
学人智库 时间:2018-02-10 我要投稿
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  1 The high-speed trains can have a majorimpact on travel preferences.

  A force

  B influence

  C surprise

  D power

  答案:B 名词。impact“影响”,influence与其同义,故选B。本句意为:高铁会对旅游偏好产生严重影响。force“力量;压力”;surprise“惊奇;惊讶”;power“权力”。

  2 Can you follow the plot?

  A change

  B investigate

  C write

  D understand

  答案:D 动词。本句意为:你懂这情节吗?此句中follow意为“领悟;能理解”,understand与此同义,故选D。change“改变”;investigate“调查;研究”;write“写”。

  3 Even in a highly modernized country, manual work is still needed.

  A physical

  B mental

  C natural

  D hard

  答案:A 形容词。本句意为:即使在一个高度现代化的国家,仍然需要体力劳动者。此句中manual“手工的;体力的”,而physical“身体(上)的”,两者同义,故选A。mental“精神的”;natural“自然的”;hard“困难的”。

  4 In the latter case the outcome can be serious indeed.

  A result

  B judgment

  C decision

  D event

  答案:A 名词。outcome“结果”,result同义,选A。judgment“判断;裁决”;decision“决定”;event“事件;项目”。

  5 Norman Blamey is an artist of deep convictions.

  A statements

  B beliefs

  C suggestions

  D claims

  答案:B 名词。conviction“信念;信仰”,belief“信仰”,故选B。statement“声明;陈述”;suggestion“建议”;claim“要求;声称”。

  6 Up to now, the work has been easy.

  A So

  B So long

  C So that

  D So far

  答案:D 短语。up to now“至今,迄今”,so far“迄今为止;到目前为止”,故选D。so“如此;这么”;so long“再见”;so that“以便;所以”。

  7 The report advocated setting up day training colleges.

  A supposed

  B excited

  C suggested

  D discussed

  答案:C 动词。advocate“提倡;主张”;suppose“假设;认为”;excite“激起;刺激”;suggest“建议;提议”;discuss“讨论”,可知advocate与suggest同义,故选C。

  8 Accordingly, a number of other methods have been employed.

  A Therefore

  B Afterwards

  C However

  D Furthermore

  答案:A 连词。accordingly“因此,所以(表因果关系)”,故选项A therefore“所以”与此同义。afterwards“后来、然后”;however“然而;可是(表转折关系)”;furthermore“此外;而且(表递进关系)”。

  9 The outlook from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.

  A view

  B sight

  C look

  D point

  答案:A 名词。outlook“景色”,view“风景”,故选A。本句意为:山顶上的风景令人叹为观止。选项四个单词的意思都很相近,易混淆。sight“视觉;视野”;look“看;样子”;point“要点”。

  10 Our lives are intimately bound up with theirs.

  A tensely

  B nearly

  C carefully

  D closely

  答案:D 副词。intimately“熟悉地;亲密地”,closely“紧密地;亲切地”,两者意思相近,选D。本句意为:我们的生活与他们紧密联系。tensely“紧张地”;nearly“差不多;几乎”;carefully“仔细地”。

  11 The union representative put across her argument very effectively.

  A explained

  B invented

  C considered

  D accepted

  答案:A 短语。put across“阐明;讲清楚”,explain“说明;解释”,故选A。本句意为:工会代表有效地阐明了她的论点。invent“发明”;consider“考虑”;accept“接受”。

  12 He talks tough but has a tender heart.

  A heavy

  B strong

  C kind

  D wild

  答案:C 形容词。tender“温柔的;体贴的”,如 a tender heart“一颗温柔的心”。heavy“沉重的”;strong“坚强的”;kind“亲切的;和蔼的;体贴的”;wild“野蛮的”,故kind与tender同义,选C。

  13 It is no use debating the relative merits of this policy.

  A making

  B taking

  C discussing

  D expecting

  答案:C 动词。debate“辩论;讨论”,discuss与此同义,故选C。make“制作;制造”;take“拿;获得”;expect“期待”。

  14 Our statistics show that we consume all that we are capable of producing.

  A waste

  B buy

  C use

  D sell

  答案:C 动词。consume“消费;用掉”,use与此同义,选C。waste“浪费”;buy“购买”;sell“卖”。

  15 The fuel tanks had a capacity of 140 liters.

  A function

  B ability

  C power

  D volume

  答案:D 名词。capacity“能力;容量”。本句意为:油箱的容量为140升。因此在这句话中,capacity意为“容量”,volume“量;体积”,故选D。这题易错选B ability“能力”,是capacity的同义词,但在此句中capacity意为“容量”,不能替换。function“功能”;power“力量;权力”。




  Once upon a time there was a great Greek hero, Hercules. He was taller and stronger than anyone you have ever seen. On his shoulder he carried a club and in his hand he held a bow (弓). He was known as the hero of a hundred adventures.

  Hercules served a king. The king was afraid of him. So again and again he sent him on difficult tasks. One morning the king sent for him and told him to fetch three golden apples for him from the garden of the Singing Maidens (歌女). But no one knew where the garden was.

  So Hercules went away. He walked the whole day and the next day and the next. He walked for months before he saw mountains far in the distance one fine morning. One of the mountains was in the shape of a man, with long, long legs and arms and huge shoulders and a huge head. He was holding up the sky. Hercules knew it was Atlas, the Mountain God. So he asked him for help.

  Atlas answered, "My head and arms and shoulders all ache. Could you hold up the sky while I fetch the golden apples for you?"

  Hercules climbed the mountain and shouldered the sky. Soon the sky grew very heavy. When finally Atlas came back with three golden apples, he said, "Well, you are going to carry the mountain forever. I'm going to see the king with the apples." Hercules knew that he couldn't fight him because of the sky on his back. So he shouted:

  "Just one minute's help. My shoulders are hurting. Hold the sky for a minute while I make a cushion (垫子) for my shoulders."

  Atlas believed him. He threw down the apples and held up the sky.

  Hercules picked up the apples and ran back to see the king.

  16 Hercules was the tallest man in the world

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  答案:A 定位于第一段Once upon a time there was a great Greek hero, Hercules. He was taller and stronger than anyone you have ever seen.意为“他比你所见到的任何人都更高更强。”与题目相同,选A。

  17 Hercules worked in the king's garden

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  答案:C 定位于第二段Hercules served a king.赫拉克勒斯为国王服务。但文中未提及他在具体在哪里为国王服务,故题目中的信息是未提及,选C。

  18 Hercules was given many difficult tasks because the king wanted to get rid of him.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  答案:A 定位于第二段The king was afraid of him. So again and again he sent him on difficult tasks.意为“国王害怕他,因此一次又一次地派他去执行困难的任务。”与题目意思相近,选A。

  19 Atlas was the giant who held up the sky.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  答案:A 定位于第三段He was holding up the sky. Hercules knew it was Atlas, the Mountain God. So he asked him for help.与题目意思相同,故选A。

  20 Atlas ran faster than Hercules.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  答案:C 题目意为“阿特拉斯比赫拉克勒斯跑得快。”此信息在文章中没有提及,故选C。

  21 Atlas got the golden apples for Hercules because he wanted to be the king himself.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  答案:B 定位于第五段When finally Atlas came back with three golden apples, he said, "Well, you are going to carry the mountain forever. I'm going to see the king with the apples."可知阿特拉斯只是打算自己拿着苹果去见国王,并不是他想当国王,故选B。

  22 Hercules finally managed to get the apples by defeating Atlas

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  答案:B 定位于第五段Hercules knew that he couldn't fight him because of the sky on his back.意为“赫拉克勒斯知道他不能打败阿特拉斯,因为天在他的背上。”与题目的意思相反,“最终,赫拉克勒斯设法打败阿特拉斯,获得苹果。”,故选B。