of joy and peace; it is also because of the staff do not


unremitting efforts, only today**thriving and prosperous.


man: yes. the mid-autumn festival family reunion, is chinese nation's traditional custom. this play e*citing night of the mid-autumn festival, let all the people are immersed in the " thousands of miles of the moon were " happiness ...


female: however, but how many * staff includes today we present here some staff are still far away from the homeland, away from my family, can not be reunited with their families, who struggle throughout the production line,


create another brilliant.


man: yeah, we should make the most sincere blessings to them.


woman: the best blessing or by president to send. please company president mr mid-autumn mr *.


in three, the speech of president


in four, the rules of the game and players


female: this evening by * *, * *, * *, * * * * * * * sponsors jointly and. ( followed by the introduction of each group .)


man: this is a very special person, they are invited to a party of* * * *handsome boys, welcome you.


female: in today's party leadership: * * * * to managers.


man: yeah, what a and a - harmonic scenes.


woman: to join general runoff election with 13 singers, they are after all units " sea training out of the master.


male: tonight's game will be three rounds, the first round of the 13 into the 6, from the 13 singers selected 6 advanced to the second round, and then 6 in 3, from the 6 players selected 3 in the total runoff, decide the crown, asia, season


army each one.


female: the game does not set professional judges, composed of 5 hosts each choose 10 people is composed of 50 judges mission, the public vote.


male : voting rules: to be fair, this unit judges not to cast their own player unit, we will have 5 units with different colors and the distinction, stick out a mile. if the vote
