
学人智库 时间:2018-01-11 我要投稿
【meiwen.anslib.com - 学人智库】


  (事) thing:An event,a fact,a subject.

  He talked of many interesting things.

  (事情) matter:Seth that you have to deal with,something to be discussed,thought over.

  There are several matters to be dealt with at the meeting.

  (事务 责任) business:A special duty,something that has to be done.

  Public business is every one's business.

  (事务) affair:An event or set of connected events. (pl) private and personal life.

  I have many affairs to look after.

  (事件) event:An important happening. Events such as birthdays and anniversaries are often celebrated.

  Do you know the chief events of 1986.

  incident:Not as important as an event. Incidents seldom are celebrated. Sometimes an event becomes an incident after many years have passed.

  (偶然事件) happening:An occurrence,and sometimes an unusual one.

  There have been strange happenings here lately.

  (偶发事件) occurrence:An incident that is usually unexpected and has not been planned ahead of time.
